Poppies and More

I couldn't ask for a more excellent day - we're at our normal temps - of 83 today. Low humidity and allergies are on the move...

I love my own little super bloom in my backyard. Things are growing so fast now - the grass (green weeds) was cut just Thursday and now it looks like it needs it again. 

I hope this finds you all well and enjoying these spring days. We didn't do much this weekend. Went out for fish and chips on Friday and stayed home Saturday. 

Currently, it is Cool April Nites in my town - an annual classic car show started in 1990 is now a Redding classic in its own right, with 10 days of activities including 25 Show and Shines, a popular car cruise that parades through Redding's streets, a poker walk, live music and dancing, craft and vendor booths and a drive-in movie that celebrates the 1950s and ‘60s car culture.

I read that it takes the town $150,000 to $200,000, and it brings in about $8.7 million to our community; meaning hotels and restaurants are filled and people are shopping. Wow, I had no idea. Everywhere you go, there are cars - I went to PT and there is the other old-style drive-in - called Gene's and it was packed with classic cars - looked like something out of American Graffiti. 

Proceeds go to youth organizations. Since 1990, the board gifted over a million dollars to non-profits, schools, and other Shasta County organizations.

I can't say I am really "into" this. We took it all in when we first moved here - For me, it's a Once-you've-seen-it-you-don't-have-revisit-every-year kind of event. I mean, they are all the same. You've seen one classic - you've seen them all. 

Plus how many times do we have to look under the hood?

I think we might make some time to go to a Show and shine sometime this week, and take a pass, on the Cruise. 

My parents used to show their 1962 T-Bird in those early years when it first started. They also showed the T-bird at Hot August Nites in Reno. 

I sold my half of the T-Bird to my sister, believing she would honor the vehicle Dad had lovingly restored. 

Instead, she brought it to Colorado, and stored it in a barn for several years - After she died, my niece inherited it and told me it was starting to rust. Before Nina passed, she had it brought out to California and now her baby daddy has it. 

Oh well, it's just a car but I know my dad would be sad that it wasn't taken care of. I can only hope that one day my little nephew or niece will inherit it and keep it up. 

Yesterday after church, my husband came in and told me that for the last couple of days, he hadn't been able to urinate significantly and he is now in some discomfort. He thought it would pass. (no pun intended) 

So, he didn't think he should wait till the VA clinic opened today so he went to the Walk-in Urgent Care the VA recommended - the physician there sent him to the hospital emergency room. This was last night. 

He was there for about 4 hours and they did tests he has like a UTI and gave him antibiotics. He already feels better. 

I wonder why men do that - without medical information, believing it will pass - but then I thought about myself. I don't tell him about every little ache and pain I have. I too, withhold medical information, and many times it does pass, and then those times it doesn't - well then I deal with it. I trust that I have enough sense to know when something is not normal. I am sure he does as well. 

Poor guy - it sucks getting old. It is no doubt an older man, thing. 

While he was there, my mind started to wander into areas that were just too far-fetched at this time. As a recovering, compulsive worrier who has done quite well for a few years now, almost relapsed into worry. I just prayed and talked with a friend and both Laydee and Susie laid by me and I was so happy when he called to say it was just an infection. 

Both sides of his family have had terminal cancers - My family has no cancer but heart disease and arthritis. 

Thank You, Jesus, it all worked out. That is why worrying does no good for nobody!  I'm so glad I called my friend and we talked it out.

Today sure went by fast. Well, that is it for me. 

See you all later -




  1. The Poppies are beautiful. It would be so nice to see them right in my back yard. I'm glad your husband is feeling better with the infection. That's a miserable thing to have. Have had it before in the past years as well.

    Have a good Spring week, Debby.

    ps.....as far as the crime in Seattle. I've never heard of that before. There is always crime in different parts of every state.

  2. Hey Debby - I'm glad the hospital was able to see and treat him. So good to read that.

  3. So glad your hubby went to the ER and got proper treatment right away. UTI's can be so painful and miserable. I tend to get them rather chronically, and seem to have reactions to most antibiotics they give me for it, so it is getting more difficult to treat. No fun. Oh, I love seeing all the old classic cars in that picture. Being a girl growing up in the 50's and 60's, those are the cars I remember from my youth. I guess that's why we baby boomers always get excited over those kinds of events. They just don't make cars with that kind of interest and class anymore. Sorry about that special t-bird. That is sad, but we have to remind ourselves that eventually everything on earth rusts and decays, and that only the things of the heart and soul last forever. But still...it's a shame it wasn't taken better care of. Oh, I love your poppies! They look so cheery and happy! Glad that spring is finally getting there! I hope you have a peaceful and pleasant week. God is with you, always.

  4. Poppies are one of my favorite flowers. They don't grow well in our yard though.
    The car show looks fun. I would prefer to see them all driving like you have pictured, than to walk around and look at them individually. I'm sorry about your Dad's car. That would make me sad.
    Glad your hubby got treated!

  5. It is good when we have a hospital that can help and the poppies are so lovely, when I was younger I use to like car shows not such good news about your dad's car

  6. Dearest Debby,
    Guess it is a men thing to not share what they're feeling or suffering...
    My Pieter does not but often I notice he's more irritated or gets really grumpy for no reason.
    Till he finally replied to my question as to why he is moving his hands over the duvet cover... With my sharp hearing it kept me from going to sleep. He then told me that his arthritis in his fingers is so bad it feels like being put in boiling water... Must feel awful. Yet he NEVER mentioned it. Still he is teaching a young teen from a large family of 8 kids, how to play on his accordion. Pieter wants to gift him his accordion due to his progressing arthritis that keeps him from playing it...
    Your poppies are so lovely! Yes, we too are in full season of mowing the lawn frequently. The crew came by yesterday.
    Hoping that your husband will soon feel his old self and that his meds help him!
    It is not old age as I've lived through that numerous times in my teens and on.
    Maybe it is all part of my kidneys being in such shape today.
    Big hugs,

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about Pieter's arthritis. Yes, my husband is feeling much better now.

    2. Happy for your husband feeling much better. Pieter had an incision of tendon covering done by a hand surgeon on March 18, 2021 but his fingers are not flexible enough for many reasons. Too much hard work I guess, old age and arthritits... Here you can still hear Pieter play his accordion after about a one year hiatus due to his finger probelm. https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2021/06/our-3rd-cabin-stay-at-hill-on-cherokee.html

  7. You poppies are beautiful.
    Wow that's a lot of money the car show brings in!!
    We used to go to car shows all the time, but not anymore.
    Glad your husband is feeling better.
