Christmas lights


We might have accidentally thrown our Christmas wreath in the donation box last year because I can't find it this year. 

I couldn't have a naked front door! 

So I found a dollar tree wreath form, cut some branches off the Incense-cedar, and made my own. I didn't have floral wire so I just made do and I'm fine with it. 


yeah yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I do wish it were larger - I know I could have probably done a better job...

I think my husband felt a bit bad that he didn't buy me such a big gift (he shouldn't) so when we were in Hobby Lobby getting some lights, I picked out this large snowman that was $70+ and got the 60% off. I'd never buy it at full price. Then what I will do, is use it as a pattern to make some for my family next year. Very easy cuts and it's 2 pieces on the back. 

He was hanging but we had some wind last night - 

he was banging on the side of the house.

In the entryway, I have a Mexican pine cabinet I inherited from my sister. Year-round, I only use light-colored or white knick-knacks so they stand against the pine wood. 

I still don't have it exactly the way I want with the lighting - 

This turned out nice - That little carousel I got through Avon a couple of years ago. The white birdcage, the white plastic vase, and the flowers from Dollar Tree. 

These remote-controlled fake candles I have had for years - just have to change out the batteries. The black and white Buffalo check tree I bought from the Bargain bin at Target. I need to light that up more. 

Some old white things I had - and that church is from Dollar Tree. Those candles are from Avon and their light flickers like a real candle. 

I avoid real candles - except for once in a while due to my lung scaring - 

We don't light up every night - it takes a long time to turn them all off. 

I wish they all had one universal remote  - 

The tree is the same one I have every year - 

Same old ornaments - with a few I made. 

Each year we lose a strand of lights - and once again, we just make do. I believe next year we'll have to make the splurge on new lights. For the last 2 years my husband methodically replaces the little bulbs. 

My 1960s lighted outdoor nativity - These were just cheesy plastic displays that have gone on to now be rare, vintage, and expensive. We always place it on the outside of the fence - close to the sidewalk. Anyone could steal it. We take our chances. 

I'd love to get the rest of the pieces - but they are hard to find. 

It's funny - I grew up in a non-religious home. Never attended church with my parents and sister - never! I only occasionally went with a friend and their family. I take that back, we did attend as a family when my youngest cousin was baptized as an infant and we went to her communion and confirmation.  

Mom always had this outside nativity and one in the house, which I still have. She gingerly took every piece out and explained to me who they were. Other than that, I had no idea about "the whole story" until I was in my early 30's. 

I was telling my husband that while we were unchurched - what little I did know, seemed surreal. I would look up at the stars on Christmas Eve night and wonder about what was going on in Heaven at the birthday party for baby Jesus. So I kinda believed - without anyone explaining to me the details. 

I was a Christian, 5 years in -  when I found out that Jesus wasn't born on December 25. - it felt similar to when I found out there was no Santa. I mean, I get it - but that little wishful girl inside me was no more. That child-like innocence was gone. I had a lot to learn! 

Nevertheless, He was BORN. I don't overthink like I did for a while. 

Anyway, Jesus is our Christmas LIGHT, isn't He? 

"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life"

PS. After looking at the date - it was December 10, 1986, when I prayed with a friend and started my Christian journey. 


