The Joss House Museum


After the Temple tour, we went into the small museum that is now open. 

On the patio area, they had almond cookies, several types of teas, and art and crafts for children. Occasionally we'd hear the drum of the Lion Dragon as it winded its way through the streets. 

“a thousand days at home are good; a day away from home is hard.”


Many Chinese immigrants believed that they would return to their homeland to die. However, not all succeeded. The development of a practice called the repatriation of bones evolved out of a desire to have their bodies returned to their ancestral home for two primary purposes; the performance of time-honored cultural rituals and to be buried in China’s soil near their ancestors.

Only one known grave remains; that of Sam Lee who wished to remain in Weaverville after his death. His grave remains in the care of the Lee family.

It's always sad to know, these truths when you study history. 

Greed and Gold rush fever! 

A pretty and very heavy lantern.

This coming weekend is the Bomb Day celebrations at Marysville, Ca - Unlike Weaverville, the Marysville community still has a large Chinese population. 

That is one thing I noticed about Weaverville - I only saw a handful of people with Chinese ancestry. Maybe it's because it is in the mountains - I don't know. Thankfully the community desires to keep the traditional and historical content of their town. 

I have always enjoyed Chinese cultural events and especially the FOOD! 

 Just a 2-hour drive south! 

If nothing comes up, we just might attend. 

A very old abacus left behind. 

Warm hat from the Qing Dynasty. 

So that was it - So much more to see and history to learn about. 

We've been having some beautiful warm spring weather. It's 77 right now. I was out and about earlier - finally got in to get my hair trimmed. Every day was getting to be a "bad hair day." 

"They" are saying that the weather will start changing - a cold front is moving down from Alaska - and we might see some snow here in the valley, starting Wednesday evening. and through Saturday. I won't hold my breath. 

It would be fun though - I love it when we get snow here - everybody goes outside and plays. We just don't get to see it from the perspective of our own home. That's cozy! So I will try and plan a cozy meal - just in case. 

source: RMK Photography


Egg #1 has been damaged and is no longer viable. They suspect either magpies or that Liberty knew and that is why she took off for hours on Valentine's Day. Apparently poor Gaurdian had no clue as he nested for a long time, waiting for her return. 

However, Liberty did lay another egg - 

The big question: will there be another egg or is this it, for the 2023 season? 

Take Care and hope you had a good day -


The Temple of the Forest Beneath the Clouds


Yesterday was the Chinese New Year celebration at the Joss House (a temple where Chinese gods were kept and worshipped was called a joss house) in the small mountain town west of us, Weaverville, Ca. It had been closed for three years due to the pandemic and lockdowns. It was our first time visiting it on the inside. We've walked around the grounds before. 

The temple is the oldest continuously used Chinese temple in California. 

This Taoist Temple of Worship is now a California State Park 

Art objects, pictures, mining tools, and weapons used in the 1854 Tong War are on display. This Taoist temple is still a place of worship and a fascinating look into the role played by Chinese immigrants in early California history. 

The front of the building, painted bright blue to replicate the color of the sky, a symbol of heaven to the Chinese, has white lines that resemble the tile work of similar temples in China. On the temple roof sit two Chow Win Dragon Fish, once believed to keep wooden structures safe from fire.

The true historical significance of the Joss House is that during China’s Cultural Revolution, many of the old rural-style temples were dismantled or destroyed. The Weaverville Joss House is an intact and complete temple of that
era, which no longer exists in many parts of China.

The Temple is a house of worship, and services are not held in the same manner we are accustomed to in western Christianity. It is used by followers of Taoism to consult the gods on an individual basis.

The ornate wooden gate to the porch and the fanciful gables and cornices on the building reflects the Chinese presence

My photos do not give the beauty of the bright red and ornate gold trimmings, any favor. It was just so pretty and old. 

The door guardian 

Interesting tidbit

 Just beyond the very high thresholds of the entrance doors stand two more wooden doors—“spirit screens”—to keep out evil spirits. According to traditional Chinese belief, such spirits are unable to travel over barriers or around corners. The park instructor said that the evil spirits are lazy.

A very large lampshade - I bet this is beautiful at night. 

A closer look at the tapestry of that lampshade.

Okay at first, to me it reminded me of a face - with a red tongue...

Do you see it? 

It's not a face - This is an incendiary they use to burn the joss paper in the red envelope which is an offering conveyed into the spirit world through the fire’s smoke.

A red envelope with joss paper inside - traditional Chinese-Taoist practice that sends money and material goods to deceased relatives in the afterlife.

