My yard; My happy place

The morning glories I planted late are blooming. 

I've read where they are annuals in other parts of the country. 

Here they survive unless we get rare snow and even then, it just kills off the foliage. 

They start back up once the temps get warmer. 

There is still so much to be done n the yards and the air is back to being healthy. 

I sat in the sun and loved every minute of it as it warmed my face. It has been a long time. We had extreme heat and then the fires, bad smoke, and unhealthy air. 

Today we have a slight breeze; nothing major. Just enough to make that nice sound of leaves rustling among the tall trees; letting us know that soon, the leaves will turn and fall as they are supposed to. They haven't changed colors yet. We need a couple of really cold nights - the leaves are dry just need that cold snap to give them notice to change. 


See the 2 bees? 

I still have about a dozen sunflowers and a few more to bloom. 

I am so glad I planted these later so I could have a Fall bloom. 

The Marguerite daisies are starting to bloom again. 

They have 2 blooming cycles. Spring/early summer and Fall into early winter. 

My California poppies bloom twice a year too. Just like daisies. 

Did some cutting and harvesting the head - 

Placed some around the yard for the birds - 

Some of the stems, were too hard for me to pull up - 

I pulled up what I could and cut them to size to fit in the refuse can. 

They resemble bamboo. 

The sunflowers are hanging in there

Once again, fire is threatening my community.  The Zogg Fire. We're all fine and I don't believe we are in any danger. We did finally make a purchase of a gas generator in case we lose power. We purchased a 9375/7500-Watt Electric Start Gas Portable Generator. I feel better prepared. 

My sunflowers are struggling, with the smoke. 

I have nursed these flowers since they were seedlings -

with a gleam in my eye of what was to become of them. 

They have been a JOY to my heart, this strange summer of 2020.

Maybe a couple more weeks - of sunflowers. 

Then it truly will be the end of summer. 

My Saturday garden


Every morning I can't wait to get out there and check what is new with my sunflowers. 

Nevermind that the rest of the yard is an overgrown mess. 

I planted this one in an orange home depot bucket.  

I have them everywhere. 

The lone, rust-colored sunflower. 

A pretty yellow one. 

Soon the oleanders won't be blooming as much. They LOVE our 100 heat. 

Our flowering Pomegranates - still produces. We have 3-4 trees. 

You dry these out and they look good in a bowl or included in a Fall wreath. 

I will have more zinnas soon. 

My BEAUTIFUL Autumn Beauty Sunflower


I feel as if I just gave birth - I'm so proud. My rust-colored sunflower finally bloomed. It was a package of mixed colors and all of them so far except this one are the standard sunflower yellow. I think this is gorgeous. 

These sunflowers are only 4-5 ft. I actually think I like them better than the Russian Mammouth.  Plus they have multiple flowers to one stem. 

I have quite a few that haven't opened up yet - They are so pretty. 

See the bee? They love my sunflowers. 

I'm so glad I had the foresight to plant a later batch of sunflowers for Sept 

and hopefully lasting into October. 

They bring me so much JOY.  They've been like my little friends this summer. 

Last Year/ This Year

Last Year 

Okay - maybe tomorrow will be the day I will start doing the things I need to do. I am having a hard time enjoying my favorite time of the year - Autumn. Last year at this time I was crafting and decorating and buying more stuff. 

I was organized  - I always like to do a Fall cleaning. I haven't started yet. By the looks of it, I can't say whether it will get done or not. That would be a shame because I know, the clutter will only make my FUNK more defined. I just can't seem to get up and go. 

Heck, even my dog Laydee was part of my Fall decorations. 

I went out shopping today - looked at all the Fall decor and some Christmas - It did not even MOVE me. I have enough stuff. 

I used to love to clean out my pantry - to get ready for the holidays. I haven't done that yet. 

My yards are a mess, due to the smoke and ash. 

I feel overwhelmed. 

To think I started this year on a good note - had my living room carpet shampooed in January. I was chomping at the bit to get 2020 started. I had crafts to make, seeds to plant, and flowers to spruce up my yard, and a wedding to go; my son was getting married on Leap Year - the 29th of Feb! 

Will I ever be, me again? 

I need my Mojo back. 

Sunday's garden update


This is a freebie from the birds - 

Sunflowers are even pretty from their backside. 

Anyday now - 

It may still be smoky outside but these sunflowers don't seem to be bothered by it. 

Beautiful and in spite of everything going on - I look upon them and I have to smile. 

Only a Creator God could make something so intricate yet delicate

Notice the multiple budding on one major stalk. These will be gorgeous when fully bloomed.

Hopefully tomorrow I can get out and do some cleanup. 



