April - From My House Update

Looks like more rain in the forecast. We've had a week or more of beautiful warm spring weather. The husband mowed the lawns - the ground was so soggy, much like a swamp but without the alligators - it had to be done. We have a snail and slug infestation and with the long grasses, it only encouraged them. 

Gads, I detest those slimy creatures. 

They eat my plants - and are as gross as it gets. NEVER found them fascinating. I'd rather have snakes in my yard, than slugs and snails.  I am probably one of the few Northern Californians who refused to kiss a banana slug when at Outdoor Camp in the '60s. NO WAY!  

Anyway, they give me the freakin' willies -

I paid all the bills for the month and now we are trying to finish our taxes. We might have to pay this year, of course, I say this every year.  I am a bit disturbed about the proposed hike in the gas tax and the doubling of car registration from Jerry. When Grey Davis tried this, Californians united - both democrats and republicans recalled him. But then we got the Governator. They are saying we will be well over $3. a gallon by summer. Jerry will get this done. He wants that high-speed rail.

Okay, I need to just STOP dwelling on it. California is not the place to retire. Too doggone expensive.  No wonder, we can't afford to travel - just living here, paying taxes that keep going up and up, really eats into the budget. I keep telling my husband - that we may have to move once he retires in 5/6 years. He seems to think we will be fine.  I can't help but think, how much more extra fun money we would have if we moved to another state. I like Nevada or Arizona. I like the desert landscapes and hot dry temps. It works well for my bones. Plus, I don't do humidity.

We planted 3 redwood trees in the backyard on the hill.

Getting ready for Pesach with my husband's family and Easter with the adult kids. SIMPLE is BETTER or LESS is MORE. That is how I will embrace both of these events graciously.