Hodgepodge - and snakes


It's Wednesday and that means HODGEPODGE!  

This is where Joyce, at From This Side of the Pond, asks fun and thought-provoking questions, and bloggers provide their thought-provocating answers on their own blogs. It's fun - Try it! 


1. April 13th is National Scrabble Day...are you a fan? Do you enjoy word games in general? 

I used to work crossword puzzles - and do them on occasion. I think I played Scramble years ago. I'd have to re-learn all the rules etc. 

What's an eight-letter word that tells us something about your life currently?

I'm a fairly happy and contented person but I admit I am troubled with what is going on around the world and within our country. It's a mess. Things are changing so fast that it makes my head spin. Like what??? Institutions telling us, what words we can use - Sorry, not sorry - I've never been a follower. I have always walked to the beat of my own drum and will continue to do so. 

2.  Do you have a junk drawer? Is it full? Do you know what's in it? What's in it? 

We had one growing up - I can still remember it - to the side of the kitchen cabinet - just before going out the sliding glass door. It held everything. So of course, when I moved out, I had to have a junk drawer. Every place I lived at, had a junk drawer. They carried the usual junk drawer stuff. A hammer, rubber bands, thumbtacks, etc. 

When we first moved in here - my folks had his/hers - 2 junk drawers in the kitchen.  that we kept. I was constantly stuffing kitchen tools in crowded drawers and a few years ago, decided I no longer wanted a junk drawer. 

Now I no longer have a junk drawer or two. We have trained ourselves to put things back where they belong. What a concept!  I have gained 2 additional drawers for my baking utensils. Now I use my desk in the office for things I used to keep in the kitchen and we have a toolbox in the laundry room for quick household fix-ups. 

Now I do have that key box I mentioned the other day - that needs to be cleaned out and organized with only the keys and garage remote control and that's it. It doesn't need every key we've ever had - it doesn't need empty key chains, and it doesn't need business cards! 

3. When does time pass quickly for you? When does it pass slowly? 

When I am working on a craft or home project - the time flies for me. I forget to even eat. I get so engrossed in my project that I lose track of time. 

When I am extra excited about something that I will have to wait on; like when the Lord comes back to take up His church. These days, I have been thinking a lot about that - 

4. These eight vegetables are in season during spring-asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, collard greens, garlic, and herbs. What's your favorite? Is any on the list you refuse to eat? Last one on the list you ate? 

I love all of the above-mentioned vegetables. My favorite is garlic. California loves its garlic and we're not afraid to use it. In the United States, California is the major garlic-producing state followed by Oregon and Nevada. The two most prevalent varieties grown commercially are California Early and California Late. Garlic is marketed as a fresh or dehydrated product, or as a certified seed.

On Easter, I made Scalloped Potatoes Alfredo. I used 5 garlic cloves! It was delicious. I put garlic in just about everything - 

There is even garlic ice cream and it's not that bad! 

And if you ever wanted to make it yourself, here's a good recipe. 



5. What's the oldest thing you own? Tell us about it. 

I have many old items that I own - I inherited my mom's old things as well as my grandma's old things - too numerous to mention every single one. 

I do have a wooden clock that belonged to my Grandma and Grandpa in Tennessee that was given to them as a wedding gift back in 1914. 

The above glass belonged to my 2nd great-grandmother. 

You know, this would be a good post - for later. I'll have to think about that. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Look what we found in our yard yesterday...

We have 2 of them - They are common around here- people call them Red Racers and Rosy boas but they are really sharp-tailed snakes. They are good guys - that eat snails and slugs! 

Do you have any resident snakes in your yard? 

We're starting to show signs of spring - everywhere but the temps are unseasonably cold. It's 58 right now...brrr but nice in the sun. 

The Sweet Gum is leafing out nicely. 

Silly Laydee, feels she has to protect me from anything that moves on the other side of the fence. 

She has a toy in her mouth and she shakes it and growls - it doesn't scare anyone away; if anything they giggle which makes her shake it even more. 

"I'll protect you, Mom, from that teeny tiny dog they are walking."

Yesterday I went to my orthopedic surgeon appointment. He checked me out by manually manipulating my shoulder and estimating my range of motion and strength. The X-ray usually doesn't show soft tissue rotator cuff tear but with a trained eye (he has 33 years of experience) he saw an abnormality with the structure of the bone that would indicate there might be a tear there that only an MRI would determine. So now they are sending it to Medicare - for authorization. Meanwhile, he said no cortisonne shot because if it is a tear and I eventually have to have surgery it can make things worse. However, physical therapy has been prescribed twice a week for 4 weeks. 

I really believe that will work. 

