Lights in the neighborhoods

Walking through the neighborhood last night -

Many streets are completely lit up - with every single home! 

The children were selling hot chocolate and cider 

Even the Salvation Army Bell ringers are there 

Not as spectacular as the ones from the city but these are just regular people - 

They don't have to do this - 

But they do and they seem to enjoy it

Some are more simple

and others go all out. 

Merry Christmas to All. 

This was another short video I forgot to post from the Garden of lights. 




  1. Wow, each and every one of these is amazing!!! There is nothing like these around here. It must have taken so much work and money. I think my favorite has to be the deer with blue antlers.

  2. Dearest Debby,
    Wish people would use more white lights—that looks so much better.
    And only one nativity shown...
    Love the American Flag on the roof!

  3. Wow! We have a neighbour who puts on a show for the Sparkle tour, and a few others have smaller displays, but nothing like those homes. I'm sure it's a lot of fun walking to see the lights. A vehicle is required here, too darned cold.

  4. Wow those lights are pretty impressive. Don't see anything like that around here.

  5. Those people have really gone all out and put a lot into their decorations! So beautiful. Reminds me of the Griswold family Christmas movie. I cannot imagine what their electric bills will be like! But it is really pretty and fun to see. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  6. It always amazes me how folks can decorate their homes for Christmas...and even some add music to match the lights. Janice

  7. Those are amazing!!!! I am planning on looking at lights later tonight. Yours are spectacular! xo Diana

  8. Oh wow. How amazing is that. I am hoping that we can get out for a drive and look at the lights here one evening this week.

    God bless.

  9. This neighborhood sure has a grand display of Christmas lights at their homes. In my old neighborhood, they did this also, and it was so much fun to drive around and see them all. Some of the houses served hot chocolate as well. Here in the mountains, there are only a few houses who have lights, but I stop and gaze every time I drive by at night.

