My Friday in bits and pieces

This morning, I sat on the patio and soaked in the sun - along with Laydee who always keeps an eye out for the bad guys. 

Walked around the yards - and trees were starting to leaf out. 

That "spring" green is so pretty and fresh...To me, it seems greener than ever before due to all of our rain. It's been a long time coming, that's for sure. 

My husband LOVES this ground cover - TRUTH be told it is a toxic invasive species. The stems and foliage contain a sap that can irritate the skin or cause a rash. These plants are poisonous if eaten by both humans and animals. The leaves are quite bitter, so most animals tend to avoid them.

Now that I found out about this - I hope my husband will take heed. 

Anagallis arvensis

It has many nicknames - according to where you live - here it is called Scarlet Pimpernel, or just plain old chickweed. 

So we're going to have to pull these out. It is a shame - they are so pretty. 

I had some errands to do this morning and took a drive to check out the first of the TAPLAP plant stands for this growing season. 

The TAPLAP (Take a Plant Leaf a Plant) stands are “ideally” barter or trade-based with the intention of building community resilience through shared plant-based resources and mutual aid. Ideally, folks “Take” items with roughly the same value as what they “Leaf.”
Depending on the stand, common items for trade include:
- houseplants
- veggie starts
- native plants
- cuttings
- seeds & bulbs
- soil & amendments
- pots
- garden tools
- fresh produce from your garden
- yard art such as painted rocks
- other supplies (seed envelopes, plant markers, clean jars for cuttings, Sharpie pens, etc.)

I say ideally because some people can be rude and just take and take and take and never give back.

I have a lot of starter pots that I plan to donate and an abundance of seed packets. 

After I did that, I went to Walmart. Ugh. No offense but with the exception of their Equate acetaminophen, The Pioneer Woman's merchandise, white picket fence paint, and my favorite brand of craft paint, Waverly -  I try to avoid that place like the plague. 

And this is one of the reasons - They lock everything up and then don't provide a button to push - so you have to leave your cart and walk all over the store to find someone to unlock the glass security doors. 

Target doesn't do this - I don't know of any other store that does this. 

It's very annoying. 

Then once you find a person, they can't just give it to you - No they have to place it in a locked container. They used to bring it up to the cashier which was a hassle when you had other things to buy. 

Plus they have the worst shopping carts ever! 

In the future, I plan to order my stuff from their APP and then sit out in the parking lot and let them deliver it to my car. It will save on my blood pressure. 

Then I drove over to the 99-cent store - it has been a while. I was looking for a container for all my dog's toys. 

By the way, only about half, if that is still .99. Everything has jumped up to $1.99, 4.99, etc. So that way, they don't have to change their signage. I can still find better buys there than at Dollar Tree. 

So when I came home, I placed all Laydee's toys in her new toy box and Susie had to check it out as well. 

Laydee is really "into" her toys. She will go over and ruffle through the toy box, lifting out and moving around just to pull out the toy she wants. 

When I vacuum I have to go around and pick up all her toys - IF ONLY she would put them back where they belong. 

Susie has a toy box, but she doesn't go there - it's more for us, to store her toys. At night, before going to bed, I will take out a couple of her toys and place them on the floor. By morning, the toys are somewhere else - she likes to play at night and it is not uncommon, to hear her, running up and down the hallway, meowing and "pretending". 

What JOY they both bring to my life. 

Here are my faux shamrocks Oxalis acetosella. They are loving spring! 

I finished my first week (only 2 days a week) of Physical therapy and I am thrilled to say, my shoulder is feeling much better. I will still keep the MRI appointment at the end of this month but I am crossing my fingers and toes that I do not have a tear; not even an itty bitty one. And that I will be able to manage it with PT. 

I love my Physical therapy place - they bring in their dog and he is so adorable. He reminds me of those Wegman dogs on Sesame Street. He is so laid back, you have to step over him - he won't move.   


And I forgot to mention that even my orthopedist surgeon brings his dog to the office. This is not his dog - but looks like him. His name is TANK and he is a retired  *Australian shepherd. 

