The Day after Christmas

We had a beautiful mild Christmas Day. 

We celebrate on Christmas Eve - always have - always will. This tradition comes from my dad - who also celebrated Christmas Eve in Eastern Tennessee. His dad, a coal miner would bring home oranges and walnuts - and put them in their socks. No fancy stockings like we have - SOCKS! 

I always have oranges and walnuts for Christmas Eve. 

The kids all came over around 5pm, Christmas Eve. 

It was a busy hour when they first arrived as I was finishing up the potato Latkes and I put together a plate for Margie. My husband offered to bring the plate over so I could stay and continue the last-minute details of our meal.

My gift to them is to make everything cozy and homey. And to offer FOOD and lots of it. 

The flexible flyer sled out there belonged to my dad and we used it as kids when we would go to Tahoe. 

Before and after dinner we sat outside on the patio - had a small fire burning. 

We had a wonderful time with a lot of hearty laughing going on. My sons are pretty funny guys and always make us laugh. 

Everyone left by 11:30 pm. 

Church on Christmas Day was nice - although I admit I was having a hard time staying awake. I am not used to such late nights. 

The husband loved his new lawn mower and he and Laydee mowed the lawns together. 

I had forgotten to mention: Laydee did it again. On the 23rd when I brought over Latkes to Margie, my husband forgot to place the 12 jelly donuts in the pantry. When we came home, Laydee had polished off 9 jelly donuts. 

Shame on us - because we need to be more careful. We opened up a box of See's candy and remembered, we need to not keep that on the coffee table as in the past. 

Christmas Day night was the last evening of Hanukkah. 

This morning we woke to fog.

A big storm is heading our way - for heavy rain and wind. Should hit about 6pm tonight. So we're all pretty excited. From the looks of it, it could give us close to a week or more of rain, which we need. 

I love the holidays - but I am always happy when they are behind me. I'll leave up the decorations for a few more days - then slowly I will put them away. 

PS. I forgot to add, the waterfall video from yesterday's post was called Potum Falls, near us. We took a short drive there yesterday. 

A beautiful day - knowing that for the next few, the weather will be wet and wily. 


Let Heaven and nature SING!

Joy to the world, the Lord is come!

Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,

And heaven and nature sing,

And heaven and nature sing,

And heaven, 
and heaven, 

and nature sing.

    1. Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns!
    2. Let men their songs employ;

    3. While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains

    4. Repeat the sounding joy

      Repeat the sounding joy,


      1. repeat, the sounding joy.

    5. He rules the world with truth and grace,

    6. And makes the nations prove

      The glories of His righteousness,

      1. And wonders of His love,

      And wonders of His love,

      And wonders, 

      1. wonders, of His love.

    1. The angel said unto them, 

      Fear not: for, behold,

       I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 

      Lk. 2:10


Christmas Eve 2022


This photo was taken looking out my window back in 2013. I remember opening up my curtains and seeing this scene - a logging truck parked to the side. It's one of my all-time favorite photos!

It's not like that this year - we already had that cold spell some of you are having a couple of weeks ago - our low was 28! We're in the mid-'60s and will enjoy a fire on the patio this evening. 

I hope you all stay warm and cozy this Christmas Eve/7th day of Hanukkah. 

The family will be arriving at around 5pm. I'm so excited but soon,  after all the preparations, it will be over. I take an emotional dive after the holidays. I'm a bit distracted and annoyed - yesterday I brought over a plate of Latkes and jelly donuts to my Jewish friend, Margie who is living in a Care facility this year. Her children haven't been calling or visiting as they should. Plus when I walked in, she and her roommate told me that the facility gave the residents cheese and crackers for dinner. That's it. She said the reason is they are ongoing a rehaul of the kitchen. I'm so glad the Lord placed it in my mind to bring her some Latkes. It's her recipe and she is the one who has taught me. She is my spiritual Bubbe. 

Meals for the residents should have been preplanned and catered if need be. Why should these elderly residents be forced to eat cheese and crackers for dinner due to their poor planning? She said they didn't have lunch and only toast for breakfast. Her roommate said that is why so many of them are sitting out in the hallways - they are hungry. 

That really upset me - I asked the front desk about the phone number for the Ombudsman that I plan to call on Tuesday. I also came home and gave a scathing review of the facility online and plan to report them to the State of California licensing. 

I didn't sleep well last night - tossing and turning and plotting my course. 

So, I will be bringing her a plate of food for dinner tonight in the midst of my company. They will all understand since they work in medical facilities and the hospital. It will no doubt cause a ruckus since they are all in service. 

I could go on and on - in fact, I did and just deleted it all because of my anger. 


You don't mess with my people. 

Silly dog and $75 later...

"Did I do that?"

My black lab, Laydee has been on a diet and has done very well. She is off all her meds, for the back/hip inflammation - just by losing a few pounds. Makes a difference. She even has her svelt doggy waistline again. 

2 weeks ago on a Monday, my husband baked some bread. Tuesday afternoon, I came home and wanted a piece of toast and I couldn't find the bread. He looked for it - I looked for it. It was gone. And we never found it. 

Sunday I made an 8-inch pan of chocolate brownies with chocolate chips and walnuts. Last night after dinner I was looking forward to a brownie and when I went into the kitchen it was gone. Even the pan. 

Okay, I'm thinking maybe my husband or me has dementia and these are the first major signs - 

Until I saw on the floor underneath the cutting board table, an empty brownie pan. I saw crumbs... It donned on me. 

It's Laydee. 