  1. Wow, I am loving this whole post tonight. Everything from the wreath you created (I Love it!) and the Snowman and the cabinet with all the sweet lighted arrangements...the Dollar Tree church (I have one or two of those too) and other beautiful displays...and that outdoor lighted Nativity is so wonderful! I always wanted one of those and the ones they make today aren't that nice and are too expensive, so we have a wooden one. Your tree is so beautiful! But most of all your testimony...I love how your mother made sure to explain to you the real story of Christmas in connection with the nativity...that shows that she was someone who knew and cared and wanted her child to know and care too...for whatever reasons you never were taken to church as a child...she wanted you to know about Jesus. I love that. And so what if Jesus' real birthday wasn't really December 25th? Although there are some scholars who might argue that point...dates aren't so important in the grand scheme of things...but I love the fact that we celebrate His birth regardless of whether or not that was the REAL date or not. All of Christendom seems to agree this is the right time to do that...and the astrologers and astronomers of the day and the Wise Men followed that star that appeared at the time of His may have taken them two years to actually get to where the child Jesus was at that time, but they started on their journey when Christ was actually born and the star appeared over His manger in Bethlehem...and led them to HIs house where He was two years later...they could tell you the exact date it appeared I am sure. The most important thing is to believe that He came and that He came because He loves us so much He was willing to come and die for us so that one day we can all be together in Heaven for eternity. That's what really matters! I am so happy that on December 10, 1986, you began your true Christian journey...but God had already been preparing the way through your mother and that nativity scene years before. Yes, Jesus IS our Christmas Light...the Way, the Truth and the Life! Praise God! Thank you for this post tonight. I loved it.

    1. It is also interesting that my mom shared this with us - she really wasn’t a believer. She never attended church and really did not trust Christians. But her mom and my dads mom were “praying Grandmas”. God must have touched my mom to at the very least, teach us to live the real Christmas even though she herself wasn’t.

  2. I love your wreath and ALL your pretty things!! And I love your testimony of accepting Christ the most of all!!! I became a Christian when I was just 5 years old - the very first time I realized I was a sinner. A Blessed Christmas to you, my sweet sister in Christ!

  3. I like your decorations and your tree is beautiful! I really like your curtains too.
    Thank you for sharing your story. What a blessing that you are saved!

    1. Yes it is because by the way I had lived in my younger days, I certainly wasn’t heading in the right direction. I am beyond grateful

  4. It is awesome that you can actually put a date to your born again experience! Your tree is gorgeous. And I love your wreath! Farmhouse decor is really in now, and so is buffalo plaid. One like this would cost a pretty penny. You ae so good with crafts! You really have a way with lights, and I love your cabinet with all the cozy lighted things, especially the carousel.

  5. Your wreath is lovely! And all the little spots of Christmas lit with the candles are so elegant. My decorations tend to go the garish but I love them anyway.

  6. Dearest Debby,
    You did a clever purchase at Hobby Lobby and now you can replicate it for your family—smart!
    That outside vanity is a real nice looking one, no wonder it has become rare and pricey because of that.
    There are real nice pieces at your home and I love lights, white lights that is!
    As for burning candles, we got some great quality Dutch Gouda candles but with five kitties in the home—NO!
    Don't know what you mean by lung scaring...
    Real beeswax candles don't create any soot and burn very clean and also smell good. There are way too many fake candles!

  7. I love how in blogs we can share our Christianity. I dedicated my life at 15 during a Billy Graham crusade. Love your carousel. sandie

    1. My dad accepted Christ also at a Billy Graham crusade up in Seattle in the 1950's when he was in the army.

  8. What a lovely post.

    I do the same thing with various crafts. Buy one and use it as a pattern eventually.

    God bless.

  9. Your decorations are lovely, beautiful tree and I think you did a fine job on the wreath.
    Thanks for sharing your testimony. We all have a different story to tell how we came to Jesus. :)

  10. Hi Debby. I love that vintage nativity, and your wreath and pretty much all of your Christmas decorations. Dollar Tree is a great place to kind fun things on the cheap - one of my favorite stores! We are getting your storm - wind and rain tonight - probably snow by morning. Have a good week. See you again soon!

  11. I do like your "rustic" wreath, and the snowman is delightful. Don't you just love the Hobby Lobby sales? I never pay full price there, either. Thank you for sharing your story regarding the nativity and your own faith journey. I especially appreciated the mention of your praying grandparents. As a praying grandmother, it was very encouraging to me as I lift up prayers for my grandchildren. God bless you. xo

    1. Hobby Lobby is awesome. It's hard to settle on just one thing - they have so much that I love. I am grateful both grandmothers kept praying; even when it seemed like their prayers were going no further than the ceiling and yes, God Bless praying Grandmas!