When my surgeon is not doing his surgery, he owns a cattle ranch in Red Bluff. He even wears his cowboy boots to work. 

See? This is why I totally love it here. You just don't see that down in the bay area. 

*Here's a tidbit I did not know...

They are not actually Australian. The Australian Shepherd probably came from the Basque region of Spain. Basque shepherds first took their dogs with them to Australia and then to the United States, so Americans called the dogs Australian Shepherds. The breed, as we know it today, was developed solely in the United States.

Well, I am done for today. I hope you all have a nice weekend, enjoying the spring whatever that looks like for your area. 


The Spring Dig out

Source: Twitter

The spring is starting to uncover what is buried under the snow after our record winter up and down the state. 

Source: Unofficial Network

In Tahoe, the bears are looking for food - due to still being covered in snow. 

Come on California Bears - we know that is just an excuse for you to continue to walk into convenience stores and have a beer and Cheetos. 

Source: Twitter

Like...why are these vehicles stuck in the snow? 
Why did their owners just abandon their cars? 

Source: Twitter

Are these just old cars on someone's property? 

Do any of you who live in the north have to dig out like this? 

Source: Twitter

Did they run out of gas and break down during the blizzard? 

This reminds me of lava...

Source: Twitter

I wonder if these vehicles will still drive? 
Or has the weight of the heavy snow, dented or caved in parts of the body? 



A total of 710 inches of snow this season which is 178% of the average of 400 inches.

The previous record was 707 inches for the 2016-2017 season. 

Heavenly Mountain Resort in South Lake Tahoe received 570 inches 

Kirkwood, half an hour south of Lake Tahoe, was inundated with 708 inches

Some ski resorts will be skiing into July this year. 

Source: Lassen National Park webcams

Here's the webcam view of the Kohm Yah-mah-nee visitor center at Lassen, yesterday. Still a lot of snow. Lassen is to the east of us. (about an hour) 

Source: Mt Shasta Avalanch Center

To the north of us, (about an hour) is Green Butte Ridge up on Mt Shasta. This was yesterday. 

I've mentioned this before in previous posts - I believe these cold winds we have on occasion are a result of coming off those mountains and down to us. This is purely my own speculation. We are surrounded by 3 major snow-capped mountain ranges. Come on, it has to have some impact...

Maybe in the next couple of weeks, we'll drive on up and get a take on the snow level - firsthand. 

We're sunny - blue clear skies but still not to our normal temperatures which gives me time to get into my closet and start pulling out my lighter-weight clothes and pack away my winter clothes. Usually, by this time, I'd already done this. 

Just looking at these photos makes me shiver...

Until later,


Hodgepodge #500


This is the 500th Hodgepodge so congratulations to those who have kept it going so latecomers like me could eventually join in the fun. 

If you would like to join in click here. 

1. Last time you drove/flew 500 miles (ish)? What's a place you'd like to visit that lies approximately 500 miles from your current location? 

Source: My son

We're still exploring this area of Far Northern California and we're just not interested in taking big trips at this time since there is so much to see and do up here.  Next month we have booked 2 helicopters to take our family over the Trinity Alps. One could explore for years and still not find all those sweet spots, California has to offer. I tend to be drawn to nature and out-of-the-way places to crowds and big cities. 

I am a California aficionado and I adore California history.  A favorite road trip is to Reno and back with a stopover in Virginia City. I have a thing for old-west ghost towns. (Yes I've been to Bodie) We're overdue for a day trip to the Gold Country to antique and soak in the history.  We make the trek down to Sacramento a few times and I haven't been to my old hometown of San Francisco for close to ten years now. Sadly, it's just not the same as when I lived there.  I guess I keep waiting for it to change but so far it doesn't look good. 

We traveled a lot when I was a kid - and when I was a young adult. I used to love driving down to Ensenada in Baja - now? I think not. There are many places I would love to travel to, but my love and devotion for my pets outweigh my desire to leave them for 3 weeks. I know, crazy right? That is why I am blessed that I did a lot of traveling years ago -I'm fairly content. Plus the world is different now and so are people. 

