Sad news - my brother

This afternoon, my sister-in-law from Alabama called - my brother's Alzheimers is in the final stages - he's on hospice now (at home) and started on morphine today. I was able to see him and talk with him through video chat. He seemed to recognize me and my husband but he did a lot of mumbling that we could not understand. He is only 71. 

She wanted me to come back but I had to tell her no, which was hard. Number 1, I've got the rotator cuff surgery plus I have the consultation with the surgeon coming up and I can't miss the pre-op. At first, I thought maybe fly in for a day or two and then fly home but that is a lot of rush-rush and I don't like that, especially before surgery. 

I live in a rural part of northern California in the sense that the largest airport to fly out of is Sacramento - a good 2-hour drive. For years I lived 20 minutes from SFO. I was so spoiled back then. 

She understood - it's not easy. Thank God we can at least video chat. 

My sister-in-law said the doctors told her anywhere from 2 weeks to a month. I am having a hard time believing it will be that quick - he seemed okay to me but she said it's the nighttime - like last night he thought he heard intruders and got out the butcher knives and she was scared to death. He ended up throwing the knives at the door and in the kitchen. She is afraid to be alone with him - sleeps in the guest room with the door locked. They had to take all his guns. She only uses the microwave because he tries to cook at night and leaves the burners on. So the gas has been turned off of the stove. 

He had been doing so well - the last we talked a few weeks ago, he seemed more like himself. And then, it just went downhill really fast. He can't go to the bathroom - he's constipated for days now and in pain. He's not eating or drinking much. He needs help in all his grooming -  and like all caretakers, she herself is exhausted. Now being on hospice, she gets some help. 

Just so sad. I just found him 13 or so years ago. I knew of him when my folks told me that my dad got his mom pregnant when they were young teenagers. For years my dad said, that he believed John's real father was my dad's older brother, Paul. When my dad finally met him face to face he couldn't deny him. He looks a lot like my dad - only shorter. Then John's granddaughter did a DNA test and it came up that she is my father's great-granddaughter. At this point, it doesn't matter. We're kinfolk like he loves to say. 

I went back 2 times - and just love the whole family. Very southern. I mean, Alabama. We come from 2 different worlds but they took me in and loved me. The most genuinely loving people I have ever known. I adore my sister-in-law. I think of her as a sister. Such a sweet lady. 

He's way too young to go now. 


  1. Oh golly. That's sad. It breaks my heart. My beloved 2nd step-mother, Myra, died from that horrible disease. It was devastating and hard to watch. God was merciful and took her quickly.
    Prayers for peace, comfort and a quick release for your dear brother.
    Wrapping y'all in prayer. xx

    1. The whole family is there - my nephew is driving from Arkansas and should be there around 1 am. He’s going quick.

  2. Such sad news, too young to pass...................

    1. Yes it is but at least his pain and suffering will be over

  3. I am so sorry to hear this sad news. It is not an easy thing to watch a loved one go this way. My mom died 3 years ago from Alzheimers.

    1. This is the first time a loved one has had this horrible condition. I didnt Know they go so quick.

  4. I am so sorry about your brother. I think once Alzheimer's reaches a certain point it goes very quickly. That happened with my uncle.

    God bless.

    1. Yes he’s hit that point. They’re now saying he has hours. At least he’s home with family all around. I did get to talk to him for the last time - told him I love him. So sad

  5. I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad you've been able to video chat, and that you've had this time with him.

  6. Alzheimer's is a horrible, horrible disease. Sending prayers for the entire family.

  7. I am so sorry for what is happening to your brother. Such a short time to have gotten to know him and much too young to be at the end of his life. I am glad you got to have a video visit with him, one of the best things about the modern internet, being able to keep in touch and actually see the person if not in person but still see them.
    When I lost my grandmothers, one had Alzheimer's the other physical things that caused her death I knew I would rather die from a physical ailment any day. My grandmother was healthy all her life and ended up sufferings from the disease for many years before it finally took her.
    My own mom (84 years) is suffering from Dementia currently and it is so hard to see her so frustrated by what she can no longer remember. I fear that I will some day with my family history suffer the same fate.
    I will say a prayer tonight for you and your family.

