Tule fog in the valley and gas prices

The fog was heaviest in the morning but it pretty much stayed the whole day. 

We're at the very top of this long central valley. 

The Tule Fog is a traditional annual fog that visits the central valley and San Joaquin Valley in the Fall and through the winter. Tule fog is thought to arise from wetlands full of tules, Schoenoplectus acutus, a reed or rush common to marshes in California.  

Our main north-to-south interstate is in the central valley - I-5. In years past there have been numerous multi-vehicle pile-ups due to the infamous tule fog. 

Once when I was coming back from visiting my son Michael in Long Beach, I hit the fog and got completely turned around - I could not see past my arm. I noticed truckers were on the side of the road, parked and I took my cue from them and pulled off. We waited for a couple of hours for some visibility. Even then, we drove 35 mph for many miles. It was the eeriest thing I've ever seen. 

Mind you, I am originally from San Francisco and the coast - I'm used to fog but this tule fog is different than the fog that rolls in from the pacific ocean. 

Nevertheless, it was pleasant to walk in - 
all that humidity (which we don't get a lot of around here) felt nice. 

It's good for the plants. 


After a long walk, I came in began to make lentil soup for our dinner and some crusty french bread in the oven. Yum!

Good News

I've convinced the husband to quit his second job or just work 2 days a week, preferably day hours.  I've held my tongue now for 5 mos.  

It just doesn't make sense. Here he is retired yet he is working this part-time job, to where we cannot go out and do anything - and he misses thanksgiving with the family because he is working at night. 

I am so glad I never saw any of that money in my budget so for me, it's no loss at all. Okay so maybe our date nights will be fewer and far between. He used his work money for getting tools and for taking me out to dinner; which I admit, I love going out to eat. I can handle it though - it's not like it was the most important thing to me. It was just a nice extra - 

Perhaps the timing is not good - with prices going up, but we'll manage. 
We always do. 

We've been making triple car payments since we bought the car in June and have already reduced the loan by almost a year and a half! (The payments are very low at $210.00 and thanks to my husband making 2 of them from his part-time job) 

We are THRILLED that we made the decision on that electric plug-in hybrid. We have not seen a jump at all in our home electricity and we are able to scoot around town, doing our errands totally on electric for 26 miles. Unless we drive over that amount, we don't use gasoline. 

Now the gas-guzzling old van is another story. We pretty much don't let it go down much - we keep topping it off so we don't have to pay an arm and a leg to fill it up. My husband takes it to work 1 night a week to just use it. He works 5 miles away.  Gas here for regular is steady at about 4.14 for the cheapest gas on up to 4.89 for the brand name gasoline.  

Well, I better go and get ready. 
The husband is taking me out for fish and chips for dinner and it's on him. 


  1. $4 for gas...ouch! We're at $3.35 and probably heading for 4 soon. I've wondered about plug in Electrics, interesting that you home bill has not risen noticeably. good to know.

  2. Our gasoline shot up to over $3.35 a gallon for a brief time, then it backed down to $3.19. Don't know why. Our electric company is from the local nuclear plant and there are many solar farms around now that are adding to the grid. The monthly electric bill is staying really low for us. Praise God. I'm not sure about food prices 'cause we eat keto (all meat - no processed anything or sugar or carbs) and I'm told it's all local. Even the veggie's are local. If we have to we'll just "harvest" our own meat all year round and do very well. City people are gonna suffer big time. Guess they'll learn that elections have consequences the hard way.
    And I keep praying that his Administration will be throw in to the pit soon. 4 years of them will be the death of what is left of American exceptionalism, in my opinion.
    Blessings. xx

  3. I miss tule fog!! (from Merced) Hubby and I laugh up here when they say "Heavy fog"! ~ when you can still see at least a quarter of a mile!

  4. There is nothing worse than driving in fog. It is down right scary when you can't see. But I agree it is nice for walking in.
    Sounds like a great idea for your husband to cut down working!!
    Ah, fish and chips, one of my favorites!!

  5. The price of petrol is ridiculous here, going out for a meal is good no matter what the food

  6. Gas prices are crazy here in Canada, and I am so glad that our vehicle gets really good milage and that we are not driving all over the place. A tank in my vehicle lasts about a month and a half. I am hoping to stretch that to two months.

    I am glad that your husband has made the decision to quit or really cut back on his work time.

    God bless.

  7. Love that Chevron sign. Tule fog is the worst. I just love California…the good, the bad and the ugly, there’s no place like it. You have a great yard. Enjoy your meal out and having your hubby home more. xo,V

  8. I love fog but only to look at or walk around in. We rarely have a very heavy fog here but one time years ago we did and I had to call in late to work and wait for the fog to clear. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face! Gas here runs about 3.29-3.49 a gallon for the regular stuff. Smart of you to have an electric vehicle right now!

  9. That gas sign was funny, but sadly fairly right on with gas prices climbing everywhere especially with the holiday weekend coming up next week. Thank goodness we're only going from NH to RI to visit family. Your husband's second job may have been nice for some extra $, but as you said, time is more important. You may still be able to out for an occasional dinner and fish and chips sounds great to me!

  10. Had to deal with the dense fog Wednesday and Thursday on my way to work, once I get past town I have a couple miles of it. Today was much lighter and could see enough to drive the regular speed.

  11. We've had a lot of fog too lately, and it looks so pretty on the hills and mountain. I've been also having lentil soup with bread, but I bet your homemade is even better. Yea, gas prices seem to go up constantly, but I really don't drive anywhere except for in town. Fish and chips sounds Yummy. There is a drive-through place here that serves the BEST fish and chips. Whenever I'm craving them, I go through the drive-through. ; )

