Todays Menu: A bit of Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond

1. When did you last have canceled plans? Were you happy about that or disappointed? 

Something we were to go to was canceled, and I was overjoyed! 

2. On a scale of 1-10, how much of a planner are you?

I'm a 4 -  Years ago, I used to be someone who planned everything in advance. However, I found that this approach didn't alleviate my stress levels. Instead, it made me feel anxious and nervous. As I have grown older, I have become much more spontaneous and prefer not to plan everything out in advance and just enjoy the adventure.  For anything that requires major planning, my husband and I share the responsibility. 

3. Do you have a menu plan for the week? If so tell us one or two things that are on it. If not, what's your plan for not having a plan lol? 

See Above: I used to plan my weekly and monthly meals, but I lost my mojo. However, I still have a flexible mental list of what I want to cook. This week I plan to make Carne Asada and Grilled Chicken. I usually go grocery shopping on Friday.


4. The Hodgepodge lands on National Bucket List Day. Do you have a bucket list? Is it written down or just in your head? What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don't have a list, what is one thing you'd add to a list if you did? Yes, I'm going to make you think about it. 

I don't have a bucket list, although being on a jury is something I would like to experience at some point. However, if I don't get the chance, I won't be disappointed. I prefer to live my life without a checklist of things to do. Lists and reminders can take away from living in the present moment.


5. Rain buckets, a drop in the bucket, couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, sweat buckets, cry buckets...which 'bucket' idiom applies to your life in some way currently? 

None of these idioms apply to my life at the moment.


6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Great news! My son has returned safely 
from his backpacking adventure. 

I have to admit that my resolve to not worry was tested, but everything turned out well. Over the years, I have worked hard to give my worries to God, and thankfully, my worries have been minimal. I have learned to trust God with my worries over my adult children, especially after having lost one adult son to death. However, as a mother, I still have a natural urge to worry, and I have to fight against it. That's when I remind myself to hand them over to the care of a loving God who loves them even more than I do. It's up to me to trust. 

Yesterday, I became even more anxious as I knew my son would be checking in for the first time. In my darkest moments, I imagined what I would do if he didn't check in. I kept asking the Holy Spirit to give me peace, and I felt as if Jesus was asking me, 

Do you trust me? 
Do you really trust me? 
Do you trust me more than anything?

Finally, I felt the peace that I had been seeking from the beginning, but my mind wasn't cooperating. I feel like a failure as a Christian because I know that I am supposed to trust God fully, without excuses. After all that He has done for me, I had gone back to the pit of worry, like a dog to its vomit.

I don't want to control my worry; I want to trust God fully with my mind, body, and spirit.  By not fully trusting Him, I am telling Him that the work He did for me was not enough.

Because of Jesus,

I am Debby


  1. When did you last have cancelled plans? Were you happy about that or disappointed?

    I haven ‘t cancelled plans in years, I rarely have them made.
    On a scale of 1-10 how much of a planner are you?
    Ab out a five
    Do you have a menu plan for the week? If so tell us one or two things that are on it. If not, what's your plan for not having a plan lol?
    I use to when my girls were little
    The Hodgepodge lands on National Bucket List Day. Do you have a bucket list? Is it written down or just in your head? What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don't have a list, what is one thing you'd add to a list if you did? Yes I'm going to make you think about it.
    Nope bucket list.
    Rain buckets, a drop in the bucket, couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, sweat buckets, cry buckets...which 'bucket' idiom applies to your life in some way currently?
    I can’t carry a tune, when I cry, I cry buckets.
    Insert your own random thought here.
    If I tried to kick the bucket, I would miss and end up on my bum.

  2. You are certainly NOT a failure as a Christian!! We have God given feelings, and it is really hard to turn all our worry over to God! But knowing that we should and trying is what counts! It shows that we know God's word and respect and love Him and want to do what is right.

    1. I know in Christ I am not a failure but when I try my best to not worry over my sons - I realized I was doing so in my own strength; not His. That’s when feelings of failure seeps into my soul.
      I absolutely detest worrying and I have come such a long way. I still have a long way to go when it is my husband or my sons.
      Oh well - what am I going to do? Trust God.

  3. Yes and amen.. being human with human feelings is ok. Being a Christian doesn't mean we are perfect and never worry or get stressed. God knows we are this way and He keeps speaking to us and saying Peace.. we take that and then drift back into our "human-ness". Its all good and I give Him all the glory..PTL, I know how the STORY ends.

    1. That is so true - my husband validated for me that he didn’t believe I worried excessively; between you and me, I kept it to myself. Right before bedtime, these dark thoughts would engage my mind and I kept praying the scary thoughts would go away. Daytime I was fine.
      It was definitely another life lesson for me! Always learning!