Made in China

A Gong 

The temple contains a wealth of religious artifacts brought to the area by the Chinese during California’s gold rush. The interior was made with wood and materials brought over from mainland China in the 1850s. 

The original one burned in a fire and once again, everything inside was transported from China including the wood. 

Except for the installation of protective railings and electricity, its interior has not been changed since 1874. 

Three ornately carved wooden spirit houses contain clay statues of male and female deities. An altar table holds candles, incense sticks, oracle fortune sticks, wine cups, and pictures of immortals painted on glass. 

A small wooden table holding food offerings sits in front of the altar, and a stone urn under the table offers beverages, including sweet plum wine. 

Beautiful arrangements of blossoms that I thought were so pretty. 

Flags and red envelopes

A look toward the altar - not very good lighting. 

Along the side walls, processional banners, drums, gongs, and association flags used in the Chinese New Year parades are displayed.

Looking upward - 

There are very small living quarters for the temple attendant and a very small boarding room with bunk beds for Chinese travelers attached to the temple building.

The Conference room

Hundreds of faded orange papers with the names of contributors and the amounts of their contributions for temple upkeep hang on the walls of the conference room. 

I had to laugh - imagine the contributions we give to the church were done this way? 

Do you think more people would give? 

A closer look 

We had a really nice time, learning about this temple we have driven by for years. Even as a child, when we would go up to these parts for camping, my folks never had the time to stop. 

More than 2000 Chinese men lived and worked here as gold miners, cooks, builders, and loggers. The Chinatown encompassed two blocks including the Joss house, the oldest in America, and one of two remaining Chinese-built, rammed-earth structures in California. 

For more historical information

I hope you enjoyed my little visit to a Chinese Temple. 

Until next time, Take Care


Our Anniversary and the Love birds


Today marks 21 years of wedded bliss.  We went out for a nice dinner last night - didn't make it to the Museum due to the time so we'll go next week. 

We always keep things simple. We don't exchange gifts - and we didn't even give each other cards.  I just have never cared for holidays or these special days for myself. I've never cared to be the center of attention. It's uncomfortable for me.  I like the good old, regular days much better. I don't know where that comes from, but thankfully it works for both of us.

Sure we acknowledge it to each other - I'm making his favorite meal, Lasagna. We just try and make every day special and I am content. 

Yes, here we are - 21 years younger. 

In the past 21 years, we have had eight close family members pass away

I had two of my absolute best friends die, unexpectedly

We've had four moves

four jobs between us

lost two beloved dogs and five cats

Saw the wedding of my youngest son

and the divorce of my stepdaughter. 

No grandchildren, but we have gained a daughter (in-law) 

There have been two car accidents where the vehicles were totaled

and we've bought three new cars. 

We've had good times, and trying times. We're still here. 

A year into our marriage Michael died. That was a hard time for us because he wanted to fix it all and he couldn't.

 We've gone through hard times financially in the beginning to being comfortable. I think the hardest was blending our children together. In the beginning, my sons didn't like him. He has one daughter up in Washington, that doesn't want anything to do with me, her dad, and her bio mom. I've never met her. I don't expect I ever will. Then there is his youngest daughter who is 42. She has an intellectual disability, however, she is 100% independent and lives on her own in the same town as us. She can be "trying" at times - but I let her father handle her and stay out of it.

Now, my two remaining sons, love and respect him. They don't call him, "Dad" but they do like to be with him - they go hiking and camping on their "all guys weekends." They have a good relationship. It's nice now. When Navy married, they asked my husband to pray a blessing over them at the altar with his tallit. It was a very special moment that brought me to tears - especially after the hard times in those early years. 


I am pleased to announce that Liberty (the Mom) and Guardian (the dad) laid their first egg on Valentine's Day. How cool is that? 

I have been watching the Redding Eagles on the webcam since I moved here in 2008. 

We did have a scare yesterday - It was noted that the mom, Liberty, left the nest at 6am and left dad to sit on the egg. 12 hours later she still had not returned. We were getting ready to go out to eat - eagle watchers like myself were concerned. 

Here this majestic male eagle had the instincts to care for the egg - turning it, repositioning himself, all the while looking for his mate. The group, Friends of the Redding Eagles, had boots on the ground, to look for her. 

By the time we came home, I checked, and she had returned! 

Maybe she needed a spa day after laying that big egg! 

So now we're waiting for Liberty to lay her second egg, possibly tomorrow.

I read this about why Liberty would have left her egg - it's called Delayed Incubation.

"Delayed Incubation" is when eagle parents will delay incubation so their eggs will hatch closer together. Delaying incubation helps assure that rapidly growing young are in the same stages of development. This assures less variation in size and ability between older and younger siblings.

