Happy Mothers Day

Mothers come in many shapes and sizes

There are warm mothers, soft and round, likely to be found 
with flour on their noses, and always ready to pour 
you a glass of milk to go with the cookies on your plate.
These mothers are increasingly rare.

Some mothers are like bubbles of champagne; they 
surprise your senses, leave you giggly, but when you least expect it 
they erupt with an unexpected 'pop.'

There are sharp mothers, all edges, and not easy to hold on to.  
They don't mean to, but it often seems like, when you need them, 
their hands come up to ward you away.  

Then there are grouchy mothers, stressed mothers, exhausted mothers,
their faces lined with worry and their spirits tired and grey.

Other mothers are wise and reliable;
they are not prone to many words or to a lot of noise, 
but in your heart you know, that
when you need them, they'll be there.

There are fierce mothers, the ones you count on to be on your side
and to love you even when you've gone wrong.

There are absent mothers, whose memory shimmers in the air, so that 
it seems you'll catch them if you could just be quick enough to turn around.

There are distant mothers ... cruel mothers ... loving mothers ... giving mothers ... 
there are walk-away mothers ... save-the-world mothers ...  
too-busy-to-bother mothers ... mothers you cry for because you lost them, 
and mothers who make you cry because you can't ... 

May we hold in our hearts the mothers we have known ... 
those who loved us ... and those who tried ...

May we forgive the mothers who didn't get it right ... and release 
the knots of disappointment ... anger ... grief ... pain.

And may we remember always 
that mothering — nurturing — is a task 
not just for some, but for us all.

Whether you are young or old ... female or male ... 
may you make extra room for nurturing in your heart ... 
may you hug a baby ... smile at a stranger ... 
May you hold back just a little in traffic and, just this once, 
let an extra pushy driver squeeze right in.

May you say something real to a harried store clerk ... 
pet a kitty ... give a co-worker a genuine compliment ... 
take time to listen deeply to a friend.

Mothers come in many shapes and sizes.

So does 'mothering.'

May there be room in our hearts, to receive nurturing, and to give.

rev. maureen killoran - 2009

My 8th-grade graduation - posing for photos

I choose to remember and honor the "Mommy" I had when I was a child. She was loving and always there for me. As I got older, I admittedly put her through some hard times due to my rebellion. She was no doubt hurt - and angry with me. 

Mom 2.0 was not the same "Mommy" that I knew and loved. I still loved her but she wasn't the same. After her suicide, I realize she must have had some undiagnosed mental illness going on. 

friend, Mom, little sister, Donna, and me 

So I choose to remember the silly mom, the funny mom who could tell really good jokes - the mom who listened to me when I had troubles - 

friend, Me, Sister, and Mom

She was the mom, all my friends wished their mom was like. My friends were always over at the house - because she was fun and would tell some stories about what it was like for her when she grew up and she always made us laugh. 

So here's to you Mom! 

I forgive you - 


  1. I liked this post, I was blessed with an amazing mother and tried to do as a good as job as she did

  2. A lovely post, thank you for sharing. Loved seeing the photos. Have a wonderful week.

  3. I'm sorry to hear this about your mom, I didn't know. She sounds like a fun mom who everyone liked, and what was so special to read is the forgiveness you have in your heart, and that you honor her to this day.

    I was fortunate to have a wonderful mom. She went above and beyond for her family. I enjoyed all the pictures of you and your sister and friend growing up.

