Vanilla and fluffy with a cup of coffee

I was up later than usual last night downloading my complete blog. I felt some relief as I put that puppy to rest but I also had some sad feelings, as I re-read over some old posts. Earlier I did some investigative snooping and I believe I found the 3 women who are stalking me and writing mean comments every time I post something political. They are followers of one particular blog -  I should be a blog investigator - it helps that I had some suspicion. 

You really have to be careful these days. Or maybe it has always been this way and I just let my guard down. 

I have lost most of my followers - It's like I really am starting over, but with that is a FREEDOM I haven't felt in a long time.  Purging out the old and ringing in the new.  It has to be better!


My sister-in-law from Alabama called to let me know that my grandniece, Jessica, had a baby boy today. It was by C-section but all is fine and "baby boy" and mom are doing well. I may not be a Grandma but I sure have nieces and nephews up the ying-yang ranging from newborn to 54 years old! All but three come from my brother's HUGE family. These include the children and grandchildren of my nieces and nephews. 

I can see you counting on your fingers - yes my brother and his wife got married when she was 15 and he was 16.  He is my dad's son from another mother and was raised in Tennessee so back then they do things differently than how I was raised here in California. 

That's okay - I love them anyway!


Not much will change other than I will chit-chat on here pretty much on a daily basis rather than on Morning Coffee - without the political rants.  After all, everything I do is from my house, right? 

No worries - I'll keep it vanilla and fluffy but always with a cup of STRONG BLACK coffee. 



  1. I a ways have believed its your blog and you write what you want, grin. I hope your having a beautiful day. smiles

    1. Hi Linda - I needed to shake off the stalkers once and for all. Right now I am just trying to think of a new blog name for my new and improved blog - I'm going to open it here on blogger while I look into transferring it to WordPress or wherever. It's the blog name I am having problems with.

    2. I like the title you have, grin...oh and Sparky aka Pamela is having a hard time posting a comment. I did tell her its set to moderation. smiles.

    3. If she has a google account she can post. Let me know if she's having problems. I don't want to leave her behind.

  2. Well, I'll be your ride or die blog follower. It is such a shame people have to be so critical. You aren't the first that some have hassled. I would have probably folded too. Don't they know we blog to have a little fun. Geez Louise.

    1. Oh good I couldn't remember if you were a follower over here or not. I was just fixin (I picked that up from my Alabama family) to go over to your blog to let you know.

    2. I'm glad you saved your posts. You really have written some great posts.

  3. I have been following you for years and was so disappointed to read that you were shutting up shop on your Morning Coffee blog. I had just read the piece you posted on the Battle of Dunoon and as it was just across the water from where I grew up was especially meaningful for me. Happy now that you are contininuing with From my House.

    1. Well thank you for being a long time follower - I had no idea.

      I think it's a small world to know that you grew up in the area of the Dunoon Battle. - That's so cool.

  4. I got stuck at the picture of that yummy cupcake and forgot what I wanted to say ... *giggle* Gosh, that looks good. Thanks for letting me comment. My "Sparky" is a google account. Hope this works. I'm kinda clueless when it comes to internet thinga-ma-bobs.
    Blessings. xx

  5. I blog to feel connected to people and some special animals

    1. Yes I agree - and with this pandemic and lockdowns, it's good to still be able to connect with others - the ultimate social distancing.

  6. I'm so sorry you had to put your puppy to rest. Don't worry about being a grandma,
    it will happen when it does. That is one Yummy looking vanilla cupcake. I want one
    with a hot cup of coffee haha. I look forward to reading about your home life Debby.
    Home is my favorite place to be. : )


    1. I don’t stress about being a Grandma anymore. If it happens it happens. If it doesn’t, I’ll survive.
