A Quiet Day

Oh, what a beautiful day - COLD but clear and sunny. 

A stiff frigid wind blows over the mountains into the valley.  Brrrr. 

A good day for cookies. 

The house was nice and quiet - just me, Laydee, and Susie.

Did some laundry.

Watched some of my crafting videos. 

Other than that, nothing exciting. 

Talk soon. 



Odds and Ends


Yesterday was such a beautiful sunny day and today is drab. But this is it for a while - looks like the storm door is closing to kindly allow us all to dry up. 

The husband decided to pick up some more hours at his part-time job to help pay for the new back fence. So he's working Thursday and Friday, 8-4 until further notice. That way, we won't get caught off guard financially when the back neighbor wants to build. I still believe with the cost of wood, we should wait but they are young and want what they want now.  When it comes to this, my husband is much nicer than I am. I'm just practical. The bracing on both sides is holding it up - it's more for aesthetics than anything. 

Shhh, don't tell anyone that I sneak over to my ex-brother-in-law's Instagram page to take a peek at my niece and nephew from time to time.  (His grandchildren) Here they are in December visiting their mother's grave. They have really grown in 2 years! 

We finally received our California Stimulus card yesterday. Funny because everyone I knew had received theirs 2-3 months ago. I was just starting to call them to find out where ours was, and then it came. This will go toward making 3 car payments. We're almost paid off. 

With my husband gone during the daytime, I will have 2 days a week for myself. Since he has retired, I crave these days alone; to be able to get things done. Last Friday I was able to get so much done. I have a few things on my, To-Do List that needs doing. 

Tonight the husband will make pizza - we usually do pizza on Fridays, but with him working now on Fridays I didn't want to ask him to make pizza. He's the resident pizza guy. We'll also watch Father Goose with Cary Grant on Amazon Prime. 

I guess we're on a Cary Grant roll...

A couple of evenings ago, we watched Operation Petticoat which I hadn't seen since I was a kid, so it was practically like seeing it for the first time. 

You can see this FREE on Youtube. This would be a good Valentine's movie! 

I've rambled on, long enough. Have a warm and cozy evening. 

A Lost Dog and $10.28 for eggs!

This is a pit/mix that was roaming unleashed in our neighborhood. It's been such a beautiful day and he just wanted to take a walk, I guess. 

So we made friends with him and brought him to our side yard. I then posted on the app, NEXTDOOR which is what we often do around here. 

Within an hour, his grandma found him. His name is Cooper and he was such a sweetheart who likes women better than men. Beautiful markings.  Grandma was dogsitting him at her place and he got out. He just lives down the street. She gave us her business card in case he should get out again. 

That was the BIG EXCITEMENT for the day. 

My husband said he would be willing to get some chickens for us to raise for the eggs- but then he said if I would allow him to do what his dad would do when they stop producing. 

I told him No. 

I would be loving on them; giving them names. 

No Way! 

 I remember when I was around three to four years old (it was a traumatic event) we were visiting my grandparents in Eastern Tennessee - they lived on a farm and I was playing with the chickens and holding and kissing them. Then grandma went out and picked up a chicken and...well you know the rest. 
Fried chicken for supper. 

I'll still buy eggs until we can't anymore. Our dog gets an egg a day and I'm not going to stop giving her what is so good for her. 
We save our egg cartons to give to a guy in my husband's bible study who has some chickens. So my husband is going to ask if we could buy from him. 

If not, I'm not going to worry about it. 

Here in California, they only sell cage free-hens (as of 2020-2021 when the law passed)  and the bird flu has killed 4 million cage-free hens. That is why California eggs are a bit higher than in other states. 

It's like, what are you going to do? I love eggs. .86 an egg is still a cheap protein - an inexpensive breakfast or lunch (I only eat one) 

What about you? Do you love eggs and will purchase them no matter how high they get? Have you cut down on your egg consumption? 


Early signs of Spring

Today is cloudy but no rain and it looks like significant storms are not in the forecast (at least for my area) for a week or more. It shows a small percentage of rain on Wednesday and after that we're dry. We need that too. People need to fix their blown-down fences and repair soggy roofs - 

We're starting to show some signs of Spring - and that is usually by mid-January certain flowers start blooming which always makes me happy. 

Even the daffodils...

I dug up the daffodils in my planter boxes on my fence and replanted them on the hill in the summer. Nothing from them yet - maybe the replanting, will delay them. They had stopped blooming in the front due to the shade from the trees. 

