Live Fully

After sitting outside on the patio in the sun, for 2 hours this morning - we decided to take Laydee on a walk at this nature preserve near us. The husband has been under the weather with the nasty head cold he got from me. I'm on the mend with just an occasional need to cough. I figured the sunny day and a good walk would open up the pores and make us feel better - at the very least point us toward a better mood. 

Already into the walk, it became apparent, that it was quite windy with some good-sized gusts. It wasn't that cold - around 60 but those wind gusts just shoot right through me. My left ear started to bother me - and I wasn't wearing a hood or cap to cover my ears. The husband gave me his detachable hood which helped to protect my ear.  I didn't want to turn back. 

Not crowded at all -  just a bunch of us seniors there walking, young mommies with strollers and children. A few runners and dog walkers. A truly wonderful day. It's been so gloomy here and rainy. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny as well so we'll totally take advantage of it. 

This place is 128 acres and has a 6.7-acre lake. There are several creeks that after a rainy season, swell and just make a big old swampy wetland. The geese love it. 

I sat on a bench in the sun. It was nice. 

Plaques on some of the benches

Live Fully is a good goal on any day. 

I just noticed the power lines. Bummer. 

This watershed is nice with exposed trails winding through natural grass, blue oak, and valley oak. Benches and interpretive signs educating about vernal pools and oak woodlands are located throughout the trail system.

Came back home - had nachos for lunch and I laid down (without sleeping) and the husband took a nap. I do feel much better. My head seems clearer.
I put some chicken breasts in the crock pot for dinner - this morning with some chopped canned tomatoes, onions, green and red bell peppers - garlic, basil, and paprika (I hardly ever measure anything except when I bake) I'm starting to smell it and I approve!

Enjoy the rest of your day!


  1. It sounds like a nice place to visit, especially on a sunny day. Glad that you had something to cover your ears in the wind. I like that small bridge. I haven't been to our creek in awhile. I'm sure it is filled from the rain. Your chicken breasts with all the seasonings sound delicious.

    Feel better, Debby.


  2. Good for you both for getting out and getting fresh air and sunshine. Good for the body and soul!
    It's a pretty place. Your chicken sounds good!

  3. Wow, your walk was in such a gorgeous place!!

  4. I'm so glad you are on the mend and your Hubby too.
    Such a gorgeous place to walk and to sit in the sunshine.
    My favorite thing to do...
    We've got nice sunshine today, not too warm but I'm so glad to see the sun. It will help my time with my Alzheimer's friend today when I'm with her for 4 or 5 hours.
    We're having chicken tonight too.

  5. What a lovely area! I felt like I was there in the sunshine and breezes too. You're good at painting pictures with words. We've been outside a lot too but it's all "work" (planting flowers, cutting trees, etc.). I'll post a couple of photos on the blog in a bit of the planting. Have a great rest of the day!
    Blessings. 😊

  6. I find walking in wind gives me earaches, lovely photos, it does look like a nice place to walk

  7. Sunshine and fresh air does wonders. Glad you're on the mend. Looks like a wonderful place to walk and sounds like lots of people take advantage of it.

  8. That looks like a lovely area to walk in. I have the same problem with the wind and my ears, if I don't have them covered for protection I end up with a really bad earache.

    God bless.

  9. So love that picture of the mountains even with the power lines. What a treat to walk here. We live along a mighty river where there is a state park a half mile from us. Folks pay to see the view we get to see every day. we never take it for granted. Janice

  10. That looks like a great place to walk! My ear starts hurting when I spend too much time in the wind, too.

  11. Looks like a nice walk you went on with you dog! I am glad you are feeling a bit better. I have some allergies lately including an ear that is slightly clogged. We've had gusts winds lately including some rain. We might go on a walk this afternoon if it's not too windy. I am glad it's a bit warmer now than a few weeks ago when it felt so cold to be outdoors. Spring is arriving soon! Have a good day and hope you both continue to feel better!
