Funky times.

Not much we can do, in the way of getting out, we're doing funky things in our yard. I had an old metal security screen door that was sitting to the side of our house - rusting away. I don't like to throw anything out. Of course, that drives my husband up a wall. IT may take me years, to figure out what to do with something, but it will eventually find a home.

Took off the hardware and used it on the backdoor which needed a lock. This area is going to be a garden area - it's small and it will be nice if I ever get it done.

The plants in the background, I am allergic to. So my husband cut them down and dug up the roots. I now have this long planter. I think this year I will just plant some sunflowers, so I can think about it for another season.

The rusted smoker in the background was my dad's. We're thinking of making it into a garden robot or maybe R2D2 if we get really creative.

The spot under the window has always been a trouble spot for me. Now when I am potting my plants,  my kitty (Susie) can sit and watch me from her garden window. The 3 wooden planters I found for FREE on the side of the road. I will stain them.

The front yard is blooming - my Aloe Vera plant and my nasturtiums.