Eggplant and Plums on Hodgepodge

 From this Side of the Pond

1. Mayday! Mayday!...when was the last time (or a recent time) you literally or figuratively needed to call for help? Elaborate. 

The only thing that jumps out at me is last August, my family and I went on a dinner cruise on Lake Shasta. It was a scorching hot day, with temperatures reaching 111 degrees. When I got off the boat and started hiking up the hill, my legs felt weak, and then I finally passed out.  I didn't have a chance to call for help; fortunately, my daughter-in-law, who is a nurse, quickly realized the severity of the situation. I was cold and clammy, had a fever, and was disoriented - had rapid shallow breathing. My BP, which always is low, dropped dangerously low.   Paramedics arrived promptly and rushed me to the hospital.

It was determined I was dehydrated and had heat exhaustion - 

As our Hot, Dry summer approaches, I will be mindful of the heat - I'm 70 now, and I just can't the extreme heat like I used to.  


 2. May Day...when was the last time you danced? 

When I hear music I like,  I dance

 or groove to the music while grocery shopping. 

Do you have a lot of baskets? What's something you keep in a basket? 

About five years ago, I got rid of all my baskets - well most of them. I just got tired of them. Now I miss them. I have a few...and plan to get some more. I'll look at thrift stores.

I don't keep anything specific in them. Small baskets by the door hold keys.  

What's your favorite purple flower? 


I have some purple Irises.

 Wild Hyacinths


Oh, heck, I like them all. 


3. What's something you may do this month? 

Go to my son and his wife's house for dinner. Maybe this weekend. 

We're attending a musical concert at our church put on by Jessup University. They come every year and they put on an excellent performance. 


4. Do you like eggplant? Quick topic changes lol? If you said yes in answer to the eggplant question how do you like yours prepared? Of the following purple foods, which one is your favorite...plums, purple carrots, purple asparagus, eggplant, acai berries, blackberries, purple cauliflower, elderberries, purple potatoes, or passion fruit? 

I love eggplant! I have 2 of them in my crisper and will be making my favorite, Eggplant Parmesan. 

 Santa Rosa Plums are my favorite. The others on the list above are fine—I'll eat them. 

Luther Burbank was a plant breeder who was responsible for over 800 varieties of fruits and vegetables. One of his crowning achievements was the Santa Rosa Plum developed in 1906. They used to account for more than a third of production in California's plum harvest. You can only find them at Farmers Markets now. They are soft and fragrant - rich and tangy. 

5. The calendar turns on Hodgepodge Day...

"Then you have to remember to be thankful; but in May one simply can't help being thankful that they are alive, if for nothing else."-L.M. Montgomery

Tell us one thing you're thankful for today. 

Since I am just finishing up the Book of John bible study, I am thankful that I found Jesus almost 40 years ago - after a rocky 30 years before. I was the last person who would have ever believed - yet I did when it was presented to me by a gal who was similar to me - She was a new Christian - at only 6 mos. She presented it to me just one time.  She came from a rough background - we had similar experiences. In those 30 years, others tried to reach me - but I never related to them.  We didn't share the same experiences or struggles. 

She told me to read the book of John. It brought me to my knees and opened my eyes! 

So yeah, I'm thankful today and every day that God put that very special person in my life at just the right time for me. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

One of my favorite childhood memories growing up in San Francisco was the Maypole Dance on May 1.  Grattan, the school I attended, organized a Maypole dance every year where I would wear my prettiest spring dress and flowers from the garden in my hair. Then my folks sold out, and we moved 20 miles down the coast to Pacifica - and they didn't do Maypole dances. I remember the girls would fret over having to hold hands with a boy - and, of course, the boys acted like they were being tortured because they had to hold hands with a girl. Some of them would spit on their hands - Goofy boys! 

Thanks for stopping by - and if this looks like fun to you - why not join in? 

Answer on your own blog, then hop over to Janice's blog to get the link to the party. 

Until next time,





  1. What a frightening experience when you were out walking. Heat exhaustion can be so severe. Praying for you and yours. Praise God you are now well.

    God bless.

  2. May is the month of my birth. My husband jokingly(?) calls it Pamela Birth Month. Yeah, I like birthdays. *giggle* I'm always thrilled that I made it to another one.
    Don't know that I have a favorite color flower. I'm partial to all of 'em. Guess I could safely say my favorite's are Giant Sunflowers. They're big and showy. I like that.

