Meet Sol and Luna

Aww, look at those precious faces. This is from the weekend when it rained. 

Their names have been revealed. 

Meet Sol and Luna.

Yesterday, 21 years ago, Michael passed away -   I spent the day like any other day. Although I was keenly aware of this anniversary, it no longer consumes me. I have come a long way since those years of grief, and I am thankful I am no longer stuck in that dark, difficult place anymore. I do miss him, and I KNOW I will see him again, and that gives me hope. 


Foodie called me yesterday afternoon to inform me that there was a domestic violence incident across the street from his residence. He was present at the scene when it all occurred. A man and woman were engaged in a heated argument over child support. The man then began to threaten the woman and the neighborhood -  the police arrived quickly - and deployed a K-9 unit to flush him out of the bushes -   Then, he threatened suicide.  After the police subdued him, with rubber pellets he was transported to the hospital for a 5150, which is a 3-day hold for a mental evaluation. The woman was crying - he said it was a hot mess. Meanwhile, the very young child was in the house - CPS was there to take the child. 

He has a fairly safe neighborhood - sad that domestic violence can be in any neighborhood. 

The Golden Years

In the last week, it seems all I have heard about are deaths, hospitalizations,  and illnesses. I guess that is the norm as I venture through these "golden years." I better get used to it. A lady in my group lost her husband 2 days ago. We had prayed last week that his passing would be peaceful. I saw her today, and she was incredibly brave.  She said it was a relief due to this lengthy illness. He was a former Pastor who had served for 40 years. She battled breast cancer through all of this. 

Does your church have a name for its senior group? 

Seems churches are trying to be age-sensitive. I'm not offended if they want to call us "seniors." I'm surprised there isn't a church that doesn't call us the Methuselah Fellowship. All this tiptoeing because of our age is silly. Don't they think we already KNOW we're getting older? 

Here are a few "senior groups" around town:

The Classics

Senior Saints

EPIC (Experienced people in Christ) 

Diamond Fellowship (Bethel-Redding) 


I am excited to have dinner with Navy on Saturday. Apart from that, I do not have anything planned. The temperatures are pumping upwards - they're saying we might hit 100 by Tuesday. Poor Foodie's AC is being replaced. It's been causing him nothing but problems on and off  - they won't be able to get it all installed until next week. So he's without AC!  

Well, he did say, he believes he was born in the wrong generation. hehehehe!

Take Care 



  1. Sending you huggs. It's nice to read how you are today and to be able to hear how much it hurt before. True about the passing of folks. I'm glad the lady's husband is no longer in pain.

    1. Yes, it was a terrible time for the whole family, and they were well prepared.

  2. That cartoon is hilarious! Our church is almost all seniors! Some people call us a greying church. Sol & Luna look adorable, even totally drenched.

    1. We're half and half, and they want more young families because, let's face it, they are the future!
      I know those drenched eaglets are adorable.

  3. I love the cartoon!
    Sad about the event near Foodie.
    I hope Army doesn't get too hot in the next few days.
    21 years, so long... I'm thankful that you will see him again!

    1. I had a policeman friend who told us one time that domestic violence calls are unpredictable and can be the most dangerous.

  4. I am loving the looks of and the names of Sol and Luna! good job on the names. domestic violence has been since the beginning of time and always will be. the one good thing is now more people are aware and unlike a few years ago, it is not accepted that is ok to beat your wife. that is what always amazed me about domestic violence, that the world thought women could be owned and beaten and nothing wrong with it.
    of course now we have women beating husbands.
    about this heat. YIKES 90 degrees in May, this is July weather and I am thinking we will be in the triple digits for July/Aug/Sept. AC always breaks on the hottest day of the year. that has happened to us 4 times in the past few years.

    1. Like it or not, the extreme heat is a'coming!

  5. Cute. Sol and Luna suit them.
    Time does heal our wounds but never the pain of loss. This next August my Mom has been in her eternal Home for 58 years. Still hurts sometimes.
    Hope y'alls heat won't be triple digits. Yipes!
    Have a great day. 💙

    1. That's a long time to be missing someone. Michael was 25 when he passed, so in 2028, it will be as long as he was alive on Earth. That's a trip!

