Fickle Fall

The husband today started back volunteering at the Veterans Home. He helped out with Bingo. They asked me if I was coming back, but I am not ready. Pop's death hit me hard and watching him die like I did was traumatic. I keep thinking about the last time I was there - we were walking outside behind his flag-draped body to the funeral home van. The Chaplain made sure he was securely inside the van, shut the door, and stood and saluted it as they drove off. He stayed saluting until we could no longer see the van. Believe me, that really got to me. 
He did tell me some of my favorite Veterans were still there and alive so that's good. 

The weather has really cooled down - Today we're at 73. Nice in the sun but cold in the house. I refuse to turn on the heat just yet. We're at that time of the year when it is possible to use the heat and the AC all in one day. Also, when you get dressed in the morning, won't be what you will be wearing by the afternoon and then again in the evening. I'm not complaining. It beats 100+ heat. 

Navy took out for a few days of camping and lite backpacking with someone from his work, that has never camped or hiked in his life. I wonder how that went? 

That's all I have for today - 

Lassen Volcanic National Park


  1. So sorry to hear about Pop's death. Please accept my sincerest condolences and prayers for you all.

    God bless.

  2. That's kind of your husband to volunteer like that. When we serve others, we serve God.
    I pray the bad memories will soon disappear and only joyful ones take their place.
    Blessings. xx

  3. Loss of anyone we care about is sad...................

  4. My father was a veteran and his funeral was both beautiful and awful at the same time. Your weather sounds a lot like what's happening in Michigan right now. Cool mornings warm afternoons! Don,t now how to dress!

    1. Yes but now it does look promising that we may be getting some consistent cool weather and maybe some rain.

  5. Take your time, healing is important and when you are ready you will go back. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    God bless.

  6. I just realized this morning that I am not getting notifications of your new posts. I was getting them from Bloglovin. This internet is making me crazy. Google loses my comments on blogs and I have to re-type. I am getting too old for this!

    1. I didn't know that about Bloglovin. I just hate what Blogger did to disenfranchise bloggers from being able to follow each other.
