Car Shows, Jury Duty, Adult ADHD, and the Next total Eclipse

We are approaching the time of year when the air is filled with toxic car exhaust. Hotels are fully booked, restaurants are crowded with diners, and there are numerous "show and shines" on the corner of every strip mall. 

It's called Kool April Nites. 

It can be hella hot, raining, or freezing cold. Usually all in the same week. 
The big event is in 9 days.

Still waiting around to be called for Jury Duty...

Before I get all indignant about waiting or being on call,  I remembered how things used to be. We would all have to sit in one big room for hours on end. Nowadays, at least we can call in and wait at home. Maybe some can go back to work as long as they can get to the courthouse. Today I was able to attend my bible study and a luncheon, which I wouldn't have been able to do years ago. So it's not that bad. 


Your group number has been completed as served. You do not need to report. Being on standby counts the same as reporting for service. You will not have to serve for at least the next 12 months. Thank you for your service.

We've been having some gorgeous spring weather with lots of sunshine. Today, it's 84 degrees outside. Yesterday morning, I sat in the sun for some color... I always feel much better mentally when I'm in the sun; it energizes me. Since we had so much rain during the rainy season, I need to get my energy level back. 

Adult ADHD 

Yesterday, I had to order two more Tiles for our car key/fobs. My husband misplaced his key again, and after an hour and a half of searching, I finally found it without the TILE tracker. I had to look for it manually. I checked the app to see if I could locate the key using the Tile tracker, but it showed that the Tile needed a new battery, probably because my husband left it outside somewhere. The other two new Tile trackers will be for our van key and the KIA. My husband misplaces the keys all the time, and he has not yet settled on a designated place for the things like his wallet and the key fobs. Sometimes, he leaves them on his dresser, sometimes on a bookshelf, or sometimes in coat pockets. This situation is frustrating for me, especially since the Tiles aren't cheap. However, I can't get too mad at him since he has ADHD. 

Adult ADHD symptoms may include: 

Disorganization and problems prioritizing 
Poor time management skills 
Problems focusing on a task 
Trouble multitasking 
Excessive activity or restlessness 
Poor planning 
Low frustration tolerance 
Frequent mood swings 
Problems following through and completing tasks 
Hot temper
 Trouble coping with stress

It could be worse. He tries so hard to "organize," but his brain thinks differently than mine, and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out his way. Then I get all mixed up. I spend a lot of time trying to re-organize his organized system since I do the bills and paperwork stuff. Mostly, I have everything online, so that is good. The excessive activity and restlessness is really him. The man doesn't know how to relax. He go-go-goes constantly. I can't keep up with him. He has to always be busy and while I can be like that too, there is a big difference between what is normal and what is ADHD! 

My two sons seem to be having some issues with each other lately. This is really unlike them as they have always been best friends. It seems that Navy is going through some tough times right now but I'm not sure what it is. He's been distancing himself from me as well. I could act like my mom and call him up in my most unpleasant voice and say, 

"What the hell is going on with you?"

Or I can give him the space he needs. I do know Navy is hurting because he and his wife cannot have children. While he wants to adopt, she does not. This has been a difficult situation for their marriage, and I can only pray for them. Although I have come to terms with the fact that I may not have grandchildren, it breaks my heart to see my son suffer. He would make a wonderful father, and it's hard for him to let go of that dream. He is 39. 

Then there is Foodie - he has been feeling lonely after some failed relationships with the wrong women. He says he has given up on finding love. He is 43 years old.

I hope that before I exit this world, that my sons find peace in their lives.

Speaking of Exiting this world...

I discovered that the next solar eclipse will happen on August 12, 2045, which means I will be 91 years old. Redding will be 100% total Eclipse. How cool is that? 

I plan to stick around for this one. 



  1. I love those old car shows. Same here for JD, used to be two weeks at the court house to serve or not be chosen, now one call night before to find out. I've thought i might have been adhd, but i only hit a few of those symptoms.

    1. They're okay. If you've seen one old car, you've seen them all.

  2. I am so sorry for your sons troubles! But happy that the jury duty had a good ending for you!

    1. I wanted to serve - it's on my bucket list. I just don't like the waiting around.

  3. I got called for Jury duty over a year ago. I told them I could not sit for long periods of time because of my sarcopenia. They released me and said I will probably need a doctor's not next time. We can opt out once we reach 70 and I am 68. I have some ADHD too, but more ADD now. I doubt I will be around for the next big eclipse which does land on my birthday.