My Autumn Mums are still so pretty. 

So this is where we were - 

And this is where we are now. Out of the extreme drought zone.


It was nice to get out and not battle the rain and wind. 

Snow on the mountains looking west. 

Mt Shasta and Mt Lassen haven't shown themselves lately but I know from the ski resorts and the news, they have a generous snowpack on them. 

I always enjoy it when there is no one out but me. 


I saw this and wanted to share the difference a month makes. 

Snowed under! 

The Harshness Of Winter 
by Patricia Cisco

Winter's sleep so close to death,
piercing with his arctic breath.

Brittle, naked limbs stretch high
in the icy pewter sky.

Bitter chill and stinging wind,
quiet earth grows gray and grim.

Polar pillows full of snow
hover over valleys low.

Veils of frozen crystal falls,
cascade over mountain walls.

Squalls and drifts of sparkling white,
glistening brilliance in the night.

Winter, with his wicked wrath,
leaves blinding beauty in his path!


Laying Around

We're not used to this weather - 

it's been a long time since we have had a normal/healthy rainy season. It reminds me of when I was a kid and my dad was a contractor  - when he was home, due to rain - he was cranky. When my dad's company was unable to work, that meant no money coming in. 

Poor Laydee - she would prefer to be outside. Even though she is a lab, who loves to swim and loves the snow - she doesn't like the rain and the wind. In between sunbursts, we hurry up and take her for a walk. 

Yesterday I finally got my flu shot that I kept putting off or forgetting. 
I got the last dose.

source: CHP 

We really are in good shape after these storms. (More is on the way) I try not (doesn't mean I never battle with that) to be scared or frightened - it does me no good and it won't change anything. Some things are just out of our control. All we can do is prepare the best way we can. 

Like Wildfire scares me - and heavy winds the most. At least I don't have to think about that for a few more months. Even then, we just learn to live with it and do what we can do. 

God, grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with Him forever in the next.

I talked Foodie into seeing the Doctor if he doesn't get better in 3 weeks. That would be a total of 6 weeks. He did say he sees a little improvement - he can at least breathe now without extreme pain. If he sneezes or coughs, it still hurts. 

If he breaks that promise, I will whip out my Mommy card - He can be stubborn. Then again, I have been known to be stubborn a few times in my life. 

One good thing - gas is back to its normal price in town - we're at 3.46 - That's normal for us. So if the weather wasn't so bad, we'd take a drive but we have no business out driving in all of this. That's what gets your picture on the news! 

That's about it - just staying home and doing what I can here. My husband loves his new recliner chair. It's so big and takes up a lot of space. 

 Talk later -


Craving Chinese food

Susie walks on the high ledge that separates our living room and kitchen. 
Then she stares at us - 

...and stares. 

She did that for about 5 minutes -

Silly cat.

source: Asia Trend

It's almost that Time of Year Again. 

I know why I am craving Chinese food - Jan 22 is Chinese New Year! 

When I was a child in San Francisco, the Chinese New Year was one of the best times while in school. Good memories. For here, it was the equivalent of Mardi Gras since that is not observed here. When I was older, I attended a few parades in Chinatown. Fun fun fun but I doubt if I will ever go back again. It was always crowded with people - now it's even more. No thank you! I don't do crowds anymore if I can help it.  

I haven't had good Dim Sum in a long time. For those who don't know, Dim Sum is a breakfast or brunch meal that serves up a bunch of small Chinese dishes that are small plates from rolling carts instead of a standard menu. It's more like a rolling menu. It's like grazing - it's fun and family oriented. Back in the day, I had a good friend who was born and raised in Hong Kong and she knew all the good places. It was fun going with her because she could speak the language.  

 There are pork dumplings, various steamed buns, pot stickers, and egg rolls. Dim sum is also accompanied by a small tray of condiments, which usually includes sesame oil, fermented black beanssoy sauce, and other similar ingredients in which the food can be dipped. There's always a good assortment of meat and seafood dishes. Always start it with a pot of tea and I finish off with an egg tart. 

Instead, I think we'll do some Chinese, the closer to the 22nd - at a place here that serves good food. Yummm, I'm thinking Beef Broccoli (since I made a mess out of mine) or Cashew chicken with some vegetable chow mein, a won ton soup, and mu shu vegetables. 

I told you I am craving it. And with the price of eating out soaring in price, Chinese food is still a pretty good bargain. 