My husband has been having problems with his shoulder - in fact just the other day he tweaked his right shoulder so now both are bothering him. I tell you we are a mess. 

We were the last appointment so he asked my doctor if he works with the VA and if he could order the initial x-ray that the VA never ordered. It's been more than a year now...They just have him doing his own PT at home. He's not getting any better and now with both shoulders, it's time for a second opinion. He works with the VA all the time - so today he went in for X-rays on both shoulders. 

Did I mention, we are both a mess? 

So we will wait and play it all by ear - no use in us, wasting time trying to figure out how this is going to work if I need surgery and he needs surgery. Most likely since I am not in as much pain as he is, I will wait. Just the manual manipulation the Doctor did on my shoulder, the arm/shoulder feels better so that's why I believe the physical therapy will bide me some time. 

Well, that is it for me today. 

Take Care, 


So Let It Be Written, So Let It Be Done


Happy Monday. It is a glorious and sunny day. It actually feels like spring! 

It's about time. 

We are going over and feeding our grand kitties while Navy and Sara are away for a few days. They went to a Sacramento Kings / Golden State Warriors basketball Game and then to San Francisco for a coveted Giant /Dodger game tonight. 

They'll be home tomorrow evening. 

The first evening, we forgot the key - so my husband, not wanting to drive back to get it, tries to break in. 

I'm happy to report that we couldn't break in. Everything is secure and locked up. 

Then he tried to conform his body to the doggie door. 

Nope, sorry Dude - all that extra poundage from an extra long cold winter, has made that impossible. 

Not to mention, Navy put some barrier on the inside so even a raccoon can't squeeze in like before. 

So we drove back home - and looked for that key. It had been over a year since we used the key - because they had family living with them. We didn't want to have to call them - fortunately, we did find it. In a key box - that my husband has placed so many unlabeled keys that it is overwhelming to just open it up. Their key had a red paw print on it - so once we dug down, we saw it. But the key box needs a spring cleaning. 

What is it with some men? They keep every key they've ever had. I know my dad did. 

The only one that came out to greet us, was Harry when we first came in. He's the younger one. Ed has issues. Ed has ALWAYS had issues. He does that spooky cat growl when you find him on the bed - He's so darn adorable but I let him have his way, after all, it's not fun for them to stay home alone when they are used to their mommy and daddy. 

Tomorrow I go in to get my x-ray on my shoulder. It's all just formality. The X-ray won't show anything.  I'm hoping for physical therapy because I respond well and always have. Of course, you have to put in the work. 

We're hoping to go out to lunch as well. 

Easter was nice - The husband went to the Sunrise service and I was planning to, but Saturday night I didn't sleep well due to my shoulder. I did go back at 10am to fulfill my greeter duty and attend the service. Later in the afternoon, Foodie and Char came for dinner. 

When they left we finished watching the 10 commandments - a tradition! 

So Let It Be Written, So Let It Be Done

That's it for me this Monday. Have a great evening. 


Before and After photos of Shasta Lake

Before - 

Shasta Lake

After - 

The State experts told us it was impossible. It wouldn't happen. 

I guess they aren't as smart as they want us to think they are. 


The Pit River Bridge - officially the Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial Bridge


The bridge, carrying Interstate 5 on its upper deck and Union Pacific Railroad on its lower deck

We were starting to get used to our unique moonscape topography 

but this looks the way it should. 

 All photos are from our city's Instagram page. 

The State "experts" are now saying that most of the state is out of drought except for my area, the northeast part of California, and the desert. How can they say this? We are 138% above normal. 

Lake Orville - is 98 miles south of us. 

The gaps will fill up with the snow melt later...

Around the house - things are growing, a bit later than usual. 

Woodpecker Art. 

The primroses look happy. They don't do well in 100-degree weather so this is a good time for them. 

The pomegranate tree is leafing 

The incense cedar tree just now leafing out. Usually, this is done in late Feb to early March. 

The almond tree made it - we'll see if we get any almonds this year. Almond trees grow best in climates with hot summers and low humidity, which we have here, and why they are predominately grown here in California. A spring frost can damage the almond tree's flowers, so we're still not 100% we'll have almonds this year at our place. 

By this time I have planted flowers - I'm laying back and waiting for the rains to go before I start planting. 

Tomorrow I go in to get an x-ray on my left shoulder - yep I have said - NO MORE SURGERIES for me - 

Tell that to my shoulder/arm. I have a high pain tolerance but something is not right.  I've been coping with on-and-off pain for a few months. It's weird though - as soon as they called and got me all scheduled, it feels better!

Am I cracking up? 