Some in my Ladies' Bible study took a 3 week's trip to Israel. They were there when all the unrest was going on and the night they were to catch their plane, the people blocked the roads and then the airport was closed.  Apparently, that last week was not a fun one - places they were to go to were blocked off - 

They got back a few days after Easter. 

2. Tell us about a time recently it felt like you were 'racing against the clock'. 

I try never to get myself to where I am racing against the clock. Been there/Done that and I don't like that feeling. To me, life should be relaxed, and one reason why we left the bay area - everyone is too hectic, racing here and there - you can feel the anxiety level. When I feel that coming on - I stop, breathe, take a step back, and try to get back on my easy-going way. 

3. Have you ever attended any really large sporting events? What was your impression of the experience?  

No. Just the average Giant baseball game or 49er game. None of the championship games. I'd rather watch it on TV. I don't care for rowdy or drunken crowds. 

The Superbowl, The Kentucky Derby, The World Series, FIFA World Cup, The Indianapolis 500, The Daytona 500, The Olympics, The Masters, Wimbledon, The Boston Marathon, March Madness, Tour de France, Monaco's Grand Prix, The Open (golf), The Ryder Cup, The Stanley Cup Finals..of the events listed which would you most like to attend in person? Or maybe one that's not listed? 

None of them really - in the big scope of things, do they even matter? Does it make me a better person? I'm no longer interested in attending these events. 

4. Are you an iced tea drinker? If so, do you drink it year-round, or only in the spring and summer months? Do you make your own or buy it bottled? Sweet or unsweet? Flavored? Lemon or no lemon? How about a Long Island Iced Tea? 

I used to have this really big glass container I would make sun tea in. It broke a couple of years ago and I have not been able to find a suitable replacement. Sun tea has a different flavor than brewed tea. (Or maybe it is my imagination) 

Sweat tea - no thank you. I had real Southern sweet tea when I visited my brother and his family in Alabama. Too sweet for me. Now in the summer, when I want tea, I brew it and pour it over ice. NO sugar or honey for me. I don't have a ravenous sweet tooth, thank God. 

I don't even know what a Long Island tea is. 

5. April 20th is Volunteer Recognition you volunteer in some way? Tell us about it. If not, tell us about a volunteer you appreciate. 

At this time I am not actively volunteering. All that stopped during the pandemic. I used to volunteer at the Cal Veterans Home. I've helped out at a local food bank and a soup kitchen. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I just finished day 2 of my physical therapy for my shoulder. While I am there, they first apply heat so I am laying down with this nice heat on my shoulder for 12 minutes. I close my eyes and listen: 

Today I heard that the Optometry business next door had someone come in and steal 2 pairs of Gucci sunglasses, off the rack. Nothing will be done because they were under $900 - so the business is screwed. (And people wonder why prices are going up) 

Then it made me think when I was in the grocery the other day, 2 little kids under the age of 10, came in and stole 2 newspapers, and ran out. The cashier watched them, as they handed it to 2 grownups. Then the cashiers started talking about how daily, people come in and are brazen enough to steal food - and walk right out the door knowing nothing will be done to them.  This is not a poor area - these are just opportunists taking advantage of a system that is out of touch with reality. 

Without sounding like Jackie DeShannon's song of the '60s: "What the world needs now is Love"  This crazy mixed-up world needs Jesus. 

 This concludes this week's Hodgepodge for me. I hope you enjoyed it. 


Community - the old and the new

Saturday we went to a local Deli to raise funds for the K-9 officers; for city and county sheriffs -  100% of everything purchased went directly to the group. Sad that there is no state funding for this. These dogs cost quite a bit of money. 

My absolute favorite breed of dog is the German Shepherd. They are such big loves and loyal. I had a German shepherd mix, who was protective of me and I always felt safe. 

They had demonstrations on how they do their work. It was interesting that the padded arm/shoulder pillow they use in demos is the same material they use for play toys for the dogs. They love the feel of that in their highly sensitive mouths. 

Something I was told and then looked it up - apparently these K-9 dogs are smarter than we would think - they are actually "racist." and that is why the state of California is trying to ban police dogs. 

