New Neighbors


The wild animals are moving down from the mountains; searching for water, food, and a new place to lay their head. Poor babies. This bear sauntered past our house last night sometime around 3am. A neighbor posted it on NextDoor. 

My son is seeing more deer at his house as well as skunks. He sent me a video of 2 skunks running alongside his back fence - like a skunk highway. 

My heart breaks for our wildlife. 

Does anyone remember Cooper? The German Shepherd that belonged to our good neighbor Patti? Well, she had to rehome Cooper - he went to a good home, lives on a ranch with a female german shepherd. 

We loved Coop and he liked us too - always watching us. Totally tore up the fence but it was old anyway. 

Meanwhile, Patti had some health issues - we just heard she passed away recently. We didn't even know. We found out when we saw some people in her backyard - new neighbors. A young family with 2 toddlers and a Jack Russell terrier. 


  1. ...I'm not a fan of skunks, but I prefer them to bears!

  2. That's frightening ... having a bear visit.

    God bless.

    1. Not frightening at all. I'm sure they are just passing through to better grounds.

  3. Oh, my, sorry to hear about your neighbor passing. And now Cooper is somewhere else. I hope he's happy living on the ranch. We've rescued many a stray dog. I love dogs.
    And those poor wild animals. I feel for them. We are nature enthusiasts. One of our hobbies is to feed the birdie's year 'round. They "pay us back" but being entertaining. I can sit on the porch and watch them for hours. It's like God playing music just for me. I even like the snakes. There's a reason for every animal to be here. Just my opinion. :)
    Blessings. xx

    1. My goodness Sparky, are we related? We love our birds as well and feed them year round. They are very entertaining and quite territorial.

      While I am not fond of snakes I do appreciate their purpose. I do find rattlesnakes to be fascinating. I also am a spider aficionado.

  4. I'm sorry your neighbor passed away, Debby. I hope you do well with the new
    neighbors. It's really important to have good neighbors. Makes all the difference
    in the world.

    Have a good September week.


  5. It is sad what has happened to wild animals all over the world

  6. My friend says she has been smelling skunk some mornings. I haven't yet, but I have seen lots of dead ones on the roads.

    I thin I might be a bit worried to see a bear wandering through my front yard. You take care.

    Hope your neighbours are good.

    God bless.
