Day One of MY DAY

Last night I harvested 3 zucchini of different sizes - the one really big one, I will make zucchini bread with. I like them smaller. 

Susie wanted in on the photo - looks as if she is protecting our harvest.

I also pulled my first carrot. I'll save the rest when the husband comes home. The carrots are definitely ready. I've never grown them before so it is quite a treat to see the carrots start to crown. 

And yes, Susie photo bombed this photo. 

The carrot tops really must be tasty - 

I uploaded a video of her munching down on the greens. 

The husband and Foodie didn't get out of here yesterday until around 3:00 pm. It was all my husband - that is why I dislike the whole pre-camping experience. I'm more spontaneous and he has to make a plan for everything. 

Bear spray, the battery for his CPAP machine, and of course, right now I have drawn a blank - but trust me, he brought everything but the kitchen sink. 

They texted me, that they found a good secluded spot. 

Meanwhile, I got a late start in my bedroom - I decided to switch bookcases and so painting was not necessary and I like it better. Now I have a quart-size can of paint that I will find another use for. 

Here's the color - hmmm, the photo does not do it justice. It looks good with the teals, and seafoam greens I love. 

At around 5am, Laydee started getting restless and Susie jumped on my back - its time to get up. She meows and meows until she sees me getting up. Then she runs down the hallway. 

Turned off the alarm - let Laydee out for her morning break - made my coffee and while it was dripping, I got the fish food ready. We pre-soak the fish food because they are gobblers and a few years back they got a bladder bloat issue that one died from. The remedy was to pre-soak their food. So I count out 24 pellets for the big fish and 2 pinches of the flakes for the little guys. About the time I went for my 2nd cup of coffee, I fed them. 

They are funny - they recognize us - the big fish can eat out of our hands. I just poured it in and the little guys in the lower pond were also very happy and swarmed in for their feast. 

See how the 100+ sun just fries everything? 
We really need to put up a shade cloth. 

I still have to water the plants. I noticed my broccoli has crunchy leaves - I don't think that is right. Maybe it's just too hot here to grow broccoli or I need a shade over. The cabbage looks like we have aphids. Both are firsts for me and will be the last. They take up too much room and are just not worth it. 

My pansies look like they are already sick of the heat. Maybe that is why they are called "pansies." I may have to move them out of the sun or they will fry. 

But not so for the mighty sunflower. They LOVE the hot dry heat. 


I plan to go to a larger dollar tree this morning then a quick trip to the grocery $tore and I will chill, inside until it's time for the movies. 


 It's not like I am dying to see this Elvis movie. I like the real Elvis and usually don't like these types of movies.  I'm hoping the music will be good. 

I watched a little portion of the Lucille Ball movie, Being the Richardos and I didn't enjoy it. I just couldn't see "Lucy" in Nicole Kidman or Desi in Javier Bardem, so it bothered me. If they do these types of movies, they really need to portray them even down to how they look.

ANYWAY, Have a good one today. Stay hydrated - 


  1. In my area pansies are good for early spring and late fall. They do not do well in summer weather.

  2. Dearest Debby,
    Love your Susie and she surely enjoyed the crisp carrot greens!
    Our furry companions can be so loyal and fun and even fish are smart enough for recognizing us!
    Your yield of Zucchinis is excellent and the first carrot also is promising.
    Our pansies and other early plants have all given up; too hot and we can't keep up with the water.

  3. Well, it sounds like you are having a good first day by yourself. That's important, and we need that from time to time. I want to see the movie Elvis. It looks like a good one, and entertaining. Your garden is producing good looking squash. My dad always planted squash in his garden. The carrots will be nice to have when they're ready also. I hope your husband is having a good time camping as well. I hope day two will be a good one for you.


  4. I love zucchini bread. Your carrot looks wonderful. I've tried to grow carrots over the years and they always come out little!!
    Even here my pansies aren't doing so well, but the petunia are looking fine.

  5. I hope that the movie was good (especially the music). I did not like Being the Ricardos either.

    We no longer plant cabbage, or broccoli because of the room they take up in the garden.

    God bless.

  6. Just dropped by to say hi so "HI"
    I don't watch many movies

    1. I don't either normally - just the last 2 weeks I have gone to the movies twice. Before that I don't even remember the last time we went to the movies.

  7. I know they grow broccoli and califlower as winter crops in the Salinas valley. You might try growing it in the fall instead.