What is your favorite Chinese or Asian type food? Do you prefer to take out or eat at a restaurant when eating Chinese food?

This and That

A waterlogged California Poppy

We haven't had rain for such a long time, that while I am thankful for this blessing,  I am feeling couped up and not used to it. I need some Vitamin D. We've had some heavy winds and heavy rain. When walking across the lawn, it's squish squish squish. 

The poppy bushes are spreading and are getting big. They love this type of weather. Just in time for a beautiful spring show.

Some native flowers are loving the moisture.


Tomorrow I go to my doctor for my annual prescription refills. Then I will go to the store after to pick up what grocery items, I should have included. This time I remembered my list - I just forgot to add the items that I had forgotten. 

Last night I made Beef Broccoli and somewhere along the line I messed up - 
I didn't care for it but my husband still ate it. 
I have to start writing what is in my mind down - the sauce was off. Not enough ginger and too much of something else. There are some standbys, I just never had a "recipe" for. I just knew...I'm thinking I can't do that anymore. 

Very disappointing. It's one of my favorites. 

I am still waiting to hear back from CASA - to volunteer as a Court Appointed Special Advocate - I signed up last month and am still waiting for someone to call me. I feel I'd be a natural after 30 years of teaching, raising, and advocating for other people's children as an early childcare professional and then a Nanny. 

If it happens, then it will happen. If it doesn't, then it doesn't. 

I believe a while ago, when I mentioned this, there were a couple of bloggers who have done this before...

Nicotiana obtusifolia

Desert Tobacco is popping up all over my saturated yard. Even in some flower pots. A California native that has a white flower. 

I forgot to mention that Foodie, was roughhousing with some of his buddies and injured his ribs. No doubt alcohol was involved. On Christmas Eve he was in pain but he won't go to the doctor. Why is it some men are this way?  He says he is fine but he still has pain. I believe it happened a week or two before Christmas. I guess it takes a while to heal bruised ribs. 

Navy is the same way - he just doesn't like going to the doctor. Maybe that is why he married a nurse! 

That's it for me on this blustery afternoon. 

Wet and Cloudy - no complaints

We're a bit waterlogged but that's okay. 

Last night we had some good-sized winds - we had to run out and take down bird feeders and wind chimes, the flag, and decorative pieces on the patio as well as tie back the curtains.  

No complaints though about the weather. It is still early in California's rainy season. I still think other places had it worse than we did.

I'm glad the blog is now updating - I had to go to Feedburner and "refresh" it. I guess 2023 has entered me into new blog issues. Yesterday I was unable to comment on anyone's blog. It wouldn't do anything. A few hours later I was promoted to anonymous.  On this blog, I was unable to reply to my own commenters. Today I can only comment when using my desktop - not my phone. 

I baked my favorite cake - a yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Simple. I use Trader Joe's yellow cake mix. It reminds me of the yellow cakes my mom would bake when I was a child. 

I made a yummy soup last night - 

We'll be eating this for lunch this week. Add some parmesan cheese on top and some crusty bread and YUM! 

I watched church services online while my husband went to church - My body takes a while to un-rust on these cold rainy days. So I watched while I folded my laundry. Good sermon on contentment. I don't choose yearly words but if I did, I would choose contentment. 

That's it for me on this wet, cloudy Sunday. 


Pacifica, Storms and more frustrating BLOGGER issues

This is Pacifica - 

For decades this part of the town I grew up in has been eroding away.  


We're wet - but all is well. I am so happy I no longer live in the Bay Area. Places I lived have flooded - roads have caved in. Up here, we see minor road flooding, and certain pockets that are prone to it but for the most part, nothing dramatic! 

Granted there are always the dumb and curious, who decide they want to go kayaking in the middle of a huge storm (atmospheric river) and need to be rescued. I saw this one video with a healthy young guy who was "stranded." 

All these rescue workers had to get into a boat to rescue him - the water came up to their crotches if that high. They all had smiles on their faces because they knew how ridiculous it all looked. Local news crews were there filming. Even the young guy being rescued had a sheepish grin. 

Image by Freepik

Apparently, my post feed is not updating recent posts. I didn't change anything. It just happened. At the same time, I had disappearing posts - and other annoying effects. 

How are you getting my posts? By email? Using the Blogger reader or do you have my blog in your sideline widget? Is it updating? 

Hopefully, now it is - or maybe not. It might be a couple of days until I can figure it all out. 

Oh well, it's just a blog - not the end of the world. 



Free chair, WordPress and RSS Feeds

 Free is good! 

A gentleman in my husband's bible study is redecorating his home and offered this chair, free of charge and he even threw in free delivery! 

We'll take it! 

I've always been the keeper of other people's stuff! Throughout the years I have received some really awesome pieces of furniture etc. Have you priced these recliners lately? They are too expensive - and in most cases, delivery is no longer free, at least around here it isn't. 

I just got back from the grocery store where eggs are now $9.14 and the cheapest brand of bacon is $6.49. I also bought the store brand mayo - Best foods, which I always buy had a brownish tinge to it - Well do a take-and-bake pizza from the pizza shop tonight for dinner - usually my husband makes pizza but lately I have given him a break. 

I sure hope everyone is fine - seems half of the bloggers I read regularly have not posted anything in a week or more. I know that nasty flu is going around. If you are one of them, just know you are missed and I hope you are well. 

I've been having some issues here on Blogger. Yesterday I impulsively went back to WordPress and opened up a blog with this name - clicked for them to transfer my domain and I exported this blog into the new one on WordPress. 

Then it was time to pick a theme - which I did. I had a WordPress blog a year or two ago but it has changed even in that short time. I honestly could not figure it out. It is not user-friendly for those over a certain age. I've always been a bit on the techy side, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure it out. Finally, after half the day, I deleted the blog, canceled the subscription and they refunded my money back. 

I guess I am stuck here on Blogger until they shut down or I die of frustration due to their many glitches - It's crazy - I can go months with everything running smoothly and then, WHAM - everything is acting wonky. 

I just want it simple - I do like to change things up a bit every couple of years - 

One thing new - I added was a way to sign up for email posts - 
I went with Follow It - (Thanks Denise

Easy peasy. It's free and you just add your blog URL and add the little widget they provide just for your blog. 

 I was on Bloglovin for years and had over 200 + followers - Bloglovin is/was platform that allows users to read, organize, and discover their favorite blogs on mobile and desktop using the RSS feed.  A new owner in 2018 and it has been going downhill ever since. More than half the time, it is down. 

I can't depend on Blogger and their reader - can't trust Bloglovin - So I need to always have options two, three, or four!

This blog post will self-destruct in 10 seconds...


Bomb Cyclone


Although it sounds very intimidating it's not the end of the world. It is an actual term in Meteorology defined as an intense midlatitude storm that has low pressure at its center and becomes a bomb when its central pressure decreases by at least 24 millibars in 24 hours. Simply put, it's an area of low pressure that intensifies rapidly. We used to call them BIG PACIFIC STORMS back in the day when we were dumb - 

 We had rain and gusty winds last night right in time for bedtime. Laydee was shaking like a leaf, and Susie ran up and down the hallway into the wee hours of the morning. At times it sounded like a freight train was coming. It also tapped into an Atmospheric River. Woke up, took a walk around the house and all is well. Lost one branch off one of the trees. 

Not the case in areas closest to the ocean. 

Such fun. 

Apparently, we have 3 Atmospheric Rivers back to back through next Monday blending into what looks like and will feel like one event. 

More fun. 

Source: Redding Buzz
Table Mountain near Oroville. 

The spring waterfalls are going to be magnificent. 

I'm hoping to be able to hike this come Spring with my husband along with our church hiking club. The trail that gets you to this point, is fairly easy. It's not like I would be climbing or repelling down those cliffs. 

I do need new hiking boots. 

Navy texted me a photo of Harry enjoying the cedar log we gave him for Christmas. 

Take care - I hope all is well. 

Embracing Winter

Like it or not,  God gives us winter. 

I enjoy winter for the most part. 

Since we rarely get snow, I like to pretend. 

I don't live in Alaska - 

but I still like to pretend during our mild winter months. 

I get out everything I can find that is wintery - this painting was painted for my folks by my dad's business partner from Germany. 

Actually, it looks more like early spring...

I still like to pretend. 

My late father-in-law gave this to me - He knew I loved wolves. 

I change out every season, what the Lab pup is playing with. This time, my husband suggested getting a styrofoam ball - to mimic a snowball. 

I found this little sign at Dollar Tree - 

which is a good reminder to do just that! 

and yes, those little fluffs of pretend "snow" are the white fluffy dusters from the Dollar Tree.