AB742 is now in the appropriations committee - but it is not looking good for our beloved K-9 police dogs. Apparently, New Mexico is also trying to ban police dogs. 

This was the first I ever saw a black lab as a K-9 officer. This is Toni and her specialty is sniffing out gunpowder, bombs, and electronic equipment. 

Unfortunately, she is a racist. 

I don't know what will become of these beautiful dogs if AB742 passes. 
Fortunately, they are all owned by police officers and their families. That is why this group raises the monies for their purchase, training, and cost of medical care. 

These dogs love their work - It's a crying shame. 

We had a delicious deli sandwich and then I purchased a t-shirt for my husband that I know he will wear proudly.  

Afterward, we drove over to a Veteran Art show at the old City Hall, downtown. 

They don't like it when you take photos of their art, so no photos. 

My husband met up with many old veterans he knows and one guy served on the same icebreaker for 2 tours to the north pole and they remembered each other. The other guy flies helicopters still. 

Interesting bronze sculpture. 

I believe it's dancing? 

The leader of this blue grass group is also a Vietnam Veteran as well as the other male players except for the women. 

One is a concert violinist that just started with bluegrass and the other is just a good singer. 

We stayed and listened until they wrapped up their session. They used to practice at the CalVet Veterans Home where my husband retired from.

It was like "old home" week for my husband. 

It was really fun. 

One of the things that I like about where I live now is the community we have. The county is small compared to other California counties - and my town is the biggest city in it and is going through some growing pains. They want to be a big city but they are having pushback from many who want to keep it quaint. The bottom line, you can't fight progress. Everybody is up in arms about the city installing parking meters, and red light cameras at busy intersections - so you can see how there is a fight for everything. 

We're coming up on our annual Cool April Nites. We have only 2 old-style diners that were around in the 50s that the car enthusiasts love to hang out and do their "show and shine" displays. Last week, a beloved drive-up hamburger joint, that makes a really good old-fashioned hamburger had a fire in their storage room. They are now closed. 

So the community is having another fundraiser - to help the owner rebuild. 

A local business has stepped up to sell these tumblers - and others are stepping up to the plate to offer their help and support - many are donating items to sell. 

I never saw this when I lived in the Bay Area. Too big. Everybody just goes about their own business and that is that. Whereas here, everybody looks out for one another and that is why I love it here. 

We enjoyed some beautiful spring weather - I even got a sunburn on my bottom lip. I've never had a sunburn there before. Must be an "age" thing. It really hurt Saturday evening but it's okay now - just dry and feels chapped. Time to get out the sunscreen for my lips. 

Does your community come together to help others? 

I have an 11:30 appointment for my first day of PT. It looks like a busy week coming up for me and I don't like "busy" or hectic.

In recovery, we used to say, 

Being Under Satans Yoke 

My personality prefers to be laid back and take life as it comes. But there are times when things do come up. I still have the control to cancel things and move around the schedule. Some just like to be busy and then complain about it. 

Okay, That's it for me - 

PS. How well do you know me?

Was I being naive or facetious regarding the racist police dogs? 


California Spring and Super Blooms

It's that time of year again - when everything in California blooms - and with all the rain we had, we have more than in past years. 

Our church group took a hike to Table Mountain Reserve

People will get a hefty fine if they romp in the flowers,  taking their selfies - 
And rightly so. 

People can be so rude and selfish. 

Cows can do it with no consequences. 

I like the cows. 

Everywhere you look there are flowers 

The final destination. 

North Table Mountain Ecological Preserve in Butte County. 

Source: My son texted me this. 

Shasta Lake 

Thanks to all the rain/snow we had in California this winter.
That's why they call us the Golden State. 

Or is it? 

It was 1848 when gold was discovered here, which might be the most obvious explanation of how they came up with the Golden State. 

Gold is also the official mineral of California. 

Fields of golden yellow poppy cover the entire state every spring. 

This beautiful flower is the official flower of the state. 

We have California Poppy Day, celebrated on April 8, as well as Poppy Week (May 13-18). 

