Rain and Back Fences

The rain has begun once again. This area in our yard will be getting paved over sometime in the spring. No matter how much grass is planted there, it always floods and turns into a mud bowl. 

I sure do hope we can get some good rain - Rain is a wet blessing from God. 

The lighter is the newer section. The posts are fine. 

I know what we'll be doing this year - whether we want to or not. The new neighbors in the back came over and want a new back fence that matches.  It matches - just some sections are newer. My husband and the old lady that used to live there, continually maintained the fence - The fence is fine - it's been patched but they are young homeowners and they both work and they want what they want. The estimate a few years ago was $3000. and of course, we pay half. With the cost of redwood so expensive, we're probably looking at close to $5000. 

We will not put ourselves in a financial bind because they want a nice new fence. We'll do what we can afford. 

Oh well - as my mom would say, "they can't get blood from a turnip." 

The situation with Margie has improved. However, my formal complaint still stands with the state. My son says, most likely nothing will happen. Because it was a one-time isolated incident. 

I went to visit her on Tuesday - she was surprised they let me in since they are in isolation due to the flu and covid. I was already there in her room with her roommate coughing... if I were to catch anything, the damage was already done so I stayed and chatted. When I went back out, there were no signs whatsoever prohibiting visiting. 

1-4 days for the flu exposures - and 4.3 days for Covid. Then again, every time my kids visit me, they have been exposed, due to their jobs. Foodie still has never come down with Covid. I find that amazing since he works right in the belly of the beast. 

I refuse to live in a bubble. 

It really is depressing to see her this way - At 81, I still believe she is way too young to be there. She has improved but her kids don't want her home, so they don't have to think about her or worry about her. Then again, they don't visit her enough there at the facility - it's the old "outta sight, outta mind" situation. She wants to go home or sell her house and move to a better place. They are the ones holding her up. 

It has been on my mind a lot - about if this happens to me which Navy assures me, that they would not allow me to live in a place like that - I would move in with them. Of course, if I died before my husband (which would be preferable) I don't have to worry about such. Actually, I don't worry - I just don't want to live like that. The plan is, if one of us starts showing serious signs of dementia - we would sell the house and move into the Veteran Home. That way, if my husband goes before I do, I can legally stay. However, the Veterans homes do not take military spouses alone. Margie looked into that due to her husband was military. 

It will all work out - I'll be 69 in March. 

I'm excited about a new beginning - a new month, a new year. Last year was a year of recovering from surgeries and physical therapy and regaining my strength. This year I want to get back into what I enjoy and that is hiking. Not the big butt-killer hikes my husband and sons do - just more exploring and hikes. 

My son said Lexi loved the dollhouse. I just told them to give it to her and say it was from Santa. I'm so happy she is having fun with it. 

I have some new woodworking tools I received for Christmas that I am excited to start using. 

So I've taken down everything that is Christmas related - and my husband took down the outside decorations and the nativity since the weather is rainy and windy. I still have the inside nativities and the tree. I'm also starting to decorate for winter - with snowflakes, snowmen, etc. 

That's all I can think of - until I hit publish and then I remember things I forgot to add. 


  1. The dollhouse turned out so darn cute! Any little girl would be happy to receive it.
    Good to hear that it is raining, I hope you continue to get the moisture you need.

  2. The dollhouse is adorable. Much better made and more sturdy and cuter than ones you can buy. Poor Margie, her situation is awful!!

  3. I'm glad the situation for your friend, Margie, is better. The dollhouse is darling, and what a wonderful gift from Santa. Woodworking is a great hobby. We got lots of rain here too - the creek is filled. I understand that your neighbors want the fence to match. We had a similar situation, and we put new fencing in one part of the back yard, and the other part was on the neighbor's property, so we had to put fencing in before her line, and now the fencing doesn't match. But at least it's not old and falling apart like it was. I hope you get it figured out. : )


  4. What a cute dollhouse. I say if your new neighbors want a newer fence, then let them pay for it. I agree yo cannot get blood from a turnip Happy New Year! Janice

  5. I'm not surprised that Lexi loves the doll house. It is wonderful.
    Your neighbors could always just paint their side of the fence so it would all look the same to them. :)
    How frustrating for Margie.

  6. Dearest Debby,
    Wow, that is a real wet spot, must be an under layer in the soil that does not let water penetrate well. You can pave it but the problem will remain the same I'm afraid.
    That fence thing is a bit weird—no neighbor can make you spend money to their 'liking'. Your Mom was smart.
    Sad to hear about Margie's loneliness... God forbid we would end up like that! Glad you opened your big heart and went to see her.
    To scare people off with Covid is a crime! The flu has always existed and will be with us forever.
    Pieter wrote in his first published book—Everything is Everywhere Only the Environment will Select.
    Trying to live healthy so we can handle certain infections.
    But you are still young and in good health!
    Glad Lexi loves the dollhouse and it's only that she does not know 'yet' who Santa really is... 🤗
    Having been that sick this year there are no Christmas things to be taken down...

    1. We have terrible drainage here - due to the clay. Topsoil gets washed away. We have to use a pump due to the mild flooding. This pumps it out to the street. We paved other areas prone to the flooding and my husband adds these drainage tracks that sends the water to the pumps. Of course we’ve been in drought for so long the flooding is minor however tomorrow we’re due for another Pineapple Express which will dump a lot of rain in a short time. We should be fine as long as the electricity doesn’t go out!

    2. Good luck and we too have that nasty Georgia clay.

  7. That doll house is amazing. You did a lovely job.

    I still don't know where we got Covid but are on the road to health once again. I only needed one nap today.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you. I truly enjoyed putting it together.

      Yeah Covid is out there…lurking.
