Community - the old and the new

Saturday we went to a local Deli to raise funds for the K-9 officers; for city and county sheriffs -  100% of everything purchased went directly to the group. Sad that there is no state funding for this. These dogs cost quite a bit of money. 

My absolute favorite breed of dog is the German Shepherd. They are such big loves and loyal. I had a German shepherd mix, who was protective of me and I always felt safe. 

They had demonstrations on how they do their work. It was interesting that the padded arm/shoulder pillow they use in demos is the same material they use for play toys for the dogs. They love the feel of that in their highly sensitive mouths. 

Something I was told and then looked it up - apparently these K-9 dogs are smarter than we would think - they are actually "racist." and that is why the state of California is trying to ban police dogs. 

AB742 is now in the appropriations committee - but it is not looking good for our beloved K-9 police dogs. Apparently, New Mexico is also trying to ban police dogs. 

This was the first I ever saw a black lab as a K-9 officer. This is Toni and her specialty is sniffing out gunpowder, bombs, and electronic equipment. 

Unfortunately, she is a racist. 

I don't know what will become of these beautiful dogs if AB742 passes. 
Fortunately, they are all owned by police officers and their families. That is why this group raises the monies for their purchase, training, and cost of medical care. 

These dogs love their work - It's a crying shame. 

We had a delicious deli sandwich and then I purchased a t-shirt for my husband that I know he will wear proudly.  

Afterward, we drove over to a Veteran Art show at the old City Hall, downtown. 

They don't like it when you take photos of their art, so no photos. 

My husband met up with many old veterans he knows and one guy served on the same icebreaker for 2 tours to the north pole and they remembered each other. The other guy flies helicopters still. 

Interesting bronze sculpture. 

I believe it's dancing? 

The leader of this blue grass group is also a Vietnam Veteran as well as the other male players except for the women. 

One is a concert violinist that just started with bluegrass and the other is just a good singer. 

We stayed and listened until they wrapped up their session. They used to practice at the CalVet Veterans Home where my husband retired from.

It was like "old home" week for my husband. 

It was really fun. 

One of the things that I like about where I live now is the community we have. The county is small compared to other California counties - and my town is the biggest city in it and is going through some growing pains. They want to be a big city but they are having pushback from many who want to keep it quaint. The bottom line, you can't fight progress. Everybody is up in arms about the city installing parking meters, and red light cameras at busy intersections - so you can see how there is a fight for everything. 

We're coming up on our annual Cool April Nites. We have only 2 old-style diners that were around in the 50s that the car enthusiasts love to hang out and do their "show and shine" displays. Last week, a beloved drive-up hamburger joint, that makes a really good old-fashioned hamburger had a fire in their storage room. They are now closed. 

So the community is having another fundraiser - to help the owner rebuild. 

A local business has stepped up to sell these tumblers - and others are stepping up to the plate to offer their help and support - many are donating items to sell. 

I never saw this when I lived in the Bay Area. Too big. Everybody just goes about their own business and that is that. Whereas here, everybody looks out for one another and that is why I love it here. 

We enjoyed some beautiful spring weather - I even got a sunburn on my bottom lip. I've never had a sunburn there before. Must be an "age" thing. It really hurt Saturday evening but it's okay now - just dry and feels chapped. Time to get out the sunscreen for my lips. 

Does your community come together to help others? 

I have an 11:30 appointment for my first day of PT. It looks like a busy week coming up for me and I don't like "busy" or hectic.

In recovery, we used to say, 

Being Under Satans Yoke 

My personality prefers to be laid back and take life as it comes. But there are times when things do come up. I still have the control to cancel things and move around the schedule. Some just like to be busy and then complain about it. 

Okay, That's it for me - 

PS. How well do you know me?

Was I being naive or facetious regarding the racist police dogs? 



  1. Well if you were being facetious, it still wouldn't surprise me if it was true. People can find racism in just about everything! Living in a small community sounds really nice! I hope yours stays that way!

    1. Sadly it is true - sponsored by the California ACLU

      Yes, it is a breath of fresh air! But even in the 26 years here, we are seeing changes. Some good and some not so good.

  2. Regarding racist police dogs, the world has losts its mind. I had heard about the banning but didn’t think it could possibly be real. Sigh. On a positive note, I really enjoy your blog, don’t normally comment much but read it and enjoy it! Hilogene in Z

    1. I'm happy that you are enjoying my blog. You have commented before.

      Yes it is real - they haven't done it yet but are sure trying.

  3. I have heard that German shepherds are great dogs but I am afraid of large dogs, never heard of racist dogs

    1. Oh they are wonderful dogs.

      Racist dogs I guess are only in the USA.

  4. I've had a couple German Shepherds when I was a kid. Great dogs but my favorite breed is Labs.
    Racist police dogs - you're kidding!!!

    1. I'm not kidding. This is California - where they do the outlandish. They are trying but there is huge opposition to it. I just hope it is enough. They are trying to basically dismantle our law enforcement.

  5. I can't believe they are talking about banning K9 dogs. They are so amazing!
    I love small town communities. Ours is the same.

  6. Dearest Debby,
    No you were not being facetious or sarcastic about 'racist' dogs.
    They are far smarter than a lot of people and the good thing is they can't be brainwashed or 'bought' to act like a puppet.
    It's a crying shame that we have to witness those intelligent K–9s being banned!
    Our entire nation seems to be under satan's yoke... politically I mean.
    Well, last week I sure was under it as I had hoped to have gained some more weight but nop—not a single gram; still the same 108 lbs as the previous week. But twice the OT + PT = 4 full hours and we went to 2 funerals and I had to do the readings on Friday... almost forgot how to say the prayers afterwards. But I'm back into it and will manage again perfectly next time. I'm still catching up on lots of things and by the end of this week with my final OT + PT on Thursday I will feel free.
    Did use my Exerpeutic bike here at home for 15 minutes and 3 miles. Don't want to overdo and I was feeling my shoulder more today. Pieter said, you sleep on that side a lot... Might be the reason.
    Big hugs,

  7. Oh, forgot to mention that—yes we live in a very caring and they always come together! That is also a good reason for NOT wanting to live in a big city as you can forget about that 'very important' aspect of life.

  8. Hi Debby. Wow - police dogs are racist????? Men are women and women are men and dogs are racist. Our collective society has completely lost its mind.

  9. Racist dogs, I've heard it all now! But I guess it is possible. I can see the dancing in the statue! You live in a wonderful town!