Tomorrow - xRay and Tuesday, I see the Doctor. 
My advice to myself: 

Don't overthink it - just get it checked out and go from there. 


Hope all is well with you. 


Hodgepodge - To Ham or not to Ham


Thank you to Joyce for providing once again, another thought-provoking Hodgepodge; which I find myself looking forward to completing.   If you want to join in - go to her blog From This Side of the Pond. 

1. What would you say is the most difficult task when it comes to spring cleaning? Have you completed that task this year? Any plans to get it done?

Okay so don't throw a shoe at me or gag on a spoon - but I enjoy spring cleaning all year and I enjoy it. We are either the dirtiest people or the cleanest! 

The most difficult task would be cleaning the vaulted ceilings we have in our living/dining and kitchen area. So I've given up - that's why I made my peace with spiders. We have an agreement - they can eat the mosquitos and flies as long as they don't jump on me or my guests. In fact, I may even dedicate our home to a spider sanctuary. I have to admit, I don't have an issue with them. They are pretty much sight unseen and they leave me such pretty delicate webs. 

Halloween is especially nice at our house when all the webs are out on full display. We do draw the line with poisonous spiders because you just can't trust them to follow the rules. 

2. Your favorite pastel color? Favorite thing you own in a pastel shade? 

Lavender is my favorite color period. I also like the seafoam greens, and robins' egg blue. 

3. Do you like ham? Do you fix ham year round or is it mostly just a 'holiday food'? Baked ham-ham and eggs-ham and cheese sandwich-scalloped potatoes and ham-Hawaiian pizza....what's your pleasure? 

I'm okay with ham. I fix a ham during the holidays and occasionally outside of a holiday. I like a nice thinly sliced lean ham on a Hawaiian roll with some honey mustard. I don't like ham in my scalloped potatoes. After the main meal, we will have ham and eggs and perhaps I will do a US Senate Bean soup with ham. I don't buy a big ham because I don't care for leftovers that last more than the day after. 

4. Do you celebrate Easter? What did Easter look like when you were a kid? What are your plans for Easter this year? 

As I mentioned earlier, my family was not religious - so Mom would dress us up and have this Easter photo shoot complete with an Easter Basket (That I still have) Then I'd get into more comfy clothes and play with all my other heathen friends in the neighborhood.  I really did not know what I was missing. 

Once when I was in high school, a Catholic friend of mine invited me to her house on Good Friday. She said they pray. I thought, "Cool." Her mom closed all the curtains in the house, and we all spent 3 hours in quiet contemplation. Oh occasionally she would glance over at me, make a face and we'd giggle. It made an impression on me. I came home asking my Mom all sorts of questions. 

Sunday, I will be a greeter - and then my husband's daughter, Char, and Foodie will join us for dinner and YES, we'll have ham. 

5. Something that makes you feel hopeful amidst all the chaos and confusion this world brings? 

I believe in God's truth - so when I feel squeezed by the world I just read my bible. I also pray - it takes my eyes off of the circumstances and onto what I believe is eternal truth. I do not put my hope in people, places, or things. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Let me ask you...  Do you or have you ever known a person like this?  Would Mother Thersa fall under this? Maybe not because it says, they don't even realize it themselves. What if we are, and we just don't know it? Is that even possible? 

Okay, I'm done here - more like a deep random thought...

Take Care,


Blogger issues I am having and Easter memories

This only happens on my iPhone, where I used to - comment and comment back on my blog. I can't rely on that anymore, so it takes me having to get on the desktop, and reply, which is doable but I cannot do it quicker which frustrates me. 

The above is what I get on most of your blogs - I clicked on "Learn More." and tried to remedy the issue on my phone's browser to no avail. I tried signing out and then signing back in - turning my phone off and then on again. 

NADA - Nothing! 

There are a few that I am able to at least comment on as Anonymous; which I don't do... 

Instead, I put my name and my blog link instead so you know who it is.  

This is why I seem to be late in my comment to some of you - if I get the first notice. The others I can at least comment. Sometimes I am a couple posts behind. 

Happy Monday and Happy April. 

Saturday the husband and his daughter went to the Reptile and Snake Expo. She loves snakes and loves to handle them. They sent me a photo of her holding this 50lb yellow snake - wrapped all around her. 

It was something I wish I had not seen. It gave me the willies. I made my husband take a shower and throw his clothes into the wash after he came home. I have nothing against snakes - but I think it's better to leave them in the wild. Actually, I think, it's a bit cruel for the snake. But what do I know?  I'm not as afraid of snakes as I used to be - I still won't handle one or even touch one. I'm not interested. 

