Hodgepodge - To Ham or not to Ham


Thank you to Joyce for providing once again, another thought-provoking Hodgepodge; which I find myself looking forward to completing.   If you want to join in - go to her blog From This Side of the Pond. 

1. What would you say is the most difficult task when it comes to spring cleaning? Have you completed that task this year? Any plans to get it done?

Okay so don't throw a shoe at me or gag on a spoon - but I enjoy spring cleaning all year and I enjoy it. We are either the dirtiest people or the cleanest! 

The most difficult task would be cleaning the vaulted ceilings we have in our living/dining and kitchen area. So I've given up - that's why I made my peace with spiders. We have an agreement - they can eat the mosquitos and flies as long as they don't jump on me or my guests. In fact, I may even dedicate our home to a spider sanctuary. I have to admit, I don't have an issue with them. They are pretty much sight unseen and they leave me such pretty delicate webs. 

Halloween is especially nice at our house when all the webs are out on full display. We do draw the line with poisonous spiders because you just can't trust them to follow the rules. 

2. Your favorite pastel color? Favorite thing you own in a pastel shade? 

Lavender is my favorite color period. I also like the seafoam greens, and robins' egg blue. 

3. Do you like ham? Do you fix ham year round or is it mostly just a 'holiday food'? Baked ham-ham and eggs-ham and cheese sandwich-scalloped potatoes and ham-Hawaiian pizza....what's your pleasure? 

I'm okay with ham. I fix a ham during the holidays and occasionally outside of a holiday. I like a nice thinly sliced lean ham on a Hawaiian roll with some honey mustard. I don't like ham in my scalloped potatoes. After the main meal, we will have ham and eggs and perhaps I will do a US Senate Bean soup with ham. I don't buy a big ham because I don't care for leftovers that last more than the day after. 

4. Do you celebrate Easter? What did Easter look like when you were a kid? What are your plans for Easter this year? 

As I mentioned earlier, my family was not religious - so Mom would dress us up and have this Easter photo shoot complete with an Easter Basket (That I still have) Then I'd get into more comfy clothes and play with all my other heathen friends in the neighborhood.  I really did not know what I was missing. 

Once when I was in high school, a Catholic friend of mine invited me to her house on Good Friday. She said they pray. I thought, "Cool." Her mom closed all the curtains in the house, and we all spent 3 hours in quiet contemplation. Oh occasionally she would glance over at me, make a face and we'd giggle. It made an impression on me. I came home asking my Mom all sorts of questions. 

Sunday, I will be a greeter - and then my husband's daughter, Char, and Foodie will join us for dinner and YES, we'll have ham. 

5. Something that makes you feel hopeful amidst all the chaos and confusion this world brings? 

I believe in God's truth - so when I feel squeezed by the world I just read my bible. I also pray - it takes my eyes off of the circumstances and onto what I believe is eternal truth. I do not put my hope in people, places, or things. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Let me ask you...  Do you or have you ever known a person like this?  Would Mother Thersa fall under this? Maybe not because it says, they don't even realize it themselves. What if we are, and we just don't know it? Is that even possible? 

Okay, I'm done here - more like a deep random thought...

Take Care,



  1. Oh goodness, I am terrified of spiders!! so do you go to a Catholic church? And you will be a greeter on Easter Sunday? How wonderful!

  2. I do think Mother Theresa would fall under that category.
    I love lavender as well.
    Not too keen on ham.
    You like to clean? Me I do it can't say I like it.
    Have a blessed Easter.

  3. Dearest Debby,
    Well, we're like you and Pieter and I love to clean up year–round.
    It is merely a task for not leaving a mess behind when we both will pass on...
    I've heard horror stories of people having to sort through box after box to see if something of value is being left in there.
    Our cleaning lady just left and it feels good this way.
    I'm slowly catching up on other things and after the most excruciating pain I've read the Catherine series from Juliette Benzoni, 6 in Dutch and I did not have the final 7th so I ordered it on Amazon. Funny for doing 6 Dutch and then English. A more simple language as it is very hard to translate from the original French—Dutch has already so much French in its language.
    But that was the BEST therapy for me for not becoming depressed or feeling down or whatever. Great history and lovely to dive into it after 50 years. In the meanwhile, it was amazing to me at how many of the cities the book describes in France, The Netherlands (Belgium did not yet exist in the 15th century!) and Spain we both have been.
    Lavender certainly is one of my favorite colors!
    As for Ham. Back in the 80s I frequently would make a slice Hawaii on some toast with a slice of ham, then pineapple and cheese on top—under the grill and it was delicious.
    But due to its high sodium both, ham and cheese are no longer on my list.
    Yes, we celebrate Easter and I will sing in the chancel choir—tonight my 1st rehearsal!
    Big hugs,

  4. No spring cleaning here I'm too damn lazy.............lol
    Love ham fof the bone and have it when I remember to buy it.
    Easter isn't a big deal here any more it was when the girls were little

  5. I don't spring clean either but clean good throughout the year.
    I Love that quote!! I would say our pastor is like that!!

  6. Occasionally I will buy a ham steak to cook with eggs for breakfast, but a full blown big ham only happens once a year on Easter. After hubby's appt tomorrow. we will be Spring cleaning our living room. Everything will be moved out for me to clean the floor underneath our area rug. I am not a fan of spiders, but do tolerate the dandy long leg ones. They me me alone and vice versa. Happy Easter to you and your family! Janice

  7. My mother used to make Senate Bean Soup. I always thought it was something only we (and obviously the US Senate) ate!

  8. I really don't like pastels they don't suit my colouring. Give me jewel tones, black and white.

    We love ham here, and I love leftovers.... as you already know. However since we had ham at Christmas we will have turkey for Easter.

    God bless.

  9. I clean often but just season cleaning. I do like ham and find ones I like. Last one we had was Thanksgiving.Will eat out after church. My favorite color is purple 💜. We'll be helping at kids class at church 2nd service. We used to greet as well. Have a blessed week!

  10. I enjoyed your answers and I loved that last quote. I think my mother in law fits in that category.

  11. I've never heard of Senate Bean soup so will have to look that one up. Hope you had a wonderful Easter day!