    1. I'm 70 and no one told me that. I want to serve and I plan to call them and ask them to summons me again.

  4. Oh, I love the picture of the old classic cars. Would love to see it in person. I must confess I do not know what you are talking about with the "tiles" for the key fobs. Never heard of that. Re: hubby and ADHD issues. i used to think my hubby had that, and he probably did when he was younger, but now he is extremely set in a rigid time schedule that I find annoying when I want to live a little more "spontaneously". He does usually put his keys and wallet, etc. on his dresser, but once in a while he forgets and they end up in a jacket pocket or pants pocket and he is getting a bit forgetful about some things...but he's 76, and well, I forget a lot of stuff too these days. It's called "old-timer's disease". Anyway, praying for you and your situation as I can understand how frustrating it can be. Re: your sons. Praying for both of them. I am sorry for Navy and his wife, and I pray they can come to a mutual agreement on this subject. And re: Foodie...he is a lot like my youngest son. Same kind of situation, and also my older son and wife got married too late to have children and it's for the best for them at this point not to. I've given up hope of ever having any more grandchildren. We do have one, who is 24 and lives in Maine. He is the son of our deceased son, and we don't have much communication anymore, which is very painful to me. I've come to realize that not everyone gets to have those fuzzy warm happy experiences with little grandchildren running around and calling me grandma. With our one grandson, we've always lived too far apart to be able to have that much fun. We tried when he was young, but 1500 miles puts a damper on things. Praying for your sons, and my sons too. Actually, in this day and age, I'm not too sure I would want to see any little grandchildren having to grow up in this current society...things have really gotten way too crazy out there. (((hugs))) and love to you.

    1. A Tile is a location tracker.
      I think the reason my husband doesn't display many of the symptoms is his 20 years in the military. He is still "military" in how he thinks and does things. He folds his dirty laundry perfectly and places it neatly into the hamper! When we first married, I had to ask if those were clean clothes - that's how nice they looked. He has some idiosyncrasies but we all do.

  5. I'm sorry to read that they are struggling so. That really can break up a marriage, maybe they will work it out and find something that works for them both. Fingers crossed. And I hope Foodie doesn't give up on love. Keys in the same place makes the most sense. Mostly, now, the keys stay in my work bag, since I don't need to key in my hand to start the car anymore. So I mostly keep the keys in my bag.

    1. I have faith they will work it out. But yes, it is a hard blow to a marriage.
      My key fob, stays in my little purse. I never get it out.

  6. I'm sorry your sons are having a hard time. As moms, it hurts us too and we want to fix it!
    Glad your jury duty waiting is done.
    Next eclipse won't be near me. If I'm around, I'll be 85 so not likely to be traveling for it! :)

    1. I wish I could fix it, but they are grown men. How demasculinizing it would be for them if Mommy came in and fixed everything!

  7. Sometimes its really hard being a Mom, being available and keeping our mouths shut when we would really like to be involved. Been there too.
    ADD really does have issues. Some of our grandkids have it and it seems I am always caught off guard to their responses. We just aren't wired the same.
    Glad you were excused from Jury and can now get back to "normal" life.
    Sounds like the tracker device is a real help to your hubby's lost keys.

  8. Car shows can be fun. We usually attend any of our local ones when possible.
    I'm glad I don't have ADHD. I tend to be very organized and have a laser like focus on whatever needs to be done. Comes in handy when riding on two wheels. Being distracted there can be (and usually is) deadly.
    So sorry your sons are unhappy. The only thing I can advise is to give it to Jesus. He cares and heals all hearts, spiritual wounds and attitudes. I have to do that too. I have so many "scars" it was affecting my relationships. I'd be a hot mess without Him.
    Enjoy the lovely weather! We're getting lots of rain which is a good thing.

    1. I like order. So I have to organize in order for order. If I don't have that, I get all wonky.

  9. I love the look of old cars, so no jury duty for you, I guess that's a good thing and you are having nice weather. Two of my daughters believe they have adult ADHD, the above list applies to one more then the other. It's not nice when our children are pissed with each other

    1. Old classic cars are nice, but they are also an expensive hobby. I inherited a classic car, and I sold half to my sister.

  10. Sorry to hear about Navy. Hope he settles whatever it is soon.
    Oh my such a crowd in the first picture. Don't think I could cope with all those people!!! :)
    I'll be 93 when the next eclipse comes by and I'll be pretty far away from it.

    1. I don't care for the crowds either. I find people act out when there are crowds, and I don't want to be involved in any of that. We'll probably take in a small little show and shine - but not the big finale parade.
