Another day home

Off the beaten path 

I'm going to bake a banana nut bread this afternoon. I decided NOT to buy junk food or snacks. That if I really wanted something, I would bake it from scratch. Using this approach has kept us from overindulging in sweets because I don't like to bake as much as I did when my kids were young. I used to bake all their cookies and snacks. Much cheaper and healthier than store snacks.

I threw some stew meat in the crockpot - with a bag of baby carrots and some whole potatoes, onions, and a garlic mushroom soup on top of it and am just letting it cook all day. It smells good. I'm getting low on chicken. I tried to have my morning cereal but we forgot to take the milk out of the freezer! We have to remember to do that!

The husband mowed the front and back yards. Rain is in the forecast for this weekend. Rain is ALWAYS welcome and appreciated here in Northern California. We still haven't had enough rain yet - we'll get through this pandemic but for us up here, we have to look forward to forest fire season, which scares me to death.

I just feeling blah...not depressed, just blah.