I do like geckos, lizards, tortoises, and turtles - and I like spiders as long as they don't jump on me. I especially am intrigued by Tarantulas. I had a friend when I was a kid, who had a pet Tarantula. 

Miss Buster (RIP) 

I prefer my pets to have fluffy fur and hair. Gosh, I miss this cat - It's been about 3 years now. She was the sweetest cat ever. 

Saturday morning we went over to see a Marine Corps Art Show. That was interesting and there were 2 of them to talk about their painting that depicted scenes from their war experiences. 

This week I have 2 special dinners to complete. Today I went out and bought the fixings for Wednesday evening. Probably Friday I will go out and buy the food for Easter. Foodie and Char (my husband's daughter) are the only ones coming for dinner. Navy and his wife will be on vacation. 

I'm working the doors at church on Easter Sunday. 

Do you all dress up for Easter? I attend a non-denominational church or as my Pastor calls us, "a Mutt church" where we have recovering people from all denominations. It's laid back - and I prefer that. It's fine too if you want to get all dressed up - no one really cares one way or the other. Many of the older seniors like to dress up in their Easter Best with even a hat. I don't dress like a slob - I just am casual. 

I didn't come from a church family. We were secular - but my mom always wanted to have us dress up - just to take a photo of us with our Easter Baskets. We never went to church as a family. The first time I sat next to my parents at church was on an Easter Sunday when Michael and Foodie were baptized in the San Francisco Bay. Mom sat there the whole time, feeling defensive - her body language said it all and she wouldn't attend the potluck we had at our house. They came later when most everyone had left. My dad wasn't that way but he succumbed to my mom. Dad was brought up as a Methodist - for a couple of generations back. He knew scripture and often quoted it to me. When he was in the Korean War he was in Seattle for a stopover and Billy Graham Crusade was in town and he went up after the invitation. Mom was always stubborn. 

Whoa I got a bit carried away with that, didn't I? I will finish it off by saying, I did have 2 grandmothers who wrote letters to me and sent me things - sowing the seed and praying for us. It may have taken a few YEARS and they were already passed, their prayers were answered - at least with me. 

Okay, that's enough down memory lane -

Hope you all have a great day/afternoon or evening. 



A March recap

Isn't that a special photo taken by the FORE team? (Friends of the Redding Eagles) Liberty and Guardian seem to be closer than ever - and were even seen mating. Guardian is also preparing the nest - could there be another clutch? That would be wonderful but it is doubtful. They're just doing what eagles do - Guardian misses caring for the nest...and incubating the egg with his mate, Liberty. 

After the first egg was damaged - the second egg was all they had and outsiders were trying to come into the nest to get at that egg. A big fight happened. 

Then we had snow - we normally never get snow. This March it snowed three times. It rained a lot as well. Not just rain but these big downpours that our already drenched land cannot hold on to. We were fortunate - we're a bit higher up. 

I did my first Hodgepodge - then a 2nd one and a third one

I looked for Leprechauns - didn't find any! 

I turned 69 years old - and made a huge decision - booked it and we're doing it. Just praying the weather holds. 

And then the other day, it all ended when their only egg basically exploded. Gasses built up inside, they say. 

What a crazy March we have had - I'm ready for what April has in store. 

Have a good evening - 



Hodgepodge - There once was a petite old gal from Cali

 Thanks to Joyce From This Side of the Pond, I am joining in yet another Hodgepodge. I think I may start to be a regular pretty soon. I'm enjoying them. 

1. Why do you blog? Have your reasons changed over time? 

I've always kept diaries when I was young. My therapist thought it would be a good way for me to get my thoughts out. Back in the late '90s, my first blog was on Yahoo 360 - then I went to Xanga and then over to Blogger. I especially like Xanga because you could set your audience to where some posts would be public and some would be for your readers and some would be just for me, like a personal diary. 

I've always enjoyed writing since I was old enough - and you would think that because I do, I am a talker. I am not a talker at all. In fact, I am a quiet person -  I just like more meaningful conservations. I am more of a listener than a talker. and I detest small talk. This is why my therapist suggested blogging to me - a way to creatively express myself. Lately, I do not feel I am creatively expressing myself. I feel as if I am in a rut. That is why, I have been thinking about retiring from blogging. So many have left. I find I have to be very careful as to what I post about. Readers nowadays, want fluff - and while I do enjoy that as well, I do have an inquiring mind and for the last few years I feel stifled. I'll be 70 next March so I may or may not continue after that. We'll see. I only have 50 followers - if that -  so I don't know why I care about losing any if I should change things up a bit. 

