Lights in the neighborhoods

Walking through the neighborhood last night -

Many streets are completely lit up - with every single home! 

The children were selling hot chocolate and cider 

Even the Salvation Army Bell ringers are there 

Not as spectacular as the ones from the city but these are just regular people - 

They don't have to do this - 

But they do and they seem to enjoy it

Some are more simple

and others go all out. 

Merry Christmas to All. 

This was another short video I forgot to post from the Garden of lights. 



Date night - Garden of Lights

After dinner, we walked to the Garden of Lights -  at Turtle Bay Exploration Park.  We crossed the Sundial Bridge to the other side of the Sacramento River. 

It was cold. About 35 degrees. 

Dang, that's cold!

We were greeted with many beautiful lights - The butterflies represent the Butterfly House exhibit with live Butterflies to visit in the summer. 

Music played throughout the pathways 

I especially enjoyed the trees

Turtles - for Turtle Bay

Beautiful tunnels to walk through 

I told the husband I want something like this in our yard next year. 

He said, "yeah right!" 

It was the creative synchronizing of the lights and the music that was so cool. 

and an igloo, complete with a fog machine pumping fog inside.

On this path, there was a snow machine - 

I felt like a child -  oohing and aahing my way through. 

We're almost done and everything had been so pleasant and enjoyable. Everyone was so polite and allowed others to take photos --

except for one guy.

A guy in his late 30s and his family with young children and an older woman perhaps his mother or mother-in-law taking photos around this star. Everyone had been waiting and allowing everyone the opportunity. 

When they were done, his family moved over to the side and he just stood there, text messaging and flipping through his phone - he could have easily done that and allowed others their chance to take a photo. 

An elderly man walked up to him and very nicely asked him if he would mind moving to the side since the line was getting long and backed up. 

The young man, told the man "I'll move when I am good and ready."

And he proceeded to stand another couple of minutes or longer. People were starting to mumble - Finally, he turned around and yelled at all of us to 

"F- off"

He stayed for a few more seconds and then left. 

He looked like such a nice-looking young man with a sweet family - I would have never imagined he would be so mean and selfish. I glanced over at his family, the little ones were watching and his wife and the older woman looked horrified at his behavior. 

All in all, it was a very pleasant but COLD evening. I'm glad we went this year - 

In case you are unable to view it (flagged for a copyright violation even though it is my own video) 

PS. Oh, I get it - it's because of the music. 

You can view it through this link (hopefully) 


Welcome to Kitty's dollhouse

I'm done with the dresser drawer dollhouse for Lexi. 

I was having a hard time, stopping. I kept wanting to do more - 

I had to remind myself this was for a young 3-year-old. 

I wanted to do books - but they were just too little. 

As it is, if she is mouthy - she may need supervision. 

The living room. 

I had a blast with the fireplace

The sofa was made from very small wooden blocks chunky like the bed. 

This sofa gave me so much grief. 

Tree and some stickers. 

I used a wooden cut-out tree and placed it in a lid of a jar - 

more wooden blocks for presents. 


I like this hobby and plan to make one for Myself, using itty bitty pieces, etc. I can glue them down which I couldn't do here because that would only frustrate a 3-year-old if she can't move things around. 

I'm going to have to place it in the garage  - out of my sight. The more I stare at it, the more I want to do.

I might add a thin wooden panel for the front so she can close it up and she has more room to play when it is down. 

The Sunny/Shady side of the yard

Staring at me through my living room window, were these mini roses. 

They seem to bloom year-round, and they are their prettiest, during the winter. 

A little bud looking forward to spreading out her petals, soon. 

Ah, the morning sun feels good after a night of chill. 

A bit lonely, for this lone petunia - 

Here are two more - trying to stay warm. Seems this color is the hardiest. 

The morning droop - California poppies still blooming. 

These Margarite daisies are also untouched by a Northern California winter

This Queen Anne Palm is probably wishing it was back in the South American woodlands of Brazil and Argentina. 

"How did I get here?"

There are still bees on the rosemary 


Ice in the bucket! 

beads of ice on the back of the chair melting in the morning sun. 

Crunchy grass (green weeds) 

That's it for this basil plant 

Leaves dying out - 

They'll be back in the late winter/early spring. 


Christmas lights


We might have accidentally thrown our Christmas wreath in the donation box last year because I can't find it this year. 

I couldn't have a naked front door! 