  3. Well, my most recent emergency call was when I fell and fractured my foot. I grew eggplant one year, and most of the family did not like it. I dance to music almost every day, but not since my foot incident ha ha!.

  4. I love eggplant parmesan but have never made it, only had it in restaurants. Have fun at the concert!

  5. Oh my gosh, you must have had a full-blown heat stroke! Your Christian testimony is amazing, and I can really see God working through both of you!!

  6. First thing I thought of for an emergency was last Dec. when our roof leaked and we had to call our son to come and patch the leak. Grateful for those younger than us to do the climbing.
    So glad you are ok after your scary bout with the heat.
    Not too fond of egg plant but I will eat it if there aren't any other choices.
    Love, love, love plums..ours will give us a fair crop this summer.
    I remember doing the maypole dance every year in So. San Francisco. The boys acted the same way yuck..haha
    I don't remember my boys doing maypole dances in Pacifica either.
    You have an amazing testimony...

  7. Good that you had quick emergency help on your like. My grandpa would pull plums off his tree, wash it with a hose and give it to us. So juicy!

  8. I almost had to call for help yesterday, i had a hard fall and the table and lamps fell on me and my husband can't hear, i managed to get up and stagger down the hall dripping blood from 5 gashes. I am fine, nothing broken, bandaged, and taking ibuprofen. I dance even sitting down when i hear music. i love egg plant but only tried to cook it once, and had to throw it out. i have to buy it out. ha ha.. your heat exhaustion is a scary thing, i have had several friends that it happened to over the past few year.s. I have 10 years on our age, and each 10 that comes life get more tough

  9. Mayday! Mayday!...when was the last time (or a recent time) you literally or figuratively needed to call for help? Elaborate.

    Only yesterday, due to uncontrollable shaking in my legs, I came close to falling a few times.

    May Day...when was the last time you danced? Do you have a lot of baskets? What's something you keep in a basket? What's your favourite purple flower?

    Only yesterday I did a little dance with Sam. No only one basket, which has nothing in it at this time. Would have to be lavender.
    What's something you may do this month?
    Nothing just another month
    Do you like eggplant? Quick topic changes lol? If you said yes in answer to the eggplant question how do you like yours prepared? Of the following purple foods, which one is your favorite...plums, purple carrots, purple asparagus, eggplant, acai berries, blackberries, purple cauliflower, elderberries, purple potatoes, or passion fruit?
    Never had eggplant.
    Tell us one thing you're thankful for today.
    The love and support of my family
    Insert your own random thought here.
    Remember you are who you are, changing to make someone else happy will only make you sad.

  10. Heat stroke can be so serious. I'm glad you are ok!! I don't think I ever danced around a May pole. I always thought it looked like fun!

  11. That sounds super scary. I definitely cannot tolerate the heat like I used to. I am with you on purple flowers. I love them all. What a wonderful testimony you have. A friend God used to change your life. She was bold in sharing and that is a rare thing. Have a wonderful rest of the week!

  12. I remember when you passed out. That was a scary moment for sure. I love all flowers and I also love my antique baskets. My big one holds my magazines. Janice

  13. Hi Debby, Your heat incident sounded scary and how great that good care was close by and she swung into action. Loved reading your conversion story. God is good. All purple flowers are a treat for me to see in nature. Happy May to you!

  14. As far as baskets go I do have a few, but like you got rid of many a few years back. We love eggplant here as well. I make Parma and my new go to will be Eggplant Chickpea Stew.

    God bless.

  15. The dance studio I went to as a child and teen had a yearly Maypole dance as part of the city's annual fair. It was fun, but stressful to remember the 'over/under' pattern as we wound around the pole at the end.

  16. I most definitely enjoyed this post. So many things that brings back great memories for me. The May pole. As a child and a member of the "Brownies" we always had a May pole and what fun it was. favorite! My grandfather grew fields and fields of them. and...I love purple flowers. The Blue Salvia is my favorite and although it is blue...the color is almost like a gorgeous purple. Hope your day is filled with many Blessings

  17. What a terrifying experience with the heat exhaustion! At my last workplace (hospitality in Phoenix, AZ) we were required to take safety lessons each year specific to heat illness. Because of the dry climate, most out-of-state guests didn't realize they were becoming dehydrated or how severe it can be. Thank God for your first responders!

  18. Oh my, that was definitely a cry May Day! Glad she was there. I'm glad you enjoy eggplant. Those are lovely flower choices. I like the quote you shared. I'm thankful to wake up each morning. I don't remember doing a May Pole in school.
