Happy Smokey Monday

It's hot and smoky due to fires north and northwest of us. It's nothing out of the ordinary for this time of year when you live in the middle of 3 national forests.  So I stay inside - The smoke really gets to me. 

The husband is at the lake, swimming Laydee. 

I stayed home to take care of a denied health bill. I have Medicare and TriCare For Life (DoD) I never have any issues. I received a bill from my hospital for the rotator cuff that I owed $1500.00 because TriCare denied it. It required a third-party liability form. So I call them, and I'm telling you, some people who work from their homes, shouldn't. First, I called and followed all the prompts - and it kept sending me into a loop - then it hung up on me. I called back in, went through the loops again and this time it transferred me to a representative who was clearly working from home - I heard children in the background and she was not paying attention to me. She hung up on me. 

I'm practically in tears from the frustration. 

I called back in, went through the loops once again, and was transferred to a Rep - who this time, sounded professional. I was so relieved and she was friendly and helpful. Since it wasn't an accident, or a liability claim and I didn't have an attorney, all I needed to do, was under OTHER - I just explained this was an injury due to wear and tear of the rotator cuff. 

She gave me the address to which I am to snail mail it - which could take weeks or months.  Meanwhile, the hospital keeps sending me a bill.

Seems all this information should have been handled when I did the financial part of the Pre-Op at the hospital. 

I notice I have a more challenging time, coping with incompetency and workers who do the very least - and lately, they are everywhere; mostly online. 

We bank at a Federal Credit Union through the Coast Guard. A  few months back, I was issued a refund of $40 - that would be credited back into my account. It never came. So I called the merchant and they gave me the information that they sent to the bank. The bank said they never got it. Back and forth I went UNTIL the bank finally found it. I've never had any banking institution lose a credit. 

So I was going through the statements and saw that the State of California did not send us our refund. I checked and checked. So I contacted the bank and they can't find it yet when I go to the State of California website, it says they sent it out. 

More incompetency. 

We're supposed to be retired - in our golden years and we're supposed to be living in this technical age - where banking and electronic services are superior to what we had when we were younger and it was good for a while and the last 3-4 years, it's gotten horrible. 

I have absolutely no patience for this kind of stuff anymore. Grrrrrrrrrrrr

GOOD NEWS - Navy went back to work today. He still has blisters and at times he gets those nerve pain, Cal Vet still wanted him in. A week and that's all they are going to shell out even though he has 190 hours of sick leave left. 

Hope your day has gone better than mine. Take Care


  1. What a frustrating day it has been! I have two torn rotator cuffs, but do not want the surgery. Great news about Navy!

    1. If you can get by without the surgery and live fine, I say go for it and more power to you. Unfortunately I was in constant pain and since it was my right arm, I couldn't lift, do art, I just couldn't do anything. I suspect I might have a torn rotator cuff on my left shoulder and I am holding out until I can't stand the pain. I have discomfort but not so much PAIN. I use ice a lot.

  2. Oh my gosh I hate having to deal with incompetent people. Seems people just don't do what they are supposed to anymore! I spent the first 4 months of this year trying to straighten out an issue with about 3 different doctors office and Medicare/blue care network! So frustrating! Hope the smoke clears soon!

    1. That's awful - I wouldn't be surprised if this takes about that long to finally clear the books. It's like one government agency is telling me to snail mail it (using another government agency) It sure doesn't give me a lot of confidence.

  3. I don't like the reason for it, but the photo is pretty.
    I had a recent issue where a $200 charge was posted twice. It was a hospital bill and the hospital said they didn't get it, the bank said the hospital did and I was out $200! It took some time to get that straightened out. It's so frustrating!
    Glad to hear Navy is improving.

    1. It's stressful dealing with that kind of stuff when it was their mistake to begin with.

  4. Dearest Debby,
    Oh, the waste of our precious time and the frustration it causes with such phone calls. You are so right about being forced to deal with incompetent people!
    We once had our salary from Indonesia, over two months, being LOST... Sure enough there was the proof of payment but then it poofed. Low and behold, it got found months later, got sent to the wrong bank somewhere in South Georgia. Not good for the heart... But yes, we seem to be dealing with a lot of incompetent and often even 'blind' people.
    Glad that Navy manages to live with his shingles and in a way sad that he has to work, so many able–bodied people just demand their part without ever working for it...
    Sad all those wild fires.
    Oh, those hospital bills are killing us; I've dealt with that as well, we paid out of pocket two brand new cars worth of money + high insurance premium and to top it off, also double billing that we had to fight!
    Life indeed is not easier for our golden years...
    Big hugs,

    1. Lost income would really be the icing of the cake. I'd be furious but then again how much control of it do we even have? That's the frustrating part.

  5. Oh no, not another fire in this area. I was just talking with a man from my town, and people think it's the norm to get fires up here during the Summers. It's not acceptable to me, and we should keep finding ways to prevent them. I hope the smoke isn't too bad and clears up soon. Have a good week, Debby.


    ps.....I like that you share news from your area, as we are not that far away. It keeps me informed, as I don't have cable right now. Will be getting it back on soon. I have to rely on the internet for the news.....and word around town. ; )

    1. There is the McKinney fire. and another one towards the west - by Happy Camp...In Humboldt and Trinity counties.