2. What's a typical Friday night look like at your house?

We observe my husband's tradition - we used to have a group of like-minded who joined with us every Friday night. Both here and when we lived in the San Francisco area. Sadly 3 in our group have passed on. Now we get together for biblical feasts and observances throughout the year. At times we attended the local synagogue but they are going down a different road. 

It is not a set-in-stone rule, that we choose to do this - but it is important to my husband and I knew this when I married him. 

3. Do you like donuts? Your favorite kind? How often do you treat yourself to a donut? Have you ever made homemade donuts? 

I love donuts. I have a weakness for glazed donuts and chocolate-covered donuts. I do not care for cake donuts only the yeasty ones that raise and are absolutely scrumptious. I eat jelly donuts at least once a year on Hanukkah. They are called Sufganiyah. 

I've never attempted to make them. I don't see myself in the future making them either. A good donut shop is all that is needed. 

4. How do you feel about shopping? Are you an online shopper? Catalog shopper? Brick and mortar shopper? Do you order groceries online or prefer to select items with your own two hands? 

I don't like to shop. Shopping for clothes is the worst. No, I take that back - shopping for bras is the worst! I tend to shop online as long as they have a good return policy and the returns are here in the USA. I've been burnt a few times, purchasing something that came from China and when I wanted to return it, the cost was more than the item. So now I check.

 Granted, I can't totally escape in-the-flesh-shopping for some things so what I do is get there as soon as the doors open. I like to get in and out, asap! I do enjoy shopping for wood at lumber places. Love the smell of wood and of course gardening centers. 

I ordered groceries online and had them deliver them one of two times during the pandemic - I didn't like it. 

5. Next week's Hodgepodge finds us somehow in the month of April, which just so happens to be National Poetry Month. Sum up (or tell us something about) your month of March in the form of a limerick. You can do it!! 

Oh man, do I have to? 

There once was a petite old gal from Cali

who demanded corned beef in her tamales

it rained and rained and rained

while she ate and ate and gained 

now she's our fat gal from Cali

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

First off, the term "Cali" is not how I refer to California. I never heard it used when I was a kid - it seemed more like a SoCal term and I was a San Franciscan. (Don't call us Frisco) Then tourists started using it to refer to the whole State and I believe it became more prevalent in the 1980s when there was a song, by LL Cool named "Cali." The term took off after that plus a new generation started using it and the rest is now history. 

I only used it for the limerick. As far as I am concerned I am a Northern Californian. 

I am finding I do reveal more about myself in these Hodgepodges that otherwise I wouldn't. It's like it gets my juices revved up and I start spilling the beans. 

I hope you have enjoyed -



It just wasn't their year

A hard loss for the local Eagle Community

Early this morning, at 2:48 am, the last egg burst - I didn't see it, nor do I want to watch it. It breaks my heart. 

I know nature can be cruel - but still...

The experts say,  It will take Liberty and Guardian a moment to process what has happened -  that they no longer have an egg to incubate. Liberty stayed in the nest for almost 10 hours in the pouring rain after the egg burst.  From the past, the eagles seem to move on from these tragedies & setbacks very quickly.

They don't know why the egg burst like that at 2:48 am this morning -  without sending the egg to a Wildlife Lab in Sacramento, we will never know exactly what happened to it. Liberty consumed the remains of the egg, which is normal behavior for eagles, so there isn't much left besides some eggshell at this point.

It is highly unlikely that a 2nd clutch would happen this season due to the short breeding season for bald eagles. But sometimes after losing a clutch an adult eagle pair will lay a second, replacement, or “double” clutch. That is still extremely rare and with the winter we have had - I doubt that will happen. 

As I have mentioned before, this winter, which is our rainy season here in California has been unusual - up and down the state, we've had a tornado, bomb cyclones, and atmospheric rivers - winds clocking at close to 100 mph, snow and more snow in low elevation areas. It's been crazy. Not just the weather, but Liberty and Guardian were constantly being harassed by younger adolescent eagles for territory - no doubt their own from previous years.  

Another storm has moved in - very cold. It did snow in Shasta Lake City - but not here. We're looking at more rain with maybe a day let up and then on to the next storm. 

It's historic. 

The old ancient lake (Lake Tulare) in the southern San Joaquin Valley is reemerging once again. It dried up in the late 1800s - was once the biggest lake west of the Great Lakes. Yes, even bigger than the Great Salt Lake. Back in 1879, the lake was 690 sq mi, and its size fluctuated due to varying levels of rainfall and snowfall. 

It's all very interesting to those like me who are California History Aficionados. I'd love to drive down and get some photos - but for right now it is probably dangerous and might be for a few months as the snows melt. The farmland down there is flooded. 

Well, that is all that I have for you today - Be well. 
