Nur Pon - a Saturday morning walk

Nur Pon means "Salmon Run" in the Winnemem Wintu language. 

This phoenix with rusted metal was recovered in 2015 believed to be from an old bridge that used to be here. 

This open space reserve was long-ignored and, abused by others, that our community kind of, forgot about it; except for the neighbors who border this reserve. They had been complaining for years, about the rowdy behaviors; shootings, fires, drunken and drug-related brawls - at all hours of the night. These poor neighbors relentlessly tried to get the city to do something. 

A community campaign started with just regular people going in, to clean up - but it wouldn't last long and it came with a lot of imminent danger. Finally, I guess the city decided this was a Gem on the riverfront and decided to throw some funds at it. Of course, the City takes all the adulation when it was the neighbors and community that got the ball rolling. 

They hauled out tons of trash from the water's edge -  and it was just opened to the public, last week.  

With over a mile and a half of trails, footbridges, picturesque views, a kayak launch, a restroom, and a fish channel, within these 40 acres, there is plenty to explore. The area is supposed to be closed to bikes and scooters, but as always, there were those who don't follow the rules. 

It is also an off-leash dog area. 

This is a salmon spawning channel. 


Just over the spawning bridge - 

I am starting to see early signs of Autumn. 

Nur Pon is situated on the east bank of the Sacramento River, and many tributaries meander throughout the space. 

After 14 years of living here, this was my first time, seeing the river from this perspective. 

The geese are back - reclaiming what is theirs. 

Next time I will get some pictures of them. I was so taken, by the natural beauty of the area I forgot. 

Navy has these interesting plants in his front yard and I don't know what they are. They like to grow near the river...

The leaves are like velvet. and a spiky flower forms from the top.

I thought these were so pretty and I do not know what they are - 

I'd never seen them anywhere before, so a first for me. 

What a nice morning treat, to be able to walk this area. 

I plan on going back soon. 



  1. Lamb’s Ear? Thank you for the great pictures you always provide of your area. We are in the mountains near Santa Cruz but have been through Redding many times. My thoughts are often with you and that HEAT! Conni

    1. Hi Conni,

      I asked around and it’s Mullein.
      I’m happy you enjoy my photos of my area. Most people in other states have no idea there’s another part of California.

      I grew up up in the city and Pacifica and know Santa Cruz well. My sister lived in Watsonville.

  2. What a gorgeous place it is now! And I really love the Phoenix, it is so clever. The first plant reminds me a little of Mullein.

    1. Yes that sounds familiar. I believe you’re right.

  3. Very nice and pretty...I think we all have neighbors/neighborhoods that are blightful. I hope you have a beautiful day, smiles

    1. Around here the illegal “campers” are a problem with so much open spaces and places to hide.

  4. what a beautiful area it has become once again. Great photos and a great place for walking.

    1. Oh it is and I plan on going back again and again.

  5. Dearest Debby,
    Glad the city finally stepped in and cleaned it up.
    What a beautiful area for walking.
    Not liking the idea though of off–leash dogs being there.
    We got chased on our bikes by a loose pit bull.
    Always so scary as Pieter bleeds so easily and the crazy dog could make you fall.
    A close neighbor told us that her 14–year old kitty got chased in their garage and killed by that pit bull + a German shepherd. HATE irresponsible dog owners!

    1. I have found that most people around here are very considerate of others when they allow their dogs off leash. Our dog was on the leash because we don’t trust her. Lol. But when she swims that is all she thinks about. All dogs that are off leash are with their owners close by.

      I’d be frightened too of mean stray dogs. Once a pit bull dog attacked and killed my elderly cat. It was horrible. The owners did pay for the vet bills. Another time when I lived in the Bay Area, I pulled up into my driveway and a pit bull wouldn’t let me out of my car. I had to phone my husband, from the car for him to shoo this mean dog away. Scary. All in all, I like still like pit bulls - I’ve encountered more sweet ones than bad ones. Oh and German Shepherds are my favorite breed. It’s the owners and I too detest irresponsible dog owners. Hugs back at ya!

  6. What a beautiful area! I'm so glad the city finally got to work and reclaimed it!

  7. Very nice! A wonderful place for a walk in the beauty of nature.

    1. We do have many nice places to walk and then there are the hiking trails.

  8. Lovely it…not the off leash though

    1. Off leash is not exactly as bad as it sounds. No dogs unattended and when we were there, the dogs did not go up to people.

  9. Those flowers kind of look like the California Poppy, only yellowish. Now, I'm curious what they are also. If you find out, let us know. The poppies grow in wild areas along the ridges of hills and such, so that's another reason I thought they might be that. I like that bridge photo. You had a nice morning walk. It rained last night! Hope to get more this week. Good for the community clean up. I think if everyone had that same mindset, our towns and cities would look much nicer.


    1. The yellow flower was on a big bush that was at least 6ft tall so not poppies. Someone mentioned evening primrose. I uploaded a app for my phone and will go over there and identify it because I'm curious.
