Thursdays This and That.

It's already Thursday, and we're at the end of the month again. 
Time flies, doesn't it?

I had a phone meeting with the BSF ADMIN the other day, after playing phone tag for a while. She had sent me all the necessary paperwork and application to fill out beforehand. We had an insightful conversation where she asked me some questions and also invited me to attend the Leaders Meeting for the next two Tuesdays so I could observe what that is like.  I arrived at 8:45 am and was warmly welcomed by everyone. I tagged along with my Group Leader, Jaime. I was impressed by their dedication to staying focused on the main topic and not straying away from the main purpose.  

We spent around 15 minutes praying for every aspect of the ministry and then listened to a message on Reconciliation from John 21. After that, we divided into three groups, consisting of approximately 50 group leaders in total. The groups discussed the questions that they would be facilitating in their respective groups the following day. Since I was not a leader, I simply observed the discussion.

Yesterday, I was asked to observe a different leader's group instead of Jaime's to learn how each woman has her own style. I am planning to do the same next week. I found it interesting and enjoyable. After attending the group study for leaders on Tuesday, I realized that they are all very well-prepared and I will be too, next year. 

We have only two weeks left until the end of this year's study. On the last week, there will be a one-hour session where anyone willing can share how this year's study has enriched them and what they have learned. Then we'll have the summer off till mid-August when the Group Leaders return to prepare for the September start of Revelations. 

While I was initially hesitant to accept this role, I believe I will enjoy it and be blessed by it. I'm excited. 

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Philippians 4;13

Yes, my son made it back! Hallelujah!

No, I do not have photos...YET. 

He changed his photo cloud to a platform other than Google Photos, so I don't know what's going on, but he was clearly frustrated. I hope he didn't lose them. 

He described how he saw the forest come alive with the arrival of Spring. Every day, he spotted new sprouts poking through the ground, witnessed turkeys mating, saw hawks swoop down to grab their meal, and even encountered fresh bear tracks and scat. At night, the animals make their sounds.  - he heard coyotes. He didn't see or hear any humans for four days, except for a logging truck he saw from afar. In total, he hiked for 60 miles. The snow was patchy, depending on which side of the mountain was shady or sunny. Surprisingly, he didn't use his tent and instead slept in a hammock because he didn't want to miss the night show of stars. He even saw the full moon during his adventure. One night, it got down to 29 degrees, and he commented on how those hand warmers work very well. He ate well - had plenty of fresh water, and the daytime temps felt like the 80s but were really in the 60s. 

This is what is blooming in my yard - 
The white Irises are spreading...

And then these... I can't describe this color. 

The grape vines are starting to grow. 

I missed most of Kool April Nites. By the evening, I was exhausted and didn't want to be out with more people. Tomorrow evening is the big parade of cars. 

Since I am gone three mornings a week, I am behind on gardening, cleaning, and decorating.  I want to get back into swimming. As an introvert, I enjoy people, but the constant socialization drains me and I need those alone times to rejuvenate. That is what my summer will be like!  

See the resemblance?
They are 4 weeks old. 

Take Care -




  1. The trip sounds wonderful! And you are so committed too. Your white Iris are beautiful. And the first flower is so gorgeous!

  2. Coyotes at night scare me around here at night. A few years back our next door neighbors dog was attacked by one at night in their yard. We do not let Tundra out at night without being on a leash. Your irises are beautiful. The baby eagle looks just like mama. Hope your son gets his photos back. Janice

  3. Your son is obviously comfortable spending time alone.

  4. Glad you're happy with the choice. Question: Do you ever eat the grape leaves? They are on my To-Try List. I have a friend who LOOOOVES stuffed grape leaves. I gotta give them a go. Cheers, Ivy.

  5. Some damn good photos, I enjoy my own company but many don't

  6. I really enjoyed being a Bible Study Leader and now miss the give and take of the meetings. Oh well, perhaps I will go back to it.

    You will be an excellent and well prepared leader.

    God bless.

  7. Your son's trip sounds so very adventurous. How exciting this must have been for him. Sleeping under the stars would be wonderful, but hearing the coyotes would be too scary for me. Beautiful grape vines. We are in the nursery business and I love it when the grapes begin to leaf out.

  8. Very proud of you for taking on the BSF challenge to be a leader. That will be very rewarding for you in so many ways. May God give you wisdom and strength and His love for His Word and His people who will be participating in the study. Your irises are gorgeous! We can't grow them here, so I always love to see them! Glad your son is back home safely. I do hope he can find his pictures. Sounds like he had an amazing trip! he's very brave! Not sure I could do that without a tent especially! But then again, a tent really doesn't protect you from much anyway, if a wild animal wants you, the tent won't stop him. God was with him and definitely protected him and kept him warm! Amazing journey! If he can't find the pictures then he just needs to write about his trip while it is all fresh in his mind. Write word pictures. What you shared certainly spoke to us! I hope you have a lovely rest of your weekend!!