And as a former San Franciscan, we shouldn’t forget the Golden Gate Bridge, built in 1930, which is not only an iconic symbol of San Francisco but of the whole state of California altogether.

Got you! 

This is from an earthquake movie. Fascinating depiction. 


My super bloom is just starting on my little hill. 

Don't laugh - there will be more to come. 

This morning the husband pulled some weeds to make room. 

The ground is still very soggy. 

These hardy flowers keep spreading and getting bigger 

I can hardly resist these lavender-blue Irises 

I am sure many states and countries have their own versions of super blooms. I just happen to be a bit partial to ours. 

Have a great evening - 


Hodgepodge - and snakes


It's Wednesday and that means HODGEPODGE!  

This is where Joyce, at From This Side of the Pond, asks fun and thought-provoking questions, and bloggers provide their thought-provocating answers on their own blogs. It's fun - Try it! 


1. April 13th is National Scrabble Day...are you a fan? Do you enjoy word games in general? 

I used to work crossword puzzles - and do them on occasion. I think I played Scramble years ago. I'd have to re-learn all the rules etc. 

What's an eight-letter word that tells us something about your life currently?

I'm a fairly happy and contented person but I admit I am troubled with what is going on around the world and within our country. It's a mess. Things are changing so fast that it makes my head spin. Like what??? Institutions telling us, what words we can use - Sorry, not sorry - I've never been a follower. I have always walked to the beat of my own drum and will continue to do so. 

2.  Do you have a junk drawer? Is it full? Do you know what's in it? What's in it? 

We had one growing up - I can still remember it - to the side of the kitchen cabinet - just before going out the sliding glass door. It held everything. So of course, when I moved out, I had to have a junk drawer. Every place I lived at, had a junk drawer. They carried the usual junk drawer stuff. A hammer, rubber bands, thumbtacks, etc. 

When we first moved in here - my folks had his/hers - 2 junk drawers in the kitchen.  that we kept. I was constantly stuffing kitchen tools in crowded drawers and a few years ago, decided I no longer wanted a junk drawer. 

Now I no longer have a junk drawer or two. We have trained ourselves to put things back where they belong. What a concept!  I have gained 2 additional drawers for my baking utensils. Now I use my desk in the office for things I used to keep in the kitchen and we have a toolbox in the laundry room for quick household fix-ups. 

Now I do have that key box I mentioned the other day - that needs to be cleaned out and organized with only the keys and garage remote control and that's it. It doesn't need every key we've ever had - it doesn't need empty key chains, and it doesn't need business cards! 

3. When does time pass quickly for you? When does it pass slowly? 

When I am working on a craft or home project - the time flies for me. I forget to even eat. I get so engrossed in my project that I lose track of time. 

When I am extra excited about something that I will have to wait on; like when the Lord comes back to take up His church. These days, I have been thinking a lot about that - 

4. These eight vegetables are in season during spring-asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, collard greens, garlic, and herbs. What's your favorite? Is any on the list you refuse to eat? Last one on the list you ate? 

I love all of the above-mentioned vegetables. My favorite is garlic. California loves its garlic and we're not afraid to use it. In the United States, California is the major garlic-producing state followed by Oregon and Nevada. The two most prevalent varieties grown commercially are California Early and California Late. Garlic is marketed as a fresh or dehydrated product, or as a certified seed.

On Easter, I made Scalloped Potatoes Alfredo. I used 5 garlic cloves! It was delicious. I put garlic in just about everything - 

There is even garlic ice cream and it's not that bad! 

And if you ever wanted to make it yourself, here's a good recipe.


5. What's the oldest thing you own? Tell us about it. 

I have many old items that I own - I inherited my mom's old things as well as my grandma's old things - too numerous to mention every single one. 

I do have a wooden clock that belonged to my Grandma and Grandpa in Tennessee that was given to them as a wedding gift back in 1914. 

The above glass belonged to my 2nd great-grandmother. 

You know, this would be a good post - for later. I'll have to think about that. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Look what we found in our yard yesterday...

We have 2 of them - They are common around here- people call them Red Racers and Rosy boas but they are really sharp-tailed snakes. They are good guys - that eat snails and slugs! 

