Tomorrow is the DAY!


Beautiful days and nice sunsets the last couple of days 

Tomorrow couldn't get here any sooner - I am so excited to "fling the sling" 

I have been taking it off if I am just sitting around doing nothing. I mean why sit there all strapped in, when I don't have to, plus I get cramping from the elbow to my ring and baby finger.  That whole side of me wants their FREEDOM. 

I've been watching you-tube videos on crafting and organization. I want to clean and decorate and craft and sew.  Realistically, I probably won't be able to for quite some time - little by little; baby steps. 

The husband FINALLY found something he can cook, that he is good at. Homemade Pizza. So I crowned him, The Pizza Guy for our house. He bought the dough - and used Classico Pizza Sauce but I don't care as long as I didn't have to make it. He enjoyed rolling out the dough...

It's already noonish here - so I have less than 24 hours to go...

Stay tuned.


  1. Awesome skies.
    Happy for you that you won't have to wear that sling anymore!!!
    My husband is the pizza man out our house too, though I make the dough.

  2. Yeh for fling the sling. Just you don't go doing too much now.

    God bless.

  3. Hooray for getting rid of that sling! The sunsets are gorgeous.
    The pizza looks good - and even better when you don't have to make it. I picked one up in our store deli tonight. They make them fresh and you bake them. My hubby will put it in the oven before I get home from work tomorrow. :)

  4. Congratulations! Your sky photos are literally heavenly!! So gorgeous!

  5. Fling the sling and put on some bling! *lol* Yay to movin' on, right?!
    I'll bet the homemade pizza is really good. We make a keto version with Sola Bread (2 carbs per slice). Makes me want one now. *giggle* We're expecting a pile of rain this weekend in SE Georgia. That's good weather for comfort food.
    Blessings. xx

  6. So happy for you to "fling that sling". I know you will be so happy to do so!! And then you can celebrate with that wonderful delicious looking pizza! And those sunsets are magnificent. Thank you for sharing with us!! Enjoy your freedom!!

  7. Yay!!!! Sling Be Gone~. Just don't go crazy and try to do too much too soon. That always seems to be my goal. lol. Have a wonderful weekend and those are beautiful pictures. xo Diana

  8. Homemade pizza, it looks YUMMY! So glad you get your sling off. Just take it easy and don't overdo things. : )

    ~ Sheri