Not as bad as it was the other day - 

still not the kind of weather I want to be out in. 

Ash is falling from the sky. 

Not good to be out breathing that all inside especially with covid19 hovering about. 

Sunflower Autumn Beauty (Helianthus Annuus) 

This Sunflower Autumn Beauty mix produces blooms ranging in colors: gold, yellow, rusty red, burgundy, and bi-colors. The blooms range in size from 5 - 10 inches in diameter. 

The blooms range in size from 5 - 10 inches in diameter. Once established, Sunflower plants are somewhat drought and heat tolerant. They will flower mid-summer through fall. Birds are attracted to the seeds.

The rest of my sunflowers are spent - I just need to get out there and harvest the seed heads. 

A smokey Saturday


I wanted to share this the other day - on my Red Barns post, but couldn't find my photo. 

This barn is around the corner from where I live. Having always lived in a city/metro/urban area, seeing a barn so close to me, is a thrill.  I would cry if for any reason the barn had to be torn down. 

A droopy sunflower - kinda represents how I feel these days - BLAH!

This is that other variety of sunflowers - should be blooming soon and it won't be the classic yellow.

golds, browns, and oranges. 

Stunted sunflower - 6 ft tall with a little flower. 

Yes, I know...we need to scrape and paint our trim. It won't be happening this year. 

Marigolds seem to love the heat - So pretty. 


My mom's Ground Beef Enchiladas

 If I can't do major projects - 

I can at least cook. Made these last night for dinner. Simple and easy. 

My favorite enchilada is shredded beef. 

Every family has its own unique recipe for simple enchiladas. As a child, I lived in San Francisco and our neighborhood was mostly Hispanic. Our next-door neighbor used to make homemade corn or flor tortillas and hand them out as a snack to the neighborhood kids. Sometimes warm with butter! I haven't had one since, that was as tasty. 

I just use a standard enchilada sauce from a can. Hey, I never said I was a gourmet. I can't get the sauce right when I have attempted to do it from scratch so I gave up. I switch back and forth - last night I used La Victoria. 

Something I learned after much trial and error is to not over sauce your tortilla - it will fall apart. The sauce it has on it after frying the tortilla is sauce enough - I put some sauce in the meat mixture and the bottom of the pan. I heat it up in the oven and then place the heated sauce on top, just before serving. It's just for my husband and me - it's not like I am feeding a restaurant. 

I also use stone-ground yellow corn tortillas - they hold up better when fried and sauced. I used 

Mi Rancho. They were local when I lived in Redwood City. 

I use pepper jack cheese - NEVER cheddar! I add fresh onions and some sliced black olives. 


I can post pretty photos of my garden but the TRUTH is -

inside, my house is a mess. At least it is to me. 

With a temporarily disabled husband - out with a broken toe, things are piling up. He keeps a clutter of things piled next to him and that drives me nuts. The backyard is incomplete - weeds are growing on the hill that is too big for me to pull out and between the heat or unhealthy air due to the smoke, I need some help here - Hopefully, he will be cleared by Sept 17. 

I hate to spend money on a gardener or a housecleaner. I can do it - I'm just backlogged. and running out of time. It may be in the 100's now but when Fall comes, it usually brings a bit of winter with it.  I just paid for a teenager to mow the backyard for $20. He did an okay job. It already needs to be mowed again...

I lean toward being a minimalist inside my house. If I could get by with it, I'd go extreme

In my old age, I want clean, no clutter, and hardly anything to dust. 

When I was a young mommy, I was into all the country decorating stuff and my house was clean but cluttered with knick-knacks. I loved it back then - now, not so much. I like it a little, I just don't know if it is for me anymore. I've thrown out most of that old stuff a couple of years ago. Dust bothers me and too much clutter only breeds more dust. Plus my house has to be the dustiest house ever! Next year I want my ducts cleaned out. 

I miss when we were actively cleaning up and painting and doing work on our home. 

Painting the interior of the house, 5 or more years ago. 

Installing wood flooring in the hallway. 

I love doing home projects and I fear he is getting sick of it. The man needs a break. Me? I'm a workaholic when it comes to fixing up my house. I think it's my favorite hobby! 

A few years back I painted all the kitchen cabinets.

 I added beadboard paintable wallpaper on the cabinet doors. 

It turned out nice and I must get a recent photo - with all the changes. 

Last year, we changed out the disgusting white Formica for wood countertops. 

Yeah, I miss having a project to do. 

However, we need to get the place uncluttered after 6 mos of quarantine - 

if we do want to pursue our next project. 

I feel my age and it's frustrating not being able to do all that I want to do.