Spooky Mt. Shasta

This should be my Halloween post.

Mount Shasta has always inspired myths and legends that go back to the beginning inhabitant of this region - Native Americans. The more recent ones: 

Ancient lost civilizations 

The mountain harbors an ancient, secret city inhabited by the descendants of the Lemurians, which are the supposedly highly technologically advanced people 


Mount Shasta has always had some strange cloud formations. (Lenticular clouds) 

I wonder, how much of those cloud formations are filters and photoshopped? 

That's just me - I have an inquiring mind. 

Lenticular clouds are unique clouds that typically form around hills

 and mountains, as a result of the way that the air moves. 

Intense UFO activity has been reported on the mountain. Dancing lights, mysterious flashes, orbs, metallic craft, glowing objects, luminous cigar shaped objects, jellyfish-like craft, silent silver airships, and fleets of lights making amazing maneuvers have all been reported from here since long before electricity was even a thing. Some people have put forth the theory that these UFOs have some connection to the Lemurian civilization purported to live within the mountain 

Magic mushrooms anyone?


Yep, he's here too. 

I choose to believe BIGFOOT might be there.

To protect us from the Lemurians and to provide hours of campfire fun!

It was once believed that to go up the mountain past the tree-line was to invite doom, as therein was the realm of the dead, the shaman, the damned, and a mystical race of evil dwarves feared by the Wintu tribe. Mt. Shasta was also said to be prowled by numerous spirits and magical beings, not all of them particularly benevolent, and was also the purported location of portals to other realms of existence. 


 Mt. Shasta is a mecca for New Agers, spiritualists, Wiccans, cults, and all manner of those seeking some sort of spiritual revelation, who have flocked to Mt. Shasta area in droves. 

Makes you wonder, doesn't it? 

Walking downtown, there is an array of shops catering to tourists

 who are into that sort of thing - 

But we go for the rocks. 

gemstones, minerals -  

Geology which both my husband and I enjoy. 

The artistry of God's creation has to be appreciated. 

My husband has an extensive rock collection, from all over the world and some he inherited from his grandfather. 

And Mount Shasta City had some "out of this world" gas prices.

Okay, that was a stretch - pretty much what gas is going around here. 

We filled up our plug-in-hybrid for the first time since June 5. 

This fill-up should last us till October. 


  1. I think there are strange formations over the Smokey Mountains (North Carolina) as well. I've read some of the ancient Indian folk lore from that area. They talked about things like that. Guess that would be unnerving to those who don't believe in God.
    Pretty rocks. My husband used to look for unusual rocks when visiting the Smokey's.
    And WOW on the fuel prices. It's still only about $2.79 to $2.99 here in SE Georgia at the moment. Hope it stays "lower". [fingers crossed]
    Blessings. xx

  2. Debby, my daughter and her Dad have climbed Mount Shasta twice! They had a very
    good spiritual experience. Mount Shasta is one of the many mountains on God's
    great earth - He is protecting it.


  3. It is hard not to think there is something magical with something as majestic as Mount Shasta. I'm just glad I don't easily believe the superstitions because they are scary. I don't believe in BigFoot. We are supposed to have BigFeet too. I suspect they are wild hogs which are indeed scary.

    I love rocks too. I taught Earth Science one year to have a job and I got this huge box of unidentified minerals and rocks. I could have cared less about what they were at first. I slowly learned to identify all of them and added a few to the mix. They are fascinating. Your husband is lucky to have rocks from his grandfather.

    1. Wow - so you know. I'm encouraging him to purchase a quality rock tumbler/polisher. He's collected rocks, and shells as well as petrified rock and tree sap from all over the world; and especially during those years with the coast guard. One day I will have to take photos of them.

      Yeah I'm not big on superstitions either. They are fun stories though, around a campfire. Big Foot - he's a fun legend and I prefer to think of him more like Harry from the Henderson's movie.
