Jury Duty and Valentines Day is coming


Oh well, it's not the end of the world. I never did get ahold of my Surgeon to get a legal note. It's just too late anyway. In 30 minutes or so, I go on to the website to check. The jury services did email me telling me my PT scheduling doesn't cut it. It has to be from the Doctor, on his letterhead with his signature and my jury badge number. 

I called the physical therapy and they were cool about rescheduling me if we have to. Bummer. I really wanted to get that started. It's my own fault. I just got so consumed after the surgery that I placed the jury postcard on the fridge and there it stayed until Friday when I noticed it. 

I'm just going to enjoy it. I've always wanted to be on a jury. I'm quite the mystery sleuth. I enjoy crime dramas and murder trials. My husband thinks I am strange but there's a lot of us out there. Of course, if I do get picked, I'll probably get some boring white crime - embezzlement, insider trading, falsification of financial information...Also, this is Shasta County - probably more on the lines of assault.


I hit up 3 Dollar trees in my area. I'm so bummed that they went up to $1.25. 

I don't usually DO Valentines Day but after being restricted in that sling, I'm feeling festive and want to decorate. I totally missed Christmas. The husband did it all. This February the husband and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage. It is the 2nd marriage for both of us. He was married for 17 years and I was married for 24 years. So when we hit 25, it will be quite the celebration for both of us. 

So if just for that - our wedding anniversary I will decorate a little for Valentine's Day. 


  1. Sorry about the PT and all the hoopla that surrounds it. I have always thought it would be fun to be on a jury, too. I have sat in on a couple of trials of people that I knew that needed support-both found innocent.
    Happy Valentine's Day decorating. xo Diana

  2. I was called for jury duty a few years ago and after going through all the questions I was dismissed - they didn't want me.
    We have an anniversary coming up too - at the end of the month. 50 years for us.

  3. I served on a jury years ago....and it was a boring white collar crime. Hopefully if you are picked to serve you get something much more interesting.

    God bless.

  4. I hope your time on the jury is fun and interesting.
    Happy Anniversary!

  5. I have always wanted to be on a jury but rarely get called. The one time I did when I called the day before I was told not to come in. All the dollar trees around here went up to $1.25 too. I don't mind. Still a good deal on a lot of things!

  6. Never done jury duty and we don't do Valentine's Day
