Don't be Intimated. It's only the Hodgepodge

 From this Side of the Pond

1. What's a talent you wish you had? 

I don't dwell on things I wish I had but don't have now, especially at the age of 70. I'm content and happy just to still be here. It reminds me of a saying my dad used to tell me."

"Wish in one hand and s**t in the other and  see which one fills the fastest."

2. In one word, what's your state of mind right now? 

I'm in a good place for the most part. Blogger bugs me but that’s another story. 

3. What's the next major purchase you need to make? Will it happen this month? This year? 

We're considering getting the house painted, most likely next year. We have always done it ourselves, and I still believe we can handle it, but perhaps I am overly optimistic about our abilities. Apart from that, nothing else comes to mind.

4. Tuesday (April 2nd) was National PB and J Day...did you celebrate? Is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich something you eat weekly or more? What's your favorite kind of jelly? 

I love PB&J sandwiches. I used to eat them daily, but just half a sandwich. I prefer strawberry jam or apricot preserves over jelly. My favorite way to enjoy a PB&J used to be with a glass of milk and a handful of Lay's potato chips.

5. Are you easily intimidated? Who or what intimidates you? 

On the most part I am not easily intimidated but I can see how as one gets older, you feel more vulnerable which can make you feel intimidated. As Christians though, we should never allow ourselves to be intimidated or bullied because of our beliefs. 

During my late 20s and early 30s, I used to feel intimidated by groups of teenagers. I believe it was because I remembered how I behaved as a young teenager. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter C

I have previously mentioned that my father and his father worked as coal miners. My C post is about Coal Mining in my family in Scott County, Tennessee, my Grandpa's death from the complications of Black Lung, and just a little history about Coal Mining in that part of Eastern Tennessee.  

That's it for now. Stay tuned for the letter D - 


It might be a while before I will be able to upload new photos. For a few weeks , I haven’t been able to upload using my desktop but just now realized I now am unable to upload from my iPhone. I had been using my phone so I cleared out the cache to no avail. I’m getting so irritated with Blogger. I only stick around because of all of you. 

Anyway just thought I’d give you a heads up. I can use my old blogger photos only - the ones that I’ve already used but anything new, just won’t load and I get an error message. 




  1. Why is blogger so difficult sometimes?
    Coal mining was and is a very hard job! You have some great photos there.

    1. I think we all have a love/hate relationship with Blogger.

  2. I don't eat peanut butter sandwiches any more, but sometimes at breakfast I will spread peanut or sunflower seed butter on a piece of toast and top it with sunflower seeds and grapes or other fruit. Kind of like a deconstructed PB&J.

    1. I like anything with peanut butter. I like peanut butter toast for breakfast.

  3. We are in the process right now of painting our house. There has been many times I thought to myself to just hire someone to paint it. I guess I'm too cheap though and always think of what else I could do with that money!

    1. I’m right there with you! My dad was a painting contractor so I know we could do it. I have a lot of his equipment.

  4. Hi, my dad said the same .. #1!!!
    I agree with #5. We have to stay strong in our faith... no matter the push back. And truth is truth.
    Thank you for sharing about your family and coal mining. My great grandpa was a coal miner as well.

    1. I hope your great grandfather fared better than my grandpa did. Tough job.

  5. Blogger frustrates me a lot of the time too. I tried to join AtoZ but it said I couldn't there was an error and the site had been closed.
    So I guess I will just have to pop on and post a letter now and then. Sorry after all the work you put into it.
    Hope your day goes sunny and bright.

    1. No that link was the wrong link. I’ll get you the correct link.

  6. Hope you find a good painting outfit to paint your home. Being content is a good state to be in. Happy April to you!

    1. Oh yeah! My husband uses my dad’s old painting overalls! I have a couple of “painting” clothes - old clothes with paint on it. 👍🏻

  7. Don't quit blogging, Oh NO!!!! So many are quitting that it is sad. Coal mining must be the toughest and hardest job there is. I just bought three different flavors of peanut butter today!

    1. No I won’t quit.
      I didn’t know there were different flavored peanut butters.

  8. I like your answer for #1. I'm glad you are in a good place right now. I feel it is time to get our house painted but my husband doesn't agree. I like peanut butter in my yogurt. I've never done that A-Z challenge. Hope it goes well for you.

    1. Thanks. A-Z is a lot of work to prepare but once it’s done it’s a relief.

  9. Sometimes blogger as a mind of its own!!!

  10. Great Hodgepodge. Blogger gets a bit cranky at times I have noticed.

    God bless.

    1. The photo uploader didn’t work for about 6 mos and voila, one day it worked.

  11. 1. I would love to have a good singing voice. I love singing but will only do it when I am by myself usually in the car alone. I always thought I must be tone deaf but I did an online test a month ago and and it says I am not. I could pick out the different tones. I thought about maybe trying singing lessons some day. I had a bad experience in grade school being pointed out in front of not just my class but several classes once and I really think that might have given me PSTD regarding singing.
    2. More stressed than happy lately, mostly due to my mom's dementia.
    3. I need to purchase a new to me SUV that has the towing capability to tow my little camping trailer.
    4. No PB and J for me. Never liked them even as a kid. Like anything with peanuts or peanut butter but could not stand it on bread. I will eat a spoonful when I am wanting it. I also only buy Skippy Super Chunk.
    5. I can be sometimes with really confident people.
    6. Really happy to see that our snowpack is again above average as I saw on the news tody.

    1. Aww sorry about your mom’s dementia. I’m more afraid of having dementia or Alzheimer than cancer or heart disease!

      I’m a “Jiff” person.

  12. I've had some issues recently with blogger loading photos to my post. It works fine from my phone, but not my laptop. I'm sure it must be user error here. Interesting topic for your A-Z posts! Hope you're having a nice weekend!

    1. It used to post from my phone but not anymore. At least now I’m using google photos and so far, that is working out fine.

  13. Ha!'s true...There are things I wish, but that's all they are, I don't dwell on them either. I'm hoping to join the A to Z challenge next year. I set a reminder in my calendar.
