Luna and Sol are getting bigger

 Source: Friends of the Redding Eagles

Our Luna turned 8 weeks old on Tuesday, and Sol was 8 weeks old on Friday. 

Here is some information about their 8th week:

“Contour feathers on sides and belly-filling in,”

Luna and Sol have become more steady on their feet. They have been seen standing on or near the rails, watching the world below and looking for a parent. They are also getting better at self-feeding (as we saw yesterday after Guardian delivered a trout for breakfish); but still rely on Liberty and Guardian for most feedings. During this week, their wingercizing will intensify, and they may even hover over the nest and enjoy the wind beneath their wings. 

One pre-fledge milestone is an activity called “branching.” This is when the eaglet takes short hops/flights to branches within the nest tree. They are exercising their wings and legs, making them strong. This milestone generally occurs around 7-10 days before fledge (first flight). Luna and Sol have been intently watching their parents as they take short flights or hop around the nest and perch on Liberty’s Landing or Lookout Limb. 

For perspective, the nest is about 5 feet in diameter, so you can see how big Luna's wing span is. Both were very active early yesterday and today. 


  1. That makes me happy too that the eaglets are thriving. That's wonderful. 💙

    1. Wow, that is a big next. Thank you for sharing this update. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Glad you put in the size of the nest. I forget how very big these birds are!
    They really are majestic!

    1. I was surprised how wide that wingspan is.

  3. Amazing birds. Thanks for the updates.

  4. They are beginning to look fierce!

  5. That was some interesting facts. It is had to believe how big they are. We saw several while in Alaska.

  6. Just majestic birds. A true symbol of our freedom. Janice

  7. Just look at how they are growing!! Too soon they will be flying off.

    God bless.

    1. That’s always sad. That will be sometime in August.

  8. Cool beans! Thanks for sharing. smiles

  9. Wow, they sure are growing up fast. It was interesting to read about their life when they are wee ones.

    Happy Memorial Day weekend, Debby.