So I found a dollar tree wreath form, cut some branches off the Incense-cedar, and made my own. I didn't have floral wire so I just made do and I'm fine with it. 


yeah yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I do wish it were larger - I know I could have probably done a better job...

I think my husband felt a bit bad that he didn't buy me such a big gift (he shouldn't) so when we were in Hobby Lobby getting some lights, I picked out this large snowman that was $70+ and got the 60% off. I'd never buy it at full price. Then what I will do, is use it as a pattern to make some for my family next year. Very easy cuts and it's 2 pieces on the back. 

He was hanging but we had some wind last night - 

he was banging on the side of the house.

In the entryway, I have a Mexican pine cabinet I inherited from my sister. Year-round, I only use light-colored or white knick-knacks so they stand against the pine wood. 

I still don't have it exactly the way I want with the lighting - 

This turned out nice - That little carousel I got through Avon a couple of years ago. The white birdcage, the white plastic vase, and the flowers from Dollar Tree. 

These remote-controlled fake candles I have had for years - just have to change out the batteries. The black and white Buffalo check tree I bought from the Bargain bin at Target. I need to light that up more. 

Some old white things I had - and that church is from Dollar Tree. Those candles are from Avon and their light flickers like a real candle. 

I avoid real candles - except for once in a while due to my lung scaring - 

We don't light up every night - it takes a long time to turn them all off. 

I wish they all had one universal remote  - 

The tree is the same one I have every year - 

Same old ornaments - with a few I made. 

Each year we lose a strand of lights - and once again, we just make do. I believe next year we'll have to make the splurge on new lights. For the last 2 years my husband methodically replaces the little bulbs. 

My 1960s lighted outdoor nativity - These were just cheesy plastic displays that have gone on to now be rare, vintage, and expensive. We always place it on the outside of the fence - close to the sidewalk. Anyone could steal it. We take our chances. 

I'd love to get the rest of the pieces - but they are hard to find. 

It's funny - I grew up in a non-religious home. Never attended church with my parents and sister - never! I only occasionally went with a friend and their family. I take that back, we did attend as a family when my youngest cousin was baptized as an infant and we went to her communion and confirmation.  

Mom always had this outside nativity and one in the house, which I still have. She gingerly took every piece out and explained to me who they were. Other than that, I had no idea about "the whole story" until I was in my early 30's. 

I was telling my husband that while we were unchurched - what little I did know, seemed surreal. I would look up at the stars on Christmas Eve night and wonder about what was going on in Heaven at the birthday party for baby Jesus. So I kinda believed - without anyone explaining to me the details. 

I was a Christian, 5 years in -  when I found out that Jesus wasn't born on December 25. - it felt similar to when I found out there was no Santa. I mean, I get it - but that little wishful girl inside me was no more. That child-like innocence was gone. I had a lot to learn! 

Nevertheless, He was BORN. I don't overthink like I did for a while. 

Anyway, Jesus is our Christmas LIGHT, isn't He? 

"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life"

PS. After looking at the date - it was December 10, 1986, when I prayed with a friend and started my Christian journey. 

An evening post

Spooky sky - a storm is moving in for the next few days - 

I'm looking forward to it. 

And that will mean rain in the valley and snow in the mountains. The Mt Shasta Ski resort is opening in a few days. It's been a long time since that happened. 

We won't go up there until after the New Year. 

I wanted to show you all the cutest T-shirt I bought for Navy - 

I am officially done with my shopping - now I'm just waiting for them to be delivered. I had to tell my husband about one of his gifts - because it was big and will be heavy and I have no place to hide it. But I did tell him, he can only help me with the box - so I can wrap it. 

I bought him an electric lawn mower. Our gas mower bit the dust and he's been using the old push mower. We have eliminated more than half of our lawn area in the last 2 years and will again this Spring, take out a bit more grass.  Meanwhile, I thought I would treat him. It's small and will be just right for our smaller lawn areas. 

I enjoyed the day by washing my bed sheets - doing laundry and using the rest of those green tomatoes for a marinara sauce that was slow-cooked all day.  I froze 2 containers and kept one in the refrigerator. Trying to finish up with the decorating in some spots. Spray painted something I may or may not use...All in all, it was a beautiful sunny day. 

 Well, it's time for me to get my jammies on - I usually don't post this late at night - my husband was on call and he agreed to take it. He won't work past 10-15 hours a week. This will be it for him. 

Good Nite...