Our eagle pair was also assuring the survival of their remaining unlaid eggs.

"Trust The Eagles. They Know Best."

As observers of wildlife, we know that Liberty is extremely experienced, having successfully fledged 26 eaglets, and knows what must be done to ensure the survival of her young.

Below are two articles about delayed incubation.

Here is the live webcam for your enjoyment. 



Spring, then winter and then Spring


After a week of mild temps and sunny days - we're again, having a cold spell which could threaten our blooming trees.  Our almond tree is starting to bud, and if this frost kills it, that means another year without yummy fresh almonds off our tree. 

I wish mother nature would make up her mind. Is it spring or is it winter? 

Rosemary hangs around and blooms year-round despite frost. 

Nothing seems to kill these flowers which I didn't plant - they are love dumps - the complement of the birds. It is one of about 15-20 species of perennial herbaceous plants in the daisy family also known as marigolds. however, these come back every year.   They are not the marigolds you plant by seed, just a hardier cousin. 

This week, started out with our beloved old van -making a knocking noise. The husband decided to do his own investigating instead of paying someone else. He changed the oil and replaced all the fluids and no more knocking. Like he said, he knows how to work on cars and has done his fair share in his youth - but that doesn't mean he likes doing it. In the last 10 years or so, we've just taken it to a mechanic. But the savings were quite a bit. 

We don't drive the van as much as we used to. We need to get it out more. 

I looked this up and this is a Tithonia in the sunflower family. No doubt another contribution from a bird. Native to Mexico it is also referred to as a Mexican sunflower. It grows wild and in tropical and subtropical areas, it is considered a weed. Whereas, in the west and southwest it is a wildflower. 

Do you get many "gifts" from the birds? 

I get trees and flowers. Every year a new tree will sprout. I now dig up the trees and re-plant them in a pot. We have a garden club and many will give the trees and plants away to others who usually have large properties. 

I'm feeling much better - the other day I was having cramping on my lower left side to where I had to use a gel heating pad. Then it donned on me - I've been having diverticulitis which I had once about 6 years ago. Very painful. Makes a lot of sense now. 

The next morning it was gone and I feel like me again. There is no doubt that my whole interstitial tract is a mess. (excuse the pun) and yes, I probably should go and get it all looked at once again. Knowing me, I won't. I will make the necessary changes in my diet and go from there before I rush out to the doctor. 

I visited Margie at the nursing facility on Sunday. 

They moved her room once again - without telling her. She went to an activity, came back and all her belongings were moved to another room. The good thing is, it is a bigger room and she has a nice roommate. I get really down when I visit her. It sure makes me think of my future - and we've made the plan that if one of us, starts showing signs of dementia - we will move to the Veterans Home. This way, if something happens to my husband first, I can stay. Unfortunately, the widow of a veteran is intelligible for housing if her "qualifying" veteran is dead. It has to be done before. 

Of course, I would love to be able to stay in my house - Both my parents died here and it's where I want to die. You can try and think about all of this beforehand - try to prepare but it will always catch you off guard. We just do what we can - have a plan B or C. 

My sons have said, they would not allow me to live in a nursing home. Well, talk can be cheap and while I love them and know their heart is in the right place - sometimes adult children can change their minds. That is the case with Margie and her adult children. Honestly, I don't believe my boys would do that to me - but I have found I never hold on to expectations - I just don't. I always have other plans in my mind as a safeguard. 

Tonight we are going out for a nice dinner - we're observing our 21st wedding anniversary which is tomorrow but the husband works on Thursday and Friday so we're doing it tonight. 

Yesterday was St. Valentine's Day - we never celebrate it because of our anniversary. Oh, we used to go out for breakfast or lunch - I don't know where my mind was when we picked Feb 16 as our wedding date. 

No, I didn't watch the super bowl - nor did I watch the commercials or the halftime show. Just doesn't interest me anymore. I did enjoy the quiet of everyone off the streets - stores that were empty. Except when the super bowl was over - the illegal fireworks started and like always, we had to drug our poor dog. 

I best be going -  the husband just mentioned a military display at our local museum he wanted to see before we go out for dinner tonight. That would be nice. 

Like always, Take care and I'll see you when I see you. 


pumpkin pies and the super bowl

The road I take every day


Thanks for all your tips and suggestions on my tummy issue. Actually, I have been on a probiotic and ran out and then started a different brand. I think that is what did me in. As of this morning, I am feeling much better. I have IBS as well as GERD. I've had IBS for years - it all started when my first husband was an active alcoholic and I lived in constant worry and fear. I still have "issues" stemming from those years living with an alcoholic - and that is why I still continue to go to my weekly Alanon meetings. 

