
Planted the new red rose bush - The last couple of nights, we have had some heavy thunderstorms that pelted the poor little bush. 

Knocked off a few petals but I think it will be fine. 

When I see a red rose I can't help but think of my California blogger/friend, Sheri over at Red Rose Alley

I was sitting on the patio and noticed all the dragonflies we have - The pond draws them in and then I noticed this huge black and white one -  I've not ever seen that combination before of black and white. So pretty. The ones I usually see are orange but today I saw three royal blue dragonflies that were much smaller. I tried to get my phone - without disturbing this one and after a few failed attempts I got this blurred photo. 

It does seem as if my old iPhone took better close-ups than my newer one. 

The Dusty Miller has gone to flower - The bees sure love it. 

I'm overdue from picking the lavender - they've been wet from the unseasonable rain we have had. At least the rain has kept us way cooler than we usually are. 

Oleander or Rose Laurel - 

Nerium oleander In the Bible, the oleander is called a rose. In olden times the words for roses and lilies were used in a loose way to indicate any beautiful flowers of these types. The oleander is very abundant around Jericho, where it is doubtful whether roses ever flourished except in gardens, although seven different species of the genus Rosa grow in Palestine.

In the front, on the side of our drive, we have pink and red oleanders - WE used to have white ones but the red and pink choked them out. My dad is the one who planted them, close to 30 years ago. They love the Mediterranean climate we have here in California. 

I'm starting to do some propagating - to save money because, my goodness, plants have doubled in price - The rose bush was close to $29.99. I bought the smallest one. 

I plan on propagating some red Oleander because they are the ones people around here like - then I will give them away and fill in areas where they have thinned out. I bought some powdered rooting hormone but I also will use the old method of using organic honey and water to root as well. I want to see what works best. 

My Pomegranate is flowering - Beautiful salmon-colored flowers. They will turn into pomegranates. We have four pomegranate trees at the side of our property line. Once again, my dad planted them. 

The pomegranate was one of the pleasant fruits of Egypt, one of the promised blessings of the new land, and is referred to many times in the First Covenant.  The fruit of the pomegranate was a decorative motif on the priest's robe and in the Temple.

My son wants a couple of pomegranates in his yard and I hear they are easy to get started. 

Fig Tree

 In the First Testament, the fig tree is a symbol of prosperity. 

For example in 1 Kings 4:25; 

“During Solomon’s lifetime Judah and Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, lived in safety, everyone under their own vine and under their own fig tree.”

We've got quite a number of them starting to fruit - The back neighbor loves figs so he shares their strawberries, and we'll share our figs. 

This poor sick plant is the only one that is having a hard comeback after the unusually snowy winter we had. I won't give up on it. 

I spent all day yesterday dead-heading - what a chore but is necessary for more flowers. I also organized and went through my potting table as to what I will give to the plant stands - I also started a few seeds in my yogurt tubs - I had some spare seeds, so I thought I would give it a try. 

The gardening has made me neglect my house - my laundry. I'm playing catch-up this Friday, running around trying to clean up so it doesn't bug me too much this weekend. Tomorrow, Lord willing, we hope to drive up to Yreka for their Gold Rush Days. We asked Char, my step-daughter, to come over and let Laydee out to pee and then feed them their dinner at 5pm, if we are not home yet. 

Now, I will say, see ya later - I have to go and read blogs that I have also overlooked due to gardening. 

Take Care



  1. What a beautiful red rose! We usually have blue and green dragonflies here. I love seeing them. Janice

  2. OH my! You do have a lovely garden full of beautiful flowers!! And figs and! I've never actually eaten them in their natural state...I love fig newtons! LOL. Oh I love dragonflies. We get a lot of different ones here around the pond. They love to eat mosquitoes, so I say the more dragonflies the better!! I hope you have a wonderful time today! Enjoy your weekend of relaxation after a week of gardening!!

  3. What a lovely collection of flowrers!

  4. All your flowers look beautiful! How nice to have a pomegranate tree in your backyard!

  5. You planted the red rose bush! It looks so pretty and coming along nicely. I hope it makes it through the freezing days and the hot days of Summer. Your lavender is really nice too. That's interesting to hear about the Oleander. Isn't that something that your dad planted them 30 years ago! I'm glad you told the price of the rose bush, cause I've been wanting to get a pink bush. They are expensive, but I think they are so worth it. The flowering pomegranate is a beauty too. You even have a fig tree! So many interesting things growing in your garden. Your post made my heart sing, and those red roses! I hope you have a fun day in Yreka. Haven't been there yet.


  6. Wow your garden flowers are coming along great.
    We have quite a few frogs in our little pond.
    My little lavender plant made it through the winter and is just now starting to get some flowers. I want to buy a bigger plant this year. There is a lavender farm just a few miles from town.

  7. You have such an interesting garden. I wish we could grow more fruits such as pomegranates, and flowers like oleander.

    God bless.

  8. Your flowers are all so beautiful. Love the dragonfly. Oh my, I would love to have a pomegranate growing in my yard.

  9. I was camping up at Black Butte Lake last week and for the first three nights we watched the lightning in the sky up your way and and off to the east. We got a short amount of rain about the time we sat down for dinner under the canopy. By the time we were finished so was the rain.