Do you have any resident snakes in your yard? 

We're starting to show signs of spring - everywhere but the temps are unseasonably cold. It's 58 right now...brrr but nice in the sun. 

The Sweet Gum is leafing out nicely. 

Silly Laydee, feels she has to protect me from anything that moves on the other side of the fence. 

She has a toy in her mouth and she shakes it and growls - it doesn't scare anyone away; if anything they giggle which makes her shake it even more. 

"I'll protect you, Mom, from that teeny tiny dog they are walking."

Yesterday I went to my orthopedic surgeon appointment. He checked me out by manually manipulating my shoulder and estimating my range of motion and strength. The X-ray usually doesn't show soft tissue rotator cuff tear but with a trained eye (he has 33 years of experience) he saw an abnormality with the structure of the bone that would indicate there might be a tear there that only an MRI would determine. So now they are sending it to Medicare - for authorization. Meanwhile, he said no cortisonne shot because if it is a tear and I eventually have to have surgery it can make things worse. However, physical therapy has been prescribed twice a week for 4 weeks. 

I really believe that will work. 

My husband has been having problems with his shoulder - in fact just the other day he tweaked his right shoulder so now both are bothering him. I tell you we are a mess. 

We were the last appointment so he asked my doctor if he works with the VA and if he could order the initial x-ray that the VA never ordered. It's been more than a year now...They just have him doing his own PT at home. He's not getting any better and now with both shoulders, it's time for a second opinion. He works with the VA all the time - so today he went in for X-rays on both shoulders. 

Did I mention, we are both a mess? 

So we will wait and play it all by ear - no use in us, wasting time trying to figure out how this is going to work if I need surgery and he needs surgery. Most likely since I am not in as much pain as he is, I will wait. Just the manual manipulation the Doctor did on my shoulder, the arm/shoulder feels better so that's why I believe the physical therapy will bide me some time. 

Well, that is it for me today. 

Take Care, 


So Let It Be Written, So Let It Be Done


Happy Monday. It is a glorious and sunny day. It actually feels like spring! 

It's about time. 

We are going over and feeding our grand kitties while Navy and Sara are away for a few days. They went to a Sacramento Kings / Golden State Warriors basketball Game and then to San Francisco for a coveted Giant /Dodger game tonight. 

They'll be home tomorrow evening. 

The first evening, we forgot the key - so my husband, not wanting to drive back to get it, tries to break in. 

I'm happy to report that we couldn't break in. Everything is secure and locked up. 

Then he tried to conform his body to the doggie door. 

Nope, sorry Dude - all that extra poundage from an extra long cold winter, has made that impossible. 

Not to mention, Navy put some barrier on the inside so even a raccoon can't squeeze in like before. 

So we drove back home - and looked for that key. It had been over a year since we used the key - because they had family living with them. We didn't want to have to call them - fortunately, we did find it. In a key box - that my husband has placed so many unlabeled keys that it is overwhelming to just open it up. Their key had a red paw print on it - so once we dug down, we saw it. But the key box needs a spring cleaning. 

What is it with some men? They keep every key they've ever had. I know my dad did. 

The only one that came out to greet us, was Harry when we first came in. He's the younger one. Ed has issues. Ed has ALWAYS had issues. He does that spooky cat growl when you find him on the bed - He's so darn adorable but I let him have his way, after all, it's not fun for them to stay home alone when they are used to their mommy and daddy. 

Tomorrow I go in to get my x-ray on my shoulder. It's all just formality. The X-ray won't show anything.  I'm hoping for physical therapy because I respond well and always have. Of course, you have to put in the work. 

We're hoping to go out to lunch as well. 

Easter was nice - The husband went to the Sunrise service and I was planning to, but Saturday night I didn't sleep well due to my shoulder. I did go back at 10am to fulfill my greeter duty and attend the service. Later in the afternoon, Foodie and Char came for dinner. 

When they left we finished watching the 10 commandments - a tradition! 

So Let It Be Written, So Let It Be Done

That's it for me this Monday. Have a great evening. 
