A new Baby Boy

Photo altered for privacy

A brand new baby boy has joined the family.

As I mentioned before I do not have grandchildren. And it doesn't look like I will. I'm okay with it - -I always have to say that because everyone usually says, "Awwww." and I know they mean well, but honestly, I've come to terms with it and anyway, God continues to shower me with little ones. 

My dad, fathered a son when he was 16 years old. 
The gal went on to marry another -  

So this boy, was my half-brother, John who died a year and a half ago. 
Through John, I have 2 nieces and 1 nephew. 

From them, I have 

6 Grand-Nieces and 2 Grand-nephews

and from them I now have

6 Great-Grand Nieces and 4 Great Grand nephews from newborn to 13 years old. 

They are all that I have now - with my sister passing and my beloved Nina (niece) gone now I do still have her son and daughter - Grand-Nephew and Grand Niece. At this time, I am just not able to have a relationship with them.  

While it's not like having your own grandchildren, it is still a blessing to me. I just love how my dad's lineage is still going - and the irony is, it came from his firstborn son, whom he never raised. 

Years later they were reunited - when John was a young dad. From time to time my dad would go back and spend time with them, without my mother who always felt threatened. My sister and I didn't even know until we were teens and even then, it wasn't talked about. I found one of my nieces on Facebook, shortly after I joined, in 2008 after my mom died -  and we connected. That Fall, I went back to Alabama for the first time to meet my brother and his BIG beautiful family. 

I have one great-niece that is getting married in May. 

I'm sure there will be more babies to come...

I've been a bit under the weather - my whole digestion system is out of whack. My Dietician son gave me a big lecture about FIBER. Yeah yeah but sometimes having GERD, fiber bothers my stomach. Plus now I have developed an intolerance for milk. I haven't noticed it with other milk products. He told me to re-introduce higher fiber at a slow rate so as not to overwhelm my sensitive digestive tract. 

All today and last night my tummy has been crampy. 

I guess it's time that I start paying more attention. I often wonder if having no gallbladder affects my digestion as well. Anyway if it doesn't improve, I guess I'll go and get checked out. My stomach feels raw - like its burning. 

ANYWAY, life goes on. Today I was out looking for wheat bran so I could make my own muffins. I went to 3 places and no one had it. So, I will use oatmeal which I do have quite a bit of. I do tend to eat the same breakfast and it needs a fibrous update. 

What do you eat for breakfast?

What is your favorite fibrous food that is your "go-to?" 

You know, I think, since the prices have gone up, I have been cutting out some healthy items - that I really shouldn't anymore. 

I hope none of you are having any digestive issues - they aren't fun! Have a great weekend and I'll be in touch with you all later. 

Take Care,



  1. What a cutie! And a blessing for sure.
    Sorry to hear about your stomach issues. No fun!
    I eat boiled eggs for breakfast, but I take Plexus supplements for gut health and it seems to help me.

  2. Sorry your tummy isn't doing well, Debby. I love oatmeal, but it seems that every time I eat too big of a bowl, my stomach starts to feel yucky. But it's so good for us. That's too bad that you've developed an intolerance for milk. The little baby is precious. Welcome to the world, little one.

    Have a restful weekend.


    ps.....I take probiotics to keep my digestive tract in place. Maybe you can find out if that would help you.

  3. Oh goodness, please keep us posted. I know probiotics are good for this, they add good bacteria to your stomach. Congratulations on the new baby!!

  4. Dearest Debby,
    First off—congrats with the new baby boy in your family!
    As for your health issues, be very careful and probably you did cut out some healthy foods due to its higher prices. I've learned to not even look at the prices. Just continue eating healthy as that is a lot cheaper than a funeral...😏
    That's what Pieter has been saying for decades now after having to co–pay for his very expensive meds.

  5. What a cute little guy! I'm glad you're able to be part of your brother's family.
    I, too, have GERD and I try to get some fiber every day - usually whole grain bread or celery. I also get probiotics in my yogurt. Since I've cut out coffee, I've found my stomach is not nearly as bad as it once was though I still keep my TUMS nearby. Good luck finding what works for you.

    1. I haven't been drinking coffee after this recent flair up - but I enjoy coffee so much. I'm down to one cup a day when I do have it.

  6. Congrats on the new baby in the family! I'm so glad you have lots of family from your dad. What a blessing it turned out to be!

  7. What a beautiful little one! I eat a lot of fiber. (Oatmeal at breakfast, a large container of vegetables at lunch, mid-afternoon spinach snack, and more often than not some type of beans at dinner.) Your son is right-it needs to be ramped up gradually or your intestinal system will let you know!

  8. What a cutie!! :)
    Sorry to hear of your stomach problems.
    Thankful to say I don't have any problems and can eat anything.
    I eat lots of different things for breakfast. Pancakes, Raisin Bran, Scrambled eggs, My English Muffins, Oatmeal, and just plain toast. I like variety!! :)

    1. I like variety as well if I had a personal chef. But then I'd probably get fat

  9. I have some tummy issues as well, and also cannot tolerate much milk. Never have liked it anyway. I can eat yogurt, and I enjoy a yogurt sundae of yogurt, Nature's Path Organic Pumpkin Seed and Flax Granola cereal on top, with whatever fresh fruit I have, like blueberries or strawberries. I make Blueberry Bran muffins every so often, and I use regular (store brand) bran flakes to make them. I've posted the recipe on my blog several times. Just put in the search bar on my blog Blueberry Bran Muffins. The recipe does use some regular flour as well, so if that's a problem I guess there is something you could substitute, but I don't know what. And I use applesauce in them instead of shortening. Oh, that new baby is just precious!! I would want to hold him and love on him. I don't expect to have any more grandchildren. I do have one grandson, but he is 23 and lives in Maine. He may eventually have children, but since he lives in Maine I doubt I will get to enjoy them much. I've enjoyed my one grandson as much as we could living 1500 miles away from him all his life, which meant we only got to see him once or twice a year, which definitely wasn't enough. My arms ache to hold another sweet new baby, and would love for it to be one of my own kin...but I will be thankful for what I have. I am happy for you to have that extended family...and I know you wish they were closer, but it is wonderful that they do stay in touch with you. That's a blessing. I will be praying for your tummy issues. I hope you can get some answers that help you. I struggle with this, but haven't really found anything that makes a huge difference. Probiotics did not help me, and are expensive. (((hugs)))

  10. I just want to commend you for not feeling sorry for yourself and seeing that there are a lot of little ones to love.

  11. Congrats on the new baby and your big beautiful family! How good is God? He reunited you with your Dad's first son. A blessing for you both and now this! 💚

    P.S. Have you tried kefir for your stomach issues?