  4. I don't care how much we trust God, especially when it comes to our children, as mothers there will always be a part of us that will "worry" over our children, especially when we know they are in a possibly dangerous place or if we don't hear from them when we think we should. I try to always put my trust in God in these situations, but I am only human and that little nagging fear and doubt does find its way into my mind at times. But as Christians we know we can pray and call on the Name of Jesus to carry us through our anxieties and fears, and even carry us when our worst fears do come true. God is still there for us and will never let us go. He knows our frame and remembers that we are dust, and yet He still loves us and forgives us and helps us get back up and start over again. I am like you regarding planning, etc. Now that we are retired we tend to be in a bit of a routine (rut) and stay on a schedule most of the time. (meals, bedtime, etc.) I do keep a calendar so I can stay abreast of our schedule. When there is a free day we can do something spontaneous like a ride or out to lunch or something fun. Hard to plan ahead because it seems like there are always those unexpected appointments that pop up. So we try to stay flexible. Meals? I plan as I shop and see what is on special for the week. That is how I plan my meals...whatever is on special in meats and vegies, etc. I enjoyed your post as always. Take care my friend.

    1. True. I’m beginning to think it’s impossible; surely in own own strength! My therapist told me after losing a child - no matter what age or how long ago, there is a trauma and at times we can revert back to that. My greatest fear is I will outlive my other 2 sons!

  5. I am visiting from over at Red Rose Alley. What a fun post here....I am definitely a planner with two calendars at my side all the time. Couldn't carry a tune in a bucket is ME. I would love to be able to sing....but I suppose my talents are elsewhere. enjoyed my visit here. Hope you will hop over and visit my place. Have a Beautiful week

    1. Oh my you are the planner! Good for you. I might say I am a “retired planner” as I did do all that when I had a young active family. Now it’s just the husband and myself. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. I'm a planner - I plan my days, I plan my meals... but maybe when retirement comes I can be more spontaneous.
    I'm happy when things are cancelled too.
    So glad your son is safely home. I get that worrying - I do it too!

    1. It’s a mother’s curse! I hate it. I’m so happy he’s back but the booger said he enjoyed himself so much, he’s going back next month. I’ll do better next time! 🙏🏻

  7. My mom died when I was 15 so I had NO idea that I would still be worrying about my "children" when they are 37 years old and parents themselves! I enjoyed your answers!

  8. It is hard not to worry over our children no matter what age. I'm glad your son has returned safely from his backpacking adventure. If anyone understands our weaknesses, God does. It was good to read your hodgepodge!

  9. I think worry can be something we have to hand over to God many times, at least for me. We know all the cliches about how worrying doesn't help, but it's a struggle I think for most of us to get a handle on. I have gotten better with age in that regard. I'm glad your son made it home safely. Have a great rest of the week!

  10. I only can plan a trip, otherwise I never make plans, I change them anyway ! When I was a young mother and said, once he is 20 I am not concerned anymore, my friend said you will see he can become 100 if you are still there you still would worry about him, she was right I have to admit !

  11. The thing is we're all gonna at times be stressed. That's normal. It's how we navigate that matters. Sounds like you're working on a way that works for you. Love that.

  12. I think all mom's worry their kids. Maybe we should say we are concerned about their well being. I am taking a class and the book is called Untangle your Emotions. It says we should acknowledge our emotions, but not let them control us. We share how we feel with the Lord, and we find safe people that can be there for us when we need it. So many of us deny our feelings and that is not good. We talked about how David lamented to the Lord, got his feelings out, then went to the Lord and praised Him.

  13. I enjoyed reading the answers to the questions this week. I am so happy that your son returned home safe from his trip. I agree with you on putting my faith in God and not worrying so much but we can't help ourselves.

  14. I am definitely a planner.... I have lists and I work on them constantly most are plans to get completed during the month.

    I think as mother's we always worry about our children. We were up at Kris's this weekend (our youngest son's) due to my specialist appointment. When he asked what time we would be leaving....and I said right after my early morning appointment, he looked and sounded disappointed. He really has a hard time making friends and I think was looking forward to us staying another night. I told him we would come up again and visit for a few days and he was very happy.

    God bless.

    1. Oh, Jackie, that is so sweet! It's fantastic when our adult kids actually get to the point where they really enjoy our company. Yeah, you need to go back and spend a couple of nights with him.

  15. I'm not a worrier by nature, but I sure liked to keep track of my kids and know where they were and that has been a very difficult mindset to get over now that they are grownups. So I understand that bit of worry. How interesting that you would like to be on a jury! I don't know if I'd WANT to do that or not. I guess it might depend on what kind of a case it was. I've only received two summons for jury duty, and the first time I was ineligible (weren't citizens) and the more recent time was for county court and they cancelled all court dates for "my" week. Oh well! Hope you're having a good week!

  16. Sometimes a planner, sometimes not. I do plan my weekly meals. Its better for my pocketbook if I do. Glad your son made it through his hike. Am sure he will want to do more now...and you will be worries again.. ITs what mothers do. Janice

  17. I'm working on being a bit more spontaneous. I've been on a few was fine, but I'd prefer to not have to take the time to do that again. I enjoyed reading your answers. I don't think we ever stop worrying about our children.
