The Sling has been relieved of active duty


My Orthopedic Surgeon was very pleased with my ROM (range of motion) and has removed the sling. I also am cleared to drive - can lift up to 10 lbs but to start small and work up. No overhead lifting or reaching. 

I start physical therapy next week for the initial eval and then every M W F at 10;30 till March 2. I see the Doc again in 7 weeks. 

I am so happy. 

I don't plan to do everything I want all at once. I will take things slow. I do want to go out this afternoon, with the husband in the car, to see how it feels to drive. It should be fine. Getting my ability back to drive is HUGE. It's my independence. 

I still will need some help in some things, like lifting the cast iron skillet out of the oven - or off the stove. It's HEAVY! There are just a few meals I use the cast iron. 

Yesterday I put my sling on - and I used my Bissel featherweight vacuum so I could do my hardwood floors. I only used my left arm. I may strap up the sling for that type of housework for a while just so I don't accidentally forget and use my right arm. I'll play that by ear. 

Tomorrow I will weigh myself - to see if I gained any weight. I still fit in my jeans so if I did, it wasn't much but when you aren't moving, you gain. 


  1. Yes!!! So glad that things are moving in the right direction for you. I think its awesome that you will make sure not to over use the arm by putting the sling on doing certain jobs.

    God bless.

  2. Bet it felt great to ditch the sling! Well done. I pray you heal up faster than they said you would.
    Blessings. xx

  3. Oh that is good news. You are smart to take it easy at first!!

  4. So now mountain climbing or tennis?

  5. So happy for you to be rid of the sling!! I know that must feel SO good! And yes, I would go easy on doing new things until you rebuild your strength in that arm. I currently have a frozen shoulder and am going through PT. I can't lift my iron skillet with that arm at all, so rarely use it. Driving is uncomfortable but I can do it. Washing my hair is challenging, and so is dressing myself (sleeves, jackets, etc.) I am trying to keep up with the PT exercises at home, but that is challenging also. One day at a time. I know you can do it, and you will be SO happy to get back to "normal" (whatever that is!) Happy Day!!
