The last day of August


I forget what these pretty vining flowers are called - 

They are about 3 years old and this spring, I transplanted them to a part of my front yard that has morning sun and afternoon shade and they are thriving. 

The taller sunflowers are starting to bloom but their flower head is smaller than usual. 

The raised bed has some sunflowers I planted - not the Russian Mammoth but these are a mixture - and not the yellow - they should be orange and browns.

 I've never planted this type before and I am looking forward to it. 

And hopefully, by the end of Sept, the patio will finally be completed. The husband goes back to the foot doctor on Sept 17.  Maybe a week of work...

This time last year I was busy crafting away - I had turned a room in my home, for crafts and sewing. Then my adult kids were flooded out of their apartment and lived with us for 1 month. So I packed it all up. When they left, it was close to Christmas - and then one thing led to another and I never got around to it. Then the pandemic and depression and just more excuses. 

I hope things will change for me soon. 


  1. It's a struggle for me also. I've forced myself to do a couple of things and it seems to help!

  2. Pretty flowers and let's hope September is a good month more or less