  6. Love the photo of Sol and Luna..they are so cute in their drenched state.
    I agree about this last week being filled with sadness, and outright pain. We suffer from a wayward grandchild, friend threatening suicide, death of a friend and its goes on. Hugs and prayers for all.
    Today its suppose to reach 90F while I'm doing my elder-care stint at my friends home. Always makes it hard.

    1. I'm even hearing of young people dying - or having bad accidents. Maybe as we get older, we notice this more. All I know is that I hope we are the generation that gets to see Jesus when He comes for us.

  7. Nice to meet Sol and Luna, looking all washed out.
    Domestic violence happens far more then most people realise

    1. Oh yes, I know. People hide their secrets well.

  8. Several people we know have passed away in the last few months. Nice to meet Luna and Sol.

    1. Both my sons work at care facilities and they see death all the time.

  9. My niece passed away twelve years ago this week. Anniversaries are hard, but not as sharp as they once were. The hope we have in Christ is a beautiful thing and a comfort in our grief. Take care.

    1. Aww I’m sorry for your loss.
      You’re right. Anniversaries are hard but lessen as time goes by if we just trust God.

  10. I like that picture of Sol & Luna. Thankfully the pain of loss eases over the year. Sometimes it hits hard, but not the I want to die type feeling when they first pass on. We will be in the 80's next week and we know that more 100 days will be coming in the summer. We have solar power and it will allow us to run the air a little bit more. Our church calls it Senior Fellowship and that is fine with us. I was 38 when I started going to my church. My oldest was 11 when we started going. He met his wife there and now their daughter who is 13 plays on the worship team. Time sure goes by fast!

    1. Aren’t they the cutest!
      That’s great that you have solar! We had looked into it but they wanted to cut down my trees! No way! My dad planted those trees which a big and beautiful.
      That’s nice that you have been at church for that long - and now your grandchildren! Very special!

  11. In my church we are just called "Seniors" and no one seems to care. What lovely names for the babies.

    God bless.

    1. Yeah like, what’s the big deal but people get all offended if you call them seniors. When I finally hit that age, I was like, “where’s my senior discount?” 😛

  12. Once we had a guy throw his girlfriend up against the garage door across the street from us. I called the police and she said nothing happened. Her own dad called the police again days later after he broke her leg. I hope he rots in hell. He almost tried to kill his own wife with a gun. The house is now owned by sweet cousins who only come back in the Summer form Texas. Happy Mother's Day! Janice

    1. It’s hard to witness. In my first marriage we were living in a duplex. We would hear the couple next to us have arguments that would wake up my babies. One day, we get a frantic knock on our front door - she’s asking for help. Then her husband is chasing her. We call the police - they come and she then says it was nothing. It was so frustrating. Afterward we talked with the police where they told us, it happens a lot. My sister and my niece were domestic violence survivors.

  13. Debby, I want to say I'm sorry for so many things on your post today - your dear Michael's passing 21 years ago, your son being present with all the madness in his neighborhood, and the poor man's mental state. I hope he gets the help that he needs, and I hope everyone involved is Ok. And also, the lady in your group who lost her husband.

    I think that's great that you are not sensitive to getting older and don't mind being called senior citizens. There are benefits that come with aging, and I am thankful to by my age; my dad passed away around my age. I like that group name, "The Classics." Have a wonderful time at dinner with Navy. And those wet birds sure are cute, and you can see their distinctive beaks already. It's getting warmer here too.

    Have a good weekend, Debby.


    1. I like the classics too!
      Yes I’m looking forward to dinner with my son and his wife later this afternoon. Supposed to be 91 today which seems so hot when we first hit the 90’s. By mid July, we’ll wish it was only 91.
      Happy Mothers Day, Sheri. I hope it is a happy one. My sons work so my husband will take me out TGIT breakfast ! 🥞