I am so fortunate that my husband is not an alcoholic and for the last 24 years that I've known him, I continue to heal from all the trauma from my first marriage. It is so nice to have a stable home life and a healthy marriage.  Many do not understand how terrible it is to live with an alcoholic. Then if it wasn't for him, my sister was a functioning alcoholic - I always had a feeling she was but the day I got that phone call, from her husband saying he came home from work and found her dead - I was numb. Then the autopsy showed she had advanced cirrhosis of the liver. My poor brother-in-law said he had no idea and then started finding vodka stashed around their home. Then her daughter died from a fentanyl overdose. 

Alcohol and drugs infiltrated my family - and cost lives and pain for the survivors. 

I found a cereal I really liked, and would eat the same thing every day. I also like cream of wheat. It is time to change things up. I never ate breakfast. Never had time for it. Now if I had someone to fix me a nice breakfast every day, I'd love it. That's why I always enjoy going out to eat breakfast; almost more than dinner. 

I just pulled 2 pumpkin pies out of the oven. Smells good. I used frozen deep-dish pie shells, which I have never used before. 

such a cutie

Tomorrow is the super bowl.  

Will you watch it? Go to friends? Have a party? 

We will do neither. Years ago, when it was just me and my boys, we were diehard San Francisco 49ers fans. So we would have parties with our friends from church and have a really good time. My husband doesn't really follow sports - and I just am not into it anymore. Now if they brought back Joe Montana, Dwight Clark, Steve Young,  Jerry Rice, Ronnie Lott, and the gang... 

ahhh wishful thinking. You can't go back and those were special times. 

Today is a beautiful sunny day after a small rain last night and this morning. 

Whether you watch the super bowl tomorrow or not, I hope you all enjoy your day, doing what makes you happy and content. 

Till next time, 


A new Baby Boy

Photo altered for privacy

A brand new baby boy has joined the family.

As I mentioned before I do not have grandchildren. And it doesn't look like I will. I'm okay with it - -I always have to say that because everyone usually says, "Awwww." and I know they mean well, but honestly, I've come to terms with it and anyway, God continues to shower me with little ones. 

My dad, fathered a son when he was 16 years old. 
The gal went on to marry another -  

So this boy, was my half-brother, John who died a year and a half ago. 
Through John, I have 2 nieces and 1 nephew. 

From them, I have 

6 Grand-Nieces and 2 Grand-nephews

and from them I now have

6 Great-Grand Nieces and 4 Great Grand nephews from newborn to 13 years old. 

They are all that I have now - with my sister passing and my beloved Nina (niece) gone now I do still have her son and daughter - Grand-Nephew and Grand Niece. At this time, I am just not able to have a relationship with them.  

While it's not like having your own grandchildren, it is still a blessing to me. I just love how my dad's lineage is still going - and the irony is, it came from his firstborn son, whom he never raised. 

Years later they were reunited - when John was a young dad. From time to time my dad would go back and spend time with them, without my mother who always felt threatened. My sister and I didn't even know until we were teens and even then, it wasn't talked about. I found one of my nieces on Facebook, shortly after I joined, in 2008 after my mom died -  and we connected. That Fall, I went back to Alabama for the first time to meet my brother and his BIG beautiful family. 

I have one great-niece that is getting married in May. 

I'm sure there will be more babies to come...

I've been a bit under the weather - my whole digestion system is out of whack. My Dietician son gave me a big lecture about FIBER. Yeah yeah but sometimes having GERD, fiber bothers my stomach. Plus now I have developed an intolerance for milk. I haven't noticed it with other milk products. He told me to re-introduce higher fiber at a slow rate so as not to overwhelm my sensitive digestive tract. 

All today and last night my tummy has been crampy. 

I guess it's time that I start paying more attention. I often wonder if having no gallbladder affects my digestion as well. Anyway if it doesn't improve, I guess I'll go and get checked out. My stomach feels raw - like its burning. 

ANYWAY, life goes on. Today I was out looking for wheat bran so I could make my own muffins. I went to 3 places and no one had it. So, I will use oatmeal which I do have quite a bit of. I do tend to eat the same breakfast and it needs a fibrous update. 

What do you eat for breakfast?

What is your favorite fibrous food that is your "go-to?" 

You know, I think, since the prices have gone up, I have been cutting out some healthy items - that I really shouldn't anymore. 