We don't scold our animals for being animals. Plus, both times, we were careless by leaving it on that table which is a bit lower than the kitchen counter. It should have been wrapped and placed in the pantry. After a good laugh and relief that we both aren't losing it, I looked up on the internet about chocolate and dogs. 

NOT GOOD plus she had one row of brownies which were about 2 - 2 1/2 inches wide. I called our vet. They had just closed and informed us that our town no longer has an emergency veterinarian. The closest was in Chico - 73 miles one way.  She gave me the phone number of Poison Control for Animals 

There they asked me everything they would if it were an infant or child - weight, ingredients, and how much was eaten. Then it was calculated based on her weight and the time she ate it. Good News - was they didn't believe she ingested enough due to her body weight. The worse she could get was a tummy ache, diarrhea, and vomiting and there was a 24-hour window. Fortunately, her stools were dark and she had nuts in them (TMI) but it looks like it all worked itself out. The consultation fee was $75. 

So, now we know - we have to not keep goodies out where she can help herself. 

6.4 magnitude 

I guess we are sound sleepers - I kinda remember hearing the cell phones going off at 2:34 am - but we just slept through it. This morning when I looked at my phone there was the notification to basically duck and take cover. A lot of good that did us. 

We didn't feel it - But the little bit of jolt we did get, stopped my pendulum clock at 2:35am. 

We didn't lose any power - I am hearing at least 2 people died in it. Sad. 


And last but not least - after nearly a week of frigid temps - morning temperatures of 28, and 29 degrees - this is what my beautiful poinsettia looks like. I won't throw it out - I will nurse it back. We have warmed up by 20+ degrees in the mornings from what was earlier in the week. 

Wow, 5 more days till Christmas. 

I've been laying low - baking and straightening up - doing last-minute things and planning our meal for Christmas Eve when the family will all be here and church on Christmas Day! 

I can't wait! 

One week

My husband took this incense cedar in our yard and made a log to place in my son's fireplace. (when they are not using it) The tree had been planted by my dad and we used every piece we could when it fell and had to be cut down, about 5 years ago. This was the last piece. 


It can be turned around for a different look. That log is HEAVY!

Now, how do we wrap this????

The men's bible study group each drew names of men in the local shelter to buy them each a complete outfit. Shirt, pants, and shoes. My husband drew a guy who wore a 34w/36L in pants -  Turns out that is a hard size to find. We could have ordered it online, but this was on the spur of the moment with just a couple of days.  We had it in our minds, to buy a nice warm pair of good jeans - For a brief while, we lost our focus - buying this young man's pants was becoming a hassle.  Finally, the light came on - this isn't about us, and what we want or would have wanted. The young man needs some clothes. We were the ones making it hard. 

So we bought these really nice leisure-type pants in XL Length at Costco - our second choice but I am sure the young man receiving this will be thrilled. 

I can't believe it is a week before Christmas. It's been so cold - sunny clear days.  This morning it was 29 degrees when we got up. My beautiful poinsettia is drooping even though it is under the covered patio. 

This week coming up is baking week - I plan to bake some recipes that I haven't baked in decades. Should be interesting. More on that later. 

Lights in the neighborhoods

Walking through the neighborhood last night -

Many streets are completely lit up - with every single home! 

The children were selling hot chocolate and cider 

Even the Salvation Army Bell ringers are there 

Not as spectacular as the ones from the city but these are just regular people - 

They don't have to do this - 

But they do and they seem to enjoy it

Some are more simple

and others go all out. 

Merry Christmas to All. 

This was another short video I forgot to post from the Garden of lights. 



Date night - Garden of Lights

After dinner, we walked to the Garden of Lights -  at Turtle Bay Exploration Park.  We crossed the Sundial Bridge to the other side of the Sacramento River. 

It was cold. About 35 degrees. 

Dang, that's cold!

We were greeted with many beautiful lights - The butterflies represent the Butterfly House exhibit with live Butterflies to visit in the summer. 

Music played throughout the pathways 

I especially enjoyed the trees

Turtles - for Turtle Bay

Beautiful tunnels to walk through 

I told the husband I want something like this in our yard next year. 

He said, "yeah right!" 

It was the creative synchronizing of the lights and the music that was so cool. 

and an igloo, complete with a fog machine pumping fog inside.

On this path, there was a snow machine - 

I felt like a child -  oohing and aahing my way through. 

We're almost done and everything had been so pleasant and enjoyable. Everyone was so polite and allowed others to take photos --

except for one guy.

A guy in his late 30s and his family with young children and an older woman perhaps his mother or mother-in-law taking photos around this star. Everyone had been waiting and allowing everyone the opportunity. 

When they were done, his family moved over to the side and he just stood there, text messaging and flipping through his phone - he could have easily done that and allowed others their chance to take a photo. 

An elderly man walked up to him and very nicely asked him if he would mind moving to the side since the line was getting long and backed up. 

The young man, told the man "I'll move when I am good and ready."

And he proceeded to stand another couple of minutes or longer. People were starting to mumble - Finally, he turned around and yelled at all of us to 

"F- off"

He stayed for a few more seconds and then left. 

He looked like such a nice-looking young man with a sweet family - I would have never imagined he would be so mean and selfish. I glanced over at his family, the little ones were watching and his wife and the older woman looked horrified at his behavior. 

All in all, it was a very pleasant but COLD evening. I'm glad we went this year - 

In case you are unable to view it (flagged for a copyright violation even though it is my own video) 

PS. Oh, I get it - it's because of the music. 

You can view it through this link (hopefully)