I hope none of you are having any digestive issues - they aren't fun! Have a great weekend and I'll be in touch with you all later. 

Take Care,


A little bit of this - A little bit of that!

Spring is in the air - I can smell it. 

Can you smell spring when your area starts to change? 

An Evening walk,  up to the wilderness area by us last night was pleasant. 


It is still cold in the mornings - in the 40s and if there is no sun, it's cold. Spring, like Fall, are fickle seasons due to transitioning from one season to another. That's why one week we're in the 70s and the next week, we have rain and it's cold. It's still winter which means we're still in our rainy season. 

Tomorrow we're supposed to drop down into the 50s and have rain. 

I received this in my email - I like to upload photos of places around here - and these photos I uploaded about an area the city opened up about 4 months ago. I was surprised, that they are getting a lot of exposure. 

Here's my post about the area.

It's that time of year again -  mostly for getting prepared for "that time of year" which will be here before we know it. 

I hope and pray we don't have any fires this summer but being prepared helps. 

Fortunately, in the 15 years of living here, we have not had a mandatory evacuation. When my folks lived here, they had one mandatory evacuation. We've come close a few times but I think we're okay. What I get concerned with is the wind. That can take out any housing area, even in the larger suburbs. 

The thing to remember is, we have no control over that. At any time, a disaster can hit. But God tells us not to worry and while I can have a healthy concern, worry does nothing for me but give me ulcers! 

Trust me, in my younger years I was a compulsive worrier and I had stomach issues due to obsessive worrying. After years of therapy, I finally get it. I have no control. I can only do what I can. 

I hope to have it all completed by mid-March. 

I used to love grocery shopping. Lately, I dread it. Eggs have gone down to around $8.00 a dozen. But other items are so high, that I stand there and question myself,

 "do we really need this?"

And then I put it back. Yogurt is high but my lactose intolerance is getting worse as I get older and yogurt doesn't bother my tummy.  I noticed at my store, the meat and poultry section was not as fully stocked as it used to be. Tomorrow I am going to go to the butcher - I want a chuck roast so I can cook it and shred it for my enchiladas. We will eat at least 2 nights and lunch on that meal.

I love pumpkin pie - and I did not get my fill, during the holidays. So I've been looking for canned pumpkin and nada. Today I got the last can of Libby's canned pumpkin. I had to dig for it. I want to make it tomorrow. Then I will be nicely satisfied till October. 

That's it for me today. I hope your day is good. 



A High Gas Bill, A Cold Kitty, and Etiquette

I thought this was a pretty night sky the other evening. 

We had some good solid rain on Sat night - I enjoyed it. I've been keeping the house quite cool after getting my PG&E bill - It went up $163 in one month. Plus my electric bill went up by $90. I'm turning the heat off at night - throwing an extra blanket on the bed - and keeping the house at 67 during the day. It's not so bad, once you get used to it and I sleep better in cold temps anyway - although I do seem to be aching more. In the evening, I microwave a heating gel pack and place it under the blanket when I am sitting on the sofa and it really helps. 

Of course, Susie really knows how to keep warm. She covers her little face and nose. She has been laying very close to me at night in bed and one night she wanted under the covers. During the day, she gets in between the covers on the bed - and the bed has been made - So you go in, and see this "lump" on the bed. The other day, she stayed there all day. 

I'm always grateful when my dear husband helps out with the dishwasher - I've been noticing that the smaller salad forks (as well as the teaspoons) are always with the bigger ones in the silverware drawer.  All piled up on top of each other. I finally asked him about it and he says he can't tell the difference. and,

"Why do we have so many forks and spoons?"

I showed him, there was a difference in size. He wasn't impressed. 

"Why do we have to have those little forks anyway?" 

I told him, one is a salad fork and the other is a dinner fork.  He doesn't get it.  

Am I the only one who uses the smaller fork for a salad? 

Salad Forks vs Dinner Forks

My mom was very big on etiquette at the table, with the napkin on her lap, no elbows on the table, the dinner plate, the salad plate - cup and saucer, etc. So I picked it up from her, from a young age by setting the table. I don't recall her ever actually sitting me down to teach me. 

I don't think younger people even know about table etiquette anymore and I've noticed. Sometimes I feel like I am a dinosaur. All the things I was taught or picked up on as a child, are of no use anymore. 

I could put away half of the forks since they never get used by anyone except for me. Makes it easy on the husband when putting it all away. 

Here's one:  Cloth napkins, paper napkins, or a paper towel? 

I prefer cloth napkins for special dinners but for day-to-day, I tear off a piece of paper towel and use that as my